EWW: The Wand

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A plastic wand drops from the cereal box
Gumball: Gasps A plastic magic wand.
Gumball and Darwin: Sweeeet!
Gumball picks up the wand
Darwin: Make a wish!
There is no way 12 and 10-year-old boys would expect a toy wand to work. Ik mean they literally said it was plastic. They should know better than this.

Aka, writers make Gumball (and Darwin) uncharacteristically stupid cliché +1

Darwin: Make a wish!
Gumball: I wish I had six eyes.
Why...why of all things would he wish for three eyes? Why would he ever want something like that? +1

Richard: I wish that sausages would fly into my mouth. Opens mouth, but nothing happens Mom, I made a wish on the wishbone but nothing happened.
Granny Jojo: What did you think, that it was gonna come true? Magic isn't real.
Richard: Gasps You mean, it's a fraud?
Granny Jojo: Yeah, it's a fraud.
Why would Granny Jojo just straight-up tell her son something like this? Way to ruin the fun and illusion for him. +1

Also, why is she still old in this flashback? +1

Richard: And I didn't stop screaming for fifteen years.
He says he screamed for 15 years straight but we know this can't have been true as we've seen many other flashback scenes,  before and after this episode, ncluding two other versions of his and Nicole's wedding , Richard as the Cottontail Cavillier and when he and Nicole met, all of which he wasn't screaming in  +5

Gumball: You know what this means, Darwin. We'll have to make sure all of Dad's wishes come true.
Darwin: Why?
Gumball: Because if we don't, he'll never be able to believe in anything again. And he might go crazy and start screaming. We'll have to make sure he thinks that wand is real!
Darwin: Yeah!
Okay, I have to take some sins off for the premise of this episode alone. An entire episode about Gumball and Darwin going out of the way just to make their Dad happy is such a simple and adorable idea. -25

Richard: Uh... Ooh, I wish for sausages to fly into my mouth.
Hah, I love how the very first wish he makes is the exact same wish he made back then too -1

Richard is pleased by this. Meanwhile, Gumball swallows the water, making him fat. Darwin pokes Gumball, who then vomits out all the dirty water onto him, returning to his normal size. Darwin is covered in dirty water
Somehow none of this water leaked out from the cupboard +5

Pancakes start falling from the house. Richard walks in circles happily. Meanwhile, Darwin is picking up pancakes for Gumball to throw from the attic
How is he making that many pancakes that quickly? +1

Richard: I wish... I wish I had... A monster truck.
A monster truck drives in
Richard: Yeah, a monster truck T-Shirt!
Darwin pats the monster truck, and Gumball drives in reverse
How the fuck did Gumball get a monster truck, especially that fast? +5

Also, how did he even know how to drive it? +1

Also also, how did he even get it into the house? +1

Gumball: Covers mouth and talks quietly]Come on Darwin, just do what I do. Pretends he can't see Richard Where's Dad? I wonder where he's gone. Pointing Look, he left his wand floating in mid-air.
Darwin: He's here.
Gumball: Come on, Darwin. Let's go and find him.
Darwin: But he's here!
Gumball: Grabs Darwin and takes him off-screen  Darwin!
Richard doesn't hear Darwin saying this, despite him sitting right next to him. +1

Gaylord: Groans Not again. Covers Margaret's eyes Mr. Watterson! Would you kindly refrain from offending my wife's eyeballs with your public display of vulgarity?
Public display of vulgarity? He's in his underwear dude, there's nothing 'vulgar' on display. +1

Richard: Giggles Love spell!
Romantic music plays, as Gumball and Darwin nervously laugh and awkwardly hug each other
Okay, that was oddly homoerotic. Which when the two of them are brothers is a bit of a problem +10

Gumball: It was us... We have been making it happen right from the start. I hope you're not mad at us.
Richard: You mean... you two kids spent the whole day making incredible wishes come true? You did all that for me?
Gumball and Darwin: Of course!
Richard: Even when I made your butt kiss his face and his face kiss your butt, you did that for me?
Gumball and Darwin: Mmm-hmm!
Richard: Oooh, come here and give me a big hug!They all share a long hug
Awwwww -5

Richard: But hang on! If you were making my wishes come true, doesn't that mean Wanda the Wonderful Wand of Wonder is a fraud?
Gumball and Darwin: Uh... yeah.
They tell him this despite knowing what happened the last time he found out magic was fake.  I mean they could have said that Wanda was a fake but that they're sure there's still real magic wands out there (which we later find out there actually are) to assure him a little +5

Gaylord: Laughs, picking up the wand It's mine! The power is all mine! Points wand at his wife I wish you didn't have that ridiculous haircut!
Margaret growls
Gaylord: ... I wish I hadn't said that.
Hahahaha -1

Total Sins: 9

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Poltergeist (128)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

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