Chapter 67- completely different

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Matty drops me off in town, he tells me to be careful but not in a controlling way and to let him know when we're done and that he will give us both a lift back.

I smile at him and kiss him passionately in the car, it's hard for us to not show we are pregnant by touching each other and giving it away. We are keeping it just between us for now. In case something should happen.

"Hey" Rach greets me.
I briefly wonder if we've ever spent time together alone before and realise we haven't.

"Hey how's you and Brad then" I ask smiling.

"Very, very good." She laughs and I laugh back. I don't want to know what that means.

"Problem is we've seen each other on and off before and it's not worked out but I hope this time it will" she says. And I desperately hope for her too, Brad is quite nice. Nicer than Jay, he appreciates her.

"Let's look in the sex shop" she laughs.
"For bunny ears, of course" she adds smiling at me.

I like Rach, she's pretty carefree and easy going. It's nice hanging out with her, without guys she's a little bit more relaxed. She doesn't feel she has to show off or prove herself.

"Tay?" She says as were eating lunch.

"Yep" I say getting the vibe that this is going to be an important kind of question.

"I'm worried about Jay and his obsession with you" she says.
I look at her gobsmacked.

"He is not obsessed with me" I say defiantly.
"Look he told me a few times that he likes me that's it, I've told him I'm in love with Matty" I tell her.

"Yesterday in the canteen, I know you weren't looking at him because you are with Matty but he cannot help himself. He stares at you, he wants you. I know that face Tay. Can you please not put yourself in any vulnerable situations with him alone?" She says genuinely concerned.

"Matty has that covered" I laugh. If only she knew.

"What did you think about Jane?" I ask smiling. Changing the conversation.

"Fuck me where did he pick that up from?" She laughs.
I laugh with her.
"She looks at him a lot in psychology. He winked at her and now they're suddenly seeing each other" I tell her.

"You mean he's just fucking her" she says laughing.
"I'm not silly he did the same to me the bastard" she adds.
"He is very good in bed. I won't ever lie to you about that but is he worth the trouble definitely not" she admits.

"I don't need to know" I say to her.

"I'm being straight with you completely off the record I won't ever bad mouth Matty again. He is decent, he has changed entirely. And he is completely in love with you. Jay would fuck you and leave you at the curb. He's so easy to fall for, I've been there. Okay he's hot with the whole blue eyes and blonde hair thing, and he can pack on the charm like anything. He's an absolute dickhead though, Do I sound bitter?" She laughs

"No I understand, thanks Rach" I tell her.
"Thanks for looking out for me" I say.

We finish up our food and I ring Matty.
"He says he's on his way" I tell her and she smiles at me.
"He'll drop you off home too it's not a problem" I say to her.

"See he's completely different" she says to me.

I smile. He's completely mine too.

Matty pulls up ten minutes later and we jump in. He has the heater on and the warmth is welcome.

"Did you get everything you needed" he asks.

"We did yeah" I say.
"I got you a takeaway sandwich" I tell him.

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