Chapter 35- snow landing on the trees

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***Taylor's POV***

I'm so close to driving back to him. I should have offered him a lift. I should have, it's fucking snowing. I call Matty my phones connected to the car.

"Babe you okay?" He says answering after one ring.

"Matty do you think I should have offered Ross a ride because of the snow?" I ask him.

"Are you driving?" He asks me seriously.

"Yes but slow and the snow, the visibility is poor and I keep thinking what if somebody doesn't see him on his bike and drives through him. I'm going to circle around and see if I can find him" I say almost crying.

"Ok calm down and pull over right now" he tells me and he's serious.
I do as he says. I apply the handbrake and sit for a minute.

"Okay what I want you to do is wait I'm going to call his phone, he should be home by now. He's not far from town and the way he drives..." he says.

"Okay" I say shakily.

"Okay I'll call you back lock the car don't move. Love you" he says and hangs up.

I wait my tummy doing flips. Why didn't I just think? The anxiety is consuming me. I'm panicking.

My phone rings and I answer it by clicking the steering wheel.

"Yeah he's probably driving slow and won't answer. I think he would have driven down the quiet road back to his. I can come and meet you and we can go and check" he suggests.

I cry. "No, it will take too long. I'm all good Matty I will just drive around very slowly and I will see him and then offer him a lift" I tell him.

He starts talking and I interrupt him "I will see you soon. I love you" I hang up. Had to be done he will protest me doing this. I don't have time.

I slowly drive off. My phone beeps and I turn the radio down. My lights highlight the road I drive towards where I think he would be travelling.
I keep expecting to see his bike. I don't. The roads are dead quiet. They're not even residential. Just trees either side and dark forests. If I wasn't so scared and full of nerves I would appreciate the beauty of the snow landing on the trees. I would be thinking about Christmas. And what to get everybody for presents. I think I'm cracking up. Keep it together. Concentrate, I'm travelling at 10mph. Lights on and windscreen wipers going on high.

It's like being in one of those nightmares, where you are lost. I can only see white, the snow has buried the road. Why is it snowing so fucking much in November.
My phone beeps and I answer it instead of being childish.
"Babe?" He says.

"Okay where are you just in case something
happens to you ? I need to know" Matty says.

"I'm on.." I look at the sat nav quickly as I have no idea.
"I'm on B232 it says on the sat nav" I tell him.

"I will be fine okay, I will not risk your car" I chuckle.

"Fuck the car Taylor. I care about you and your safety and Ross' just keep the call connected so I know you're okay" he says sounding pissed.

"I'm sorry I hung up. I just needed to go look my gut was telling me to just go and I thought you would stop me. And..." I say.

Choose Me- the second novelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon