Chapter 85- so naughty

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***Taylors POV***

Psychology flies by. After I walk over to dance with Ross. I want to check on the planning for the show next week. I've got rehearsals tomorrow.

"I'll be at the show" Ross tells me.

"Thanks, there's going to be wine" I laugh.
We're waking back now to the car park.

"I'd be there even without the wine" he laughs.
I smile over at him. His warm open features looking back at mine.

"Are you okay after the whole Jane thing" he asks tentatively.

"I am yeah, she just caught me off guard. I didn't realise she hated me" I say.
"I can see you were right after all" I laugh.

We walk quietly for a bit. We're nearly at the car park, I remember that Matty has art still and curse under my breath.
"What's up" he says.

"I can't leave without him and he has art" I sigh.
It's snowing. I could go to the coffee shop. With the warm fires.

"Wanna get a coffee" he asks as if he can read my mind.

"Yes" I laugh.

I find it so easy being with him. He doesn't expect much of me, he's there whenever and he genuinely listens.
I briefly text Matty telling him I'll meet him at the car at 4pm.

I pocket my phone and we step inside the coffee shop. I insist on getting him one as he purchased them for us last time.
We head upstairs, where the fires are blazing and there are bookshelves and large windows that you can see the snow through.

I sit down on one of the sofas. He sits next to me and crosses his leg over the other one. I sip my hot chocolate and smile. I sit back and relax into the sofa, feeling the heat from the fire.

"We have our first test next week" he says softly.

"Fuck" I say completely forgetting we were having any at all.

He laughs.
"Wanna revise?" He suggests.

"Yeah sure what about tomorrow after uni you can come to mine?" I say.
"Actually that makes sense Matty's gotta plan his art exhibition thing in the evening." I laugh.

"Sure babe." He says smiling.

"We should invite Jay he's finding it all very difficult" I say.

"Sure about that?" He laughs.

I laugh with him and send Jay a text to invite him over.
"I got out a load of books actually from the library on the main topics. We can read them together and make like a mind-map" I laugh.

"You're really into this huh?" He laughs.

"Can you tell?" I say.

He laughs and places his arm around my shoulder. In my head I repeat the words- no physical contact. I'm really trying to keep him at bay. And not swimming deep with me, like we had been before. He told me that he already considered me his girlfriend and that was an eye opener.

"Okay I'll tell you what I'll make us all fajitas tomorrow" I say to him looking up at his face.

"Perfect" he says smiling down at me.

"How are you getting home today by the way" I say looking at the snow. Remembering the accident briefly.

"Car babe don't worry about me" he says and he rubs my arm to comfort me.

We sit for a while perfectly happy not talking. I people watch for a while and glance at the snow falling. I start thinking about how things are going to change between us. When he realises that I am pregnant our relationship will change.
"Ross I don't want to lose you" I say out of the blue.
His hand goes under my chin and he lifts my face to his.

"And you won't Taylor" he says.
"I'm here for everything" he smiles.

I look away, no physical contact. I'n convinced I'm bad, letting them charm me like this. First it's Jay in the psychology room and now Ross.

"You want some cake" I say to him standing so that I can change up how we're sitting.

"Let me get it" he laughs.

He stands and heads down to the counter. When he returns with three cakes, I chuckle. I tuck into the lemon one whilst he eats the carrot cake.

My phone buzzes and I check it. It's Matty telling me he's nearly ready, 30 mins max. I laugh.
I put my phone back in my bag. I lean back again.

"Why are you worried about losing me Tay" he asks.

"Because I value what we have, I worry that everything is going to change. Because I can't be who you want me to be. And I need you in my life" I say easily.

He smiles.
"I value what we have too. You are everything I need you to be" he comments.

I rest my head on his shoulder sighing.
We sit there hardly moving just enjoying each other's company. He relaxes me, I don't have to be anybody for him but myself. After we finish up I put my jacket on ready for the snow. He follows me out and we walk towards the car park.

When we get there Matty is standing by the car looking down at his phone. He glances up and smiles.
"I'm glad you went somewhere warm and inside" he laughs.
I hug him and smile.

"Of course" I say.
"Oh tomorrow we're having a revision session at ours, are you still doing your exhibit?" I ask.
"It's just I need to know how many people I'm cooking for" I laugh.

"Ohhh nice, I am sadly yes" he says smiling.
"Tay makes a great curry" he announces.

"Ohh that's an idea let's have that instead" I say to Ross smiling.
He smiles over at me.
"Looking forward to it, see you guys tomorrow" he says and he heads off to his car.

We jump in and Matty starts up getting the heater on.
"You look gorgeous" Matty smiles.

"You think? I feel so tired" I laugh.

"That dress is a distraction" he smiles over at me.

"I told you sexy, is what you're gonna be seeing every day until I'm large" I tell him.

"Taylor you will always be sexy to me" he laughs.
"How has baby been today" he asks. I grin at him.

"Good and no sickness. I'm just incredibly horny" I laugh.

"Ohh good job we're nearly home" he says winking at me.
"Can you wait till after dinner or can I take you on the table again" he says.

"Matty you can take me anywhere you like" I say back to him.

He glances over at me smiling.
"Always so naughty" he laughs.

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