"Thanks, love~" the alchemist slipped out of the embrace as he sat up with little difficulty. He gave a sigh before he slid of the bed and walked into the bathroom.

Akira gave a soft hum. "Alright, just try to wash yourself before noon. I'll bring you some snacks and drinks when I am finished with work." She leaned down to kiss her softly.

*Zatsu nodded as she kissed her lover back.*

The woman gave a smile in their kiss as she parted their lips. "Love you and rest well~" she muttered as their lips parted.

Tomura looked into the mirror as he had finished washing his hands. He looked at his shirt. Something seemed off. The man stared at himself for a few minutes before he pulled it up to reveal that his chest was a bit bigger than he could remember the last time he inspected it. It wasn't a lot, his chest just popped out more. 'Huh...' he turned on his heel. "Dabi!!" He yelled as he walked back into the room.

*Zatsu hummed and smiled softly.* "I will. See you soon, Gemstone~"

*The dragon groaned softly and rubbed his eyes sleepily.* "Huh?.."

Tomura walked back into the room with his shirt up. "Dabi look!" He sat down on the end of the bed now holding his chest.

Akira gave a soft smile. "Mhm~, enjoy your day-off." She muttered as she turned on her heel and walked out of the room grabbing Paxle on the way out. She placed the reptile on her shoulders as she opened the door and left.

*Dabi looked over at him and tilted his head slightly.* "What the...?"

*Zatsu watched her lover walk out. She sighed and rubbed Hoshi's head.* "Just us now, Buddy."

Akira scratched her iguana's neck. "So, long time since you accompanied me to some paper work." She was already exhausted thinking about the mess the council has left behind. She was even unsure where Kai and the other survivors we're. 'Well. Shit.'

Tomura looked at his mate. "I think they're growing. Like not that much, but look." He squeezed them gently "they're starting to pop out more."

*Dabi snickered and sat up, patting the spot in front of him.* "They don't look bad, Love. Don't worry!"

*The alchemist sighed and rubbed her head.* -Guess I get the mess left over at clean up.- *Sighing, Zatsu held Hoshi and slid off the bed, using the headboard for support.* "Oh fuck." *She groaned.* -God Dammit, Akira!-

The woman walked through the hall. 'Well, let's start with bird brain's room.' she teleported over there and knocked on the door. "Hey, you up!" She yelled.

Tomura scooted over to him. "Really, I-I" he looked down. "I am just not used to this." He pointed at his body. "The baby bump, the bigger chest, the curves." He went to brush with one hand over his hips. "It's just a bit weird I guess." He muttered the last sentence.

*The half-breed wrapped his arms around his mate's waist carefully, planting a soft kiss on his forehead.* "Wanna know what I think?" *When Tomura hummed, Dabi continued.* "I think you look beautiful. Even with all these changes with your chest and hips and whatever, I still think you're beautiful. You will always be the amazing and incredibly beautiful man I fell in love with~" *Dabi spoke softly, trying his best to reassure Tomura.*

"What?" *Keigo yelled back at her.*

"You up?" She asked now not yelling anymore.

Tomura placed his head on the other's shoulder. He knew the changes would come. And he was happy to as they showed that his body was getting ready to give birth and feed the child. The thought made him happy, but at the same time it somehow made him anxious. He has never taken care of another person, especially a child. Dabi was one thing, an adult man, but a defenseless baby. That was something entirely different. He looked at the man from the side. "Do...Uhm..Do you think....that I am able to uhm like take care of...the baby?" He looked at the man.

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