Chapter 15- incredibly sweet

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The next morning we thoroughly enjoy our lay in. No alarms and no distractions. It's heaven. As we're kissing and completely naked in bed I decide I'm going to treat him.
I push him playfully so that he is laying on his back and I grab the blindfold that he used on me. He lets me put it on him and lays back with his hands clasped behind his head.

Now he's not looking I can finally stare at him. I genuinely couldn't make a more perfect guy if I tried. His defined muscular chest and abs, his tanned skin. He's completely flawless I think as I stroke him. I straddle him and kiss his chest working my way down to my destination.

He's completely hard. I hold the base of him whilst I slowly inch his length inside of my mouth. He gasps.
"Taylor Baby... Fuck" he says.
I continue. He's moaning my name and his breathing has gone ragged. He could be close.

I come up for air.
"You wanna watch babe" I ask him
"You're so naughty, yes" he says and I smile.
I take off his blindfold. And his eyes watch me lustfully. I take him back in my mouth, looking up at him. He's so hot. I take him all the way in my mouth. Briefly pulling out and using my hands when he is finishing.

"Mmm that was amazing. I love our lay ins" he tells me. Smiling and pulling me close to him.

"What's your plan for today babe" he asks me.
"I'm gonna write up my notes for psychology and then I'm going to have a long bath to calm my nerves for later" I tell him.
"How about you?" I ask interested
"I've got to finish my fine line drawing" he says. "And there is no reason for you to be nervous" he tells me stroking my arm.
"Ohh can I watch you draw. I'd love to see you drawing" I say smiling.
"If you want, why don't we both work together?" He laughs.

I smile at him and check my phone, I have a few messages.
Ross has asked if I'm going to the library. Normally I would go in to type up my notes but not today. I just want to be home with Matty. I text back telling him I'll see him later on.
Rhea has messaged telling me she's excited and that she will see me later with a nervous emoji. I laugh.

After breakfast me and Matty set up for work.
I set up my laptop and he opens his sketch book. Even from here I'm impressed. I glance at his work and he looks up and smirks.
"I'll show you when I'm finished" he smiles.

Once he starts working I realise I'm going to find it hard to concentrate on my notes. Seeing him working on his sketch, he's so handsome especially when he's concentrating.

I do manage eventually to get lost in my notes and I even begin my assessment work which hasn't technically been set yet but I want to get a head start. It's going to be due near my dance assessment time and I want to be able to fit in lots of extra practise for that in the studio.

Eventually I look up and Matty is looking at me longingly. He looks embarrassed when I catch him and I smile. God aren't we awful, sickening even. We love each other so much.
"Want a coffee" I ask him. Standing up to get my own drink.
"Please, babe" he says.

I make him a coffee using the new coffee machine we bought a few weeks back. It makes really fancy coffee like you get in a cafe. I make myself a hot chocolate, and stretch out a little. I'm not used to sitting for hours on end. I pass him his coffee and gaze over his drawing.

It's truly incredible. Of course it is. He sips his coffee and sighs.
"I just can't get the trees right, you know?" He says
He's drawing an image of the rose garden we visited for our first date.
"The project is based on landscapes so I got an image off of google of the rose garden. But I'm finding nature hard" he laughs.
I run my hand through his hair.
"It's incredible" I tell him and mean it.
"Honestly without even seeing the photo I would have known where it is, it's that detailed. The shading is perfect you can get a sense of the light" I say.

He rests his head against my waist and kisses me there. It's incredibly sweet and he's never done it before. Since I've been on the pill and obviously focusing on university I completely forgot about the whole baby thing we had been focusing on.

Well not so much focusing on, we just nearly got pregnant. At the time we discussed our options, what we wanted and after a lot of deliberation I took the emergency contraception. I didn't end up pregnant and will never know if we did end up conceiving a baby.

Once we got back together after all of the Jen drama I decided to go on the pill. It works for me, I'm not a forgetful person and it just means we our protected for the time being from having babies. Matty was supportive of me either way, it always baffles me how level headed he is about the idea of us having children. He's so calm about it even though we are still only 19.

I have no doubt he would be a great parent and maybe someday I will too. Him kissing me there though sparks up all of those memories. I still wake up with his arms draped around my waist even though I'm not pregnant. For a split second I want to climb on top of him and have my way with him on the chair.

"This is great coffee" he says and I smirk.
"What?" He says looking up at me his green eyes full of humour.
"Nothing babe." I laugh and I move back to my work.

We end up working for a couple more hours. Until I decide I'm hungry and need lunch. I make us some toasties and we have a break.
After than I announce that I'm going up for my bath.

I have a warm bath, shaving every area of my body. I exfoliate my skin, I want to look glowing. I figure if I'm going to be on show I'm going to look damn good doing it. I keep my hair mask on for the duration of my bath and wash it out at the end.

When I get out I dry off and fake tan. I go for a  medium glow, I'm thinking that there will be harsh lights on me and I want to look tanned. I apply it everywhere. It smells tropical and I can't wait for it to develop. I've got tan remover for any patches but I'm usually pretty good with tan.

I paint my toe nails, I'm not sure what colour to go for because I don't know what colour my outfit will be. I opt for a peachy nude which is neutral.

Feeling like a new women I emerge from the bathroom. I'm going to wear a loose white cami top so as not to effect my tan. I get changed and then put some hair oil in my hair. I then blow dry it to give it lots of bounce. It looks great already I have to admit. I leave myself makeup free as per Kim's request. But I do put on some face cream which leaves my skin glowing, I also pluck my eyebrows.

I head downstairs. Matty is ready in his jeans and one of his shirts. He doesn't have to put in all of this effort and yet he looks like he should be on the runway.
He stutters when he sees me, my tan has developed and it looks good. I feel great already, seeing his expression is a huge compliment. And I'm not even dressed up yet.
"Woah you look like you're glowing. Beautiful" he says.
I've packed a white strappy dress for the party after, it will show off my tan. That's if I get changed out of my costume. We will see. It's low cut in the front and back, I figured everybody is going to be seeing my skin tonight anyhow.

Matty catches my hand before we go and pulls me in for a hug.
"I love you, you are going to be incredible." He tells me.
I kiss him and then we head out to the car.

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