Chapter 65- just in case

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When we arrive at the hospital I make a mental note to talk to Matty about the party, I need to come up with a way of not drinking in front of everybody. 
Just in case.

He holds my hand looking happier than he has in weeks.
We head into Ross' room and he is up and ready to go. I smile at him, he's wearing a T-shirt and leather jacket and jeans and he looks like Ross again.
"Ready?" Matty says to him.

"Almost they just gotta check my blood pressure again" he says.

"Okay, we're gonna get takeout on the way home and eat at yours if that's okay" Matty asks.

"Of course man" Ross says smiling at him.

I'm so happy that they're talking nicely to each other again.

"What do you both feel like eating" I ask smiling at them.

"Burgers?" Ross laughs.
Marty agrees.

"Burgers it is then" I smile. The nurse comes back in and checks Ross' blood pressure. She smiles and tells him that he is fine to go. He must come back in a week for a checkup. She supplies pain medication on prescription which we will pick up on the way out.

Once we've got everything we help Ross to the lift. Matty carries his bags and I hold onto him, his walking has improved but he's still unsteady.
We pick up his pain pills and ask about drinking and what he can and can't do on them. Looks like Ross will have to remain sober too.

"Thanks both of you" Ross says randomly out of the blue as we sit in the car. I turn to look at him, and smile.

"Ross it's fine, now let's go get some real food, no more hospital crap" I say.

Matty squeezes my thigh, and then starts up the car. We go through the drive thru and get the same as yesterday.

"Hey do you want some chips now?" I ask Ross.
He chuckles.
"Nope I can wait, can you though?" He says smiling.

I prove that I can wait till we get to his house.
Once inside we eat the food in front of the TV. I take the single chair and let them both share the sofa. It's nearly 8 o clock now and it's dark outside. I feel relaxed, Ross is home and getting better. I go upstairs and bring down his pillows and duvet.

"Do not climb the stairs please" I warn him.
He has a downstairs bathroom he can use.

"Yes boss" he smiles. Matty laughs.

"I mean it Ross" I say
"Should you fall you will be back in hospital"

I go up and get him some more books and some clean joggers. I bring that down and unpack his bag. I like to be busy. I seriously do not mind helping out. I put his clothes in the washing machine and wait for them to be clean. Once they're done I hang them up to dry. I clear up the takeout and get him two large sports bottles of water.

My phone vibrates and I glance at it as they're talking about the sport on the TV in the living room.
It's Jay.
What is wrong with him?
I open up his message, "Ross okay ?".
"Why don't you text him?" I reply. I can be just as cold.

There's a pause.
"Okay what's the problem" he sends back to me.

"No problem just unsure why you're texting me ?" I say.

"Fucking hell whatever. I'll text him" he sends and I ignore him putting my phone back into my bag somewhat forcefully.

It buzzes again. I shouldn't look at it. But I do.
"You're being really difficult? Why? I told you how I feel and you pushed me out. Not the other way around. So what if I'm with somebody new? You don't want me and you're always with him in front of me. Let's be friends and just be civil with each other" it says. Ohh I'm so fucking angry with him. He just met her this morning that does not constitute as being with somebody.

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