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During the festive season myself and Matty do all the things couples are supposed to do; decorating the tree, drinking mulled wine, watching Christmas films and making minced pies.

The big day finally arrives and before spending it with Matty's family we open our gifts. He gets me a necklace that matches my ring. He places it around my neck, smiling. I feel bad just getting him art stuff and aftershave. Ross gets a gift sent to me, explaining how I did save his life, and therefore it's only right I get something in return. I smile it's a first edition Wuthering heights.

At the end of the day, when I can get a quiet moment I call Jay. After several drinks I speak with him on the phone.
"I'm opening it now" I laugh.

"Christ I hope you love them" he says drunkenly.

I unwrap it, imagining him wrap it up delicately.
"Hey did you wrap this ?" I ask.

"No I paid the shop to do it" he laughs.

I get to the end of the package and I find a small box. Opening it up I see a set of diamond earrings. I'm breathless. They're truly beautiful.

"Okay?" He hesitates.

"Wow they are" I say.
"I can't accept them" I add.

"No they're yours" he says.

"They're beautiful" I admit thrown.

"I have treated you terribly. And you have been nothing short of wonderful to me. You have been a learning curve for me, a chance to understand myself better. You have inspired me, dazzled me, angered me even and I have loved you through all of it. You are perfection in a life of imperfection. You deserve them" he says simply.

"Thank you, you know you're words mean the most to me" I tell him.
"More than any diamond" I say.
"Although these two are particularly beautiful" I laugh.

He clears his throat.

"Taylor have you had a good day?" He changes the subject feeling embarrassed.

"Yes, have you" I ask.

"Yes now I'm speaking to you" he laughs.

"What can I get you as a late Christmas present?" I say gazing at my earrings

"Oh you really walk straight into these all the time" he sighs

"What" I laugh.

"I would like a kiss" he says

"Just a kiss ?" I ask

"Well yeah. And for you to be mine" he says.

I giggle and I can tell he's smiling down the phone.
After talking for a bit longer we say goodbye taking ages to hang up on each other.

To be his. As I put away my earrings I imagine what it could be like to be with him, how he would love me and how he would annoy me. I already know how my body reacts to his. But to be with somebody, to spend time with him and to love him. Are those things that I want?


As New Year's Eve comes by we all meet at a pub called the ship who specialise in cheap drinks and loud music.

I see Ross first when we arrive. He has had a hair cut and it looks great. It's not too short but it looks cool. He's also been lifting weights again and it shows. I hug him and he returns my embrace.

"I've missed you" he sighs.

"Thanks for my present" I smile.
I know he wants to kiss me, but doesn't he just holds onto my arms smiling.

"I got you something back" I smile and hand him a wrapped up envelope. He opens it up. Smiles and hugs me again, he doesn't care this time he kisses my cheek.
"Who can I take with me ?" He asks smiling.

I bought him tickets to a show. He likes the classics and it's a dramatisation of Wuthering heights.

"I mean that's up to you Ross" I smile.

"Can I take you" he rephrases.

"Yes I was hoping you'd say that" I laugh.

"Nerds" Jay says, I feel him behind me. His closeness makes me yearn to touch him. I realise I've missed him.

I turn around to face him. He looks at my ears briefly and sees his diamond earrings, he softens and hugs me.
"Nice dress" he whispers in my ear.

He pulls away and I want be in his arms.

"Where are you both going then" he smiles leaning on the bar.

"Taylor booked us tickets to see Wuthering heights" Ross smiles.

"Oh nice" Jay smirks.

"Don't worry I got you something too" I smile.

I hand him a gift box. He looks taken aback and I brush his arm with my hand.

He opens it up to see a pair of cuff links.

"I also got you this" I say handing him an envelope.

Ross gets distracted by Rach and ends up talking to Matty.

"I thought cuff links was maybe a bit generic. Even though I saw them and literally thought of you straight away" I laugh.

He eyes me and opens the envelope.
"I hope you like it" I say.
"We can go together" I say.

"This is the most somebodies ever done for me Tay. I'd love to go to a gallery with you" he says smiling.

He hugs me again. I feel different with him, closer. Like I know what to expect with him.
"What are you drinking" I say.

"Brandy. Let me get you a drink" he says facing the bar.
He orders for us.

"They suit you" he smiles looking at my earrings.

"You have good taste" I smirk.

We spend the rest of the night with everybody. I realise though that I'm falling, or I have already fallen for somebody I shouldn't have. I gaze at him occasionally speaking to Ryan or Pippa or knocking back female advances from random women and I see a different person. He's friendly, still moody and mysterious but I realise I love that about him. He scrapes his hair back and checks his phone. He looks up from his phone and see's me watching him.

***Jays POV***

I stride over to her, as if I needed any more of a cue than to have her watching over me all night long. Her beautiful eyes taking in every inch of my body. I feel so connected to her now. There's no way I'm letting her go, should she finally give me a chance I will not blow it. I can show her who I can be for her, now.

"It's nearly a new year Taylor" I say to her.

Matty has capitalised her all night long, holding her and touching her. Do I blame him ? Not at all. When she is mine and she will be I will keep her with me all the time.

"What's your resolution?" She smiles up at me.

"To prove to you that I'm worthy of your complete and utter devotion" I say in a whisper.
"What's yours?" I ask casually.

"Be more decisive, seize the moment more" she laughs
"Generic I know" she smiles.

"No I like seizing the moment" I say to her and wink.

When the clock strikes for the new year I cheers her glass, and pull her into me. Everybody is kissing around us. I go for her cheek and she quickly positions herself to kiss my lips. She kisses me seductively, her lips brushing over mine slowly.
"Taylor, I love you" I tell her. Complete shock and desire comes over me. I need her again now.

"I love you, Jay" she whispers in my ear and then she pulls away smiling. I want to hold onto her but she disappears quickly into the crowd.

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