Chapter 100- you were the best

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I'm throughly glad to see that Matty's mum is yet to arrive when I step out in my red sequin bra for the burlesque number. What a relief.

The dance goes well, I try to not look at Jay throughout. He's seen most of the routine anyways. I sneak a look at him when Emily does her bit, but he's staring at me. His stare sets me alight. Full of passion and need.

Nobody falls off a chair. Nobody slips, we all managed to be confident and sexy and I'm sure our performance was memorable at least.

The dance finishes and I find Matty in the crowd, he winks and I smile back at him. I see Ross next to him and blush. Rach is clapping for me with Rhea. I realise I have the best friends in the world. I could never have imagine that mine and Rach's initial rivalry would end in friendship but it has.

I see Kim skirt around the side to aid me with my hair.
When we're back in the backstage area, she smiles at me and gets to work quickly on a bun.

She uses lots of hairspray. It looks immaculate.

"You're amazing" she smiles and disappears again.

I change into my black sequin tutu. This is my biggest performance. I have to get this right. I put my tights on and lace up my ballet shoes. I have a masquerade mask which is black and sequinned. I fasten it on and I'm ready to go.

I hear the music and then enter from behind the curtain when it's my queue. My first few turns are perfect and I land in my arabesque wonderfully.

After a while I learn to forget about the audience and I just dance. Soon we are in our ending positions. I'm so proud of everybody, each part was danced to the best it could possibly have been performed, our audience stands and claps for a long time.

I have to leave last because mines the biggest part and when I am backstage I reflect on the performance and stretch out.
Matty enters the dressing room and hugs me.
"Can you help me take my hair down" I ask him.

"Of course" he unwraps my hair and it trails down my back. He works it through with his fingers.

"That was incredible" he admires.

"Thanks I think it went well" I laugh.

"Well?" he scoffs laughing.
"You were the best" he whispers in my ear.

I turn around to face him and see his green eyes searching mine.
"Taylor, I love you" he says.

I put my head on his chest, inhale his aftershave. Running my hands down his back wrapping them around his waist.
"I love you" I tell him.

We walk outside to the foyer to greet everybody else. I'm talking to Matty's mum and as I look over her shoulder, I glance at Jay. It's like my subconscious searches for him. He smiles at me warmly and I smile back. I look away from him.
Matty's mum congratulates me and tells me I was a vision. I thank her and give her a hug before they leave. Matty's hand is on the small of my back all of the time.

After talking to Kraig who reminds me about the show, Kim borrows Matty for a catch up.
I take a glass of champagne. I've changed into my dance skirt and heels, with my black bodice underneath. 

I work through the people to find my friends.
I see Jay ahead alone and I walk over to him. He watches my body as I approach him and I feel like the only person in the room.

"You were sensational" he says.
I smile and stand next to him.

"Thank you, and no broken legs" I laugh.

He pauses for a minute and then sighs.
"What are you doing to me?" He says.

I laugh.
"Look I'm not trying" I say.

"Lord. I'd hate to see you trying to get with me" he laughs.

I smile up at him. His blue eyes watching my expression, he's wearing a blue shirt and he looks so clean cut. His sleeves are rolled up showing his tattoos.
I quickly look away and scan the room. Ross is approaching us, accompanied by Rach and Brad. Ross embraces me wholeheartedly when he gets to us and I can't be sure but I think Jay tenses slightly.

"Super talented Tay, that was awesome." Rach laughs.

"Yeah that part when your leg was near your head, wow" Brad laughs.

"I love the first outfit" Rach laughs.

"I knew you would" I giggle.
"Not sure how I managed to not freak out about wearing that" I add.

"You look stunning, please" she smiles.
"Luckily you have legs for days" she adds.

"Thanks for coming, I really appreciate it" I say smiling.

We all cheers our glasses, Jay holds onto my eye contact as he sips his champagne.

Matty turns up shortly after with Kim and Kraig.
"Amazing show Tay, can't wait for the gig" Kraig says mentioning it again.

"Ah I will see you soon? Promise me" she smiles and Matty clears his throat.

I hug her.
"Of course you will" I say.

Once they're gone Matty remains at my side never faltering. Part of me wonders whether he trusts me. I decide to just drink champagne and forget about our problems.

When the night winds down he suggests we go home.
"When you're ready I'll get us a cab" he whispers.
I smile up at him.

"I'm ready my love" I tell him.
He smiles and goes to book a cab. I wait for him finishing off my glass.

"Have a lovely Christmas, Taylor" Jay whispers from behind me. I yearn to take him in my arms. His voice sends shivers through me.
He slips me a present in my hand. I glance up at him shocked.

"But I didn't think we were all doing gifts" I say.
"Thank you" I slip the small bag into my handbag.

"It's okay. I just wanted you to have them" he smiles.
"And hey if you feel that bad you can always just give me a call as a present I would love that" he laughs.

I smile at him. Place my arm around his shoulders in an embrace.
"I will" I say.
"Happy Christmas Jay" I whisper in his ear.

We walk over to Ross and I give him a big hug.
"I'll see you over Christmas right?" I ask him.

"Of course" he laughs trapping me in his bear hug.

"Parties don't stop for Christmas Tay, this is literally the party season" Rach smiles.

"Christmas Eve, at Ryan's epic" she adds.
"Oh and we always go to the ship on New Years" she smiles.

Matty comes back in and says goodbye to everybody. We head off together. I lay my head on him in the cab and he puts his arms around me.

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