Chapter 97- no problem

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I check my phone, it's been nearly an hour. I'm seriously way past tipsy now. I head outside to call him.

"Hey babe" Matty answers.
"I'm coming now okay" he says.

"Hey yeah sorry I wasn't nagging you, I just miss you" I say.

"No I know that baby, I'll be there in five" He says and hangs up.

I wait outside for him. He strolls up to me minutes later smiling.
"Hey I'm sorry I had to clear up everything and then I had to sort out some things with the paintings. I love you" he says smiling at my drunkenness.

"I love you too, I missed you" I laugh.
"How clingy is that" I say.

"I like clingy Taylor" he laughs and pulls me close.

"Want a smoke?" He says and I nod.
He lights up.

"I can't drink much I drove here" he says explaining to me.

"Okay" I laugh.
"Maybe you can dance with me instead" I say.

"I could do that, or I could take you home and kiss and cuddle you until you fall asleep" he smiles.

"You can do both. I loved my painting" I say smiling.

"It was a favourite" he says.
"Lots of comments on that one, I'm glad you liked it" he says kissing me.

"One more drink" I say to him and he follows me in.

We join the others, Matty sits next to Rhea and Malachi and I sit facing him next to Ross. Jay is at the bar.
"You look beautiful" Ross says quietly.

"Thanks Ross" I tell him sweetly.

He smiles.
"You're so drunk" he teases.

"Wanna go dance?" I laugh.
"Matty we're dancing are you with us"

"You enjoy, I'm not quite there yet" he smiles.

Lord he's beautiful but he's being so sensible.
I think I just got knocked back, or turned down or whatever. I stand up and leave, head to the bar I presume Ross follows me. I turn around when I get there and of course Ross is still with me.

I order us a shot each.
"I think I wanna see your moves again" I tell him. Ross actually can dance. I've seen it before. He's got great hips.

I walk off to the dance floor. It's so busy, people everywhere. I push past a few people to get nearer to the front. To be fair I could happily have been dancing on my own here and I wouldn't mind.

I get a little bit too close to Ross. It's busy and there isn't room to move.
"Ugh Taylor you know how I'm feeling about you right" he says.
"When you do that" he says eyes on my hips.

"Don't overthink this Ross" I say.

"Yeah but" he starts.

"Ugh" I sigh.
He chuckles hugging my waist briefly.

He pulls away from me. That's okay probably for the best really. I can dance on my own. I turn around deciding that the guys are no fun.
I'll dance here alone. This is why I need Rach I smile to myself.

There are hands on me from behind I think to myself, in a drunken state. Must be Ross. I turn around slowly in a haze and it's not him. The guy is tall and has dark hair, an eyebrow piercing and tattoos all over his bare chest.

I'm confused who is this stranger?
"Hey" he says trying to pull me towards him. I pull back.
"It's okay, my names Nate" he says.

"I'm okay I just want to dance" I say like a child.
He pulls again and I stubbornly pull back.

"You didn't mind before" he says.

"She's with me" Jay says. Where did he come from? He intervenes, I look up at him thankful that he came along. I can't stop looking at him, his eyes.

Tattoo guy wanders off to find his next victim.
"I've never danced with you before" I state to Jay.

"Yeah are you okay?" He whispers to me
"Did he touch you ?" He asks. Suddenly angry.

"I don't know, he ugh was behind me and I felt hands I thought it was Ross" I laugh.

"Okay I'll deal with it I know him from uni" he says.

He holds me close to him swaying his hips with mine. The song is a little slower and it's the most sensual dancing I've ever done with a man. It feels protective the way his arms go around my frame.

"The way you move your hips like that" he sighs.
My head is on his chest.
I close my eyes and just breathe him in. My hands around him.

The song finishes and I guide him out of the dance floor if I stay there with him I won't leave his arms. I head to the bar, for my last drink. And then we head back to the others.

"Where did you go" I ask Ross sitting down next to him.

"I just went to get a drink" he says.

"Nate was forcing himself on your girlfriend" Jay says to Matty. He enjoyed that a bit too much.

"Are you okay Taylor?" Matty asks.

"I'm all good" I say.

Rhea stands and kisses me. Malachi and her leave and I realise it's midnight.

"What happened" he asks.

"Nothing" I say. I feel like sulking.
"He just pulled at me and tried to touch me that's it" I say.

"Sorry" Ross says.

"It's not your fault" I tell him
"I just didn't know where you were" I say.
"Who's Nate?" I ask.

"My year, history major I think" Jay says scraping his hair back.

"Taylor we can go" Matty says finally assessing the situation.
"I'll get the car and swing it out front" he says.

I finish my drink, and Matty leaves to get the car.
I check my bag, everything is in there.

"Thanks for that" I say to Jay.

"No problem" he says looking at his brandy. He finishes it and stands up. I follow his lead and walk out behind him.

"Hey get in I'll drop you all back" Matty says.

I walk around the car and get in. The guys get in the back.

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