Chapter 79- impasse

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***Ross' POV***

I pull away from Taylor, it's difficult but I have to because I'm not like that. I do not just want to have sex with her. I want her with me, forever. And that is an important distinction that I need her to get.

She smiles at me. She looks down into her lap. I take the hazards off and indicate. Check all my mirrors and we join the freeway again.
This is positive in the sense that now she knows where I am. I have a better understanding of her perspective too, and it's just like I said it was. She loves me like I knew she did. She's just being honest and faithful.

I respect that, and I will not rush her into anything. Not at all.

"Do you think that he really likes her?" She asks.

"Jay?" I ask.
"No. I've seen him do this a lot. I'm just happy it's not you or Rach he's doing it too. It's not on. He makes me so annoyed, he's a total predator. I don't like Jane but she doesn't deserve it at all" he says.

"I feel like I should say something to warn her ?" She says.

"She'll throw it in your face. She's jealous of you" I warn her.
"She has that look whenever she sees you, mainly because he can't seem to stop trying it on with you or staring at you around her" I admit.

"I don't see it" she says.

I snort. How she cannot see that is beyond me.

I did wonder what they were doing in the kitchen, they took a long time juicing up some fruit. Ultimately though I know she hates him. His eyes watch her all the time, I'm annoyed that he has seen her without any clothes on. That's such an invasion of somebodies privacy.
I glance over at her and she's looking out of the window, it would be cheap to say that she's beautiful. She is much more than that. Perfection? Maybe. Still doesn't cover it though.

We are nearly at Matty's, time is running out. I start to think about when I will see her alone again. Whenever I'm around her there's always other people, and I can't talk to her. I believe in talking in person too, I'm not the kind of guy to text. I would rather call her but she lives with Matty.

I pull up outside. Apply my handbrake and leave it running.

"You want some help with your bags" I say.

"Hey Ross, come in please" she says and I'm confused.

Do I want to be around them alone in their personal space, seeing them move around each other and touch each other. Not at all. But I do everything she says.

I turn the engine off and grab her bags anyways. Lock up and then we head to Matty's. She's got a key and she lets me in. There's a note on the kitchen table which she picks up and reads smiling. It's Matty's handwriting I can tell.
"He's at the shops" she says simply.
"Want some tea or coffee or something stronger" she laughs.

"Just coffee please babe" I laugh.
I sit down at the table watching her move around the kitchen. She's kicked her shoes off and left them at the door. I'm completely in love with her, who am I kidding. I start to imagine that we are together, that Matty doesn't exist and we live together and she's in love with me too.

"You think we got everything we needed done? I don't feel like Jay was very helpful" she says.

"Yeah it will all be okay I'll type the rest later" I say and she sets a coffee down in front of me smiling. Then she goes to get herself some juice. She sits on the chair next to me and sighs.

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