Chapter 84- want a bit more ?

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Monday morning comes by quickly and I wake up and shower ready for university. Matty comes in at the end joining me under the water. I kiss him smiling. His hands go between my legs rubbing me and I surrender to him.

After our shower I get ready, we head downstairs together and eat. I feel apprehensive seeing Jay today. After our call I don't know what to say to him. Saying nothing is most probably the best bet.

When i head up to psychology, deliberately late I consider sitting away from him. I go in and sigh sitting down next to them both in my usual seat. I eye Jay and look away from him, he smirks.
"Morning" he says looking away from me.

"Morning" I reply. Feeling the tension between us already. I sneak a glance up at him and he looks away from my eyes. Which is unlike him, normally he would stare me down. Oh boy this has changed things, I can tell.

I decide to focus on the lecture, not either of the two seriously hot blonde guys next to me.

***Jay's POV***

I have made my predicament much, much worse. I see her and instantly I'm turned on. I need her even more and I want her moaning in my ear like she did down the phone on Saturday night. I make it my aim to play this cool. No silly behaviour, no games just patience.

She smiles over at me again, and I nearly pull her into me and kiss her. I settle for just smiling back at her. I look away, she makes me nervous now in a way she didn't before. In a way that no girl ever has. She thinks I have so much control, I don't. I have zero control over her power of me.

At the end I pack up my stuff and get ready to leave, no comments. No aggravation. I just want to leave for once so that I can gain control over my racing thoughts.

"Jay you coming?" She asks as she begins waking with Ross.
I nod to her and wonder how I became boyfriend number three. Following her around and hoping we could be more.
I sigh checking my phone hoping that it will distract me. It doesn't I check her out from behind. In her black dress and tights. How is it possible for her to get more attractive each time i see her. She brushes her hair back and it swings down to her waist, I watch her hips moving from side to side. I want to grab onto those one day whilst I'm thrusting into her. I quickly glance at my phone again to distract myself from her.

She sneaks a glance behind her and I look up. She smiles nicely, sweetly. Not naughty Taylor who makes seductive noises down the phone. Making me come on the spot for her. How is that even a thing. It's never ever happened to me before. I barely touched myself. And before I knew it as she was climaxing, I was too.

I smile and look back at my phone. We're nearly at the canteen now, I can only hope I don't get ambushed by another angry blonde. I walk around the food, trying to ignore her and Ross, boyfriend number two. How do I get to become number one ?

Boyfriend number one hasn't yet arrived thankfully. When he comes on the scene everybody else is insignificant.

I pick up some pasta and head to pay. She stands in the queue next to me.
"Snap" she says eyeing my pasta.
She smiles at me. Looking into my eyes as she always does.

I laugh somewhat nervously.
"Nice" I say.

"What's up?" She asks quietly. Ross has paid and is sitting down.

"Nothing babe" I say willing her to stop.

She looks away.
If I was with her, I would pull her lips into mine and kiss her. Softly at first. She smiles over at the door, Rach has come in.

"Hey I'll get yours" I tell her nicking her pasta pot.
She tries to protest but I'm firm with her.

"You're insistent" she laughs.

"Let's not get into that" I tell her and she's confused because normally I would jibe back at her.
She gives me an incredulous look which I enjoy immensely. We head over to the others. Together.

"Hey Rach" she says smiling at her.

Mindless blonde begins talking and I focus in on Taylor. Rach is going on about Brad and honestly I wish them well. He's a better boyfriend than I ever would have been. I eat my pasta, we have psychology again next which means another hour with her.

Matty turns up, and pulls up a chair next to her as she's sitting on the sofa with Rach today. She glances up at him pure devotion emanates from her face. I'm so jealous, I tell myself I'm not and that I don't want her to look at me like that but I do.

I look down at my pasta and finish it. Head off to the bin to throw it away. I then go out to smoke and stare into my phone for answers to my problems.

It's time for class soon so I stroll over, without Taylor or her boyfriend. I sit down in my seat realising I'm twenty minutes early. Never have I been early to class.

I look up as she sits down next to me in her chair just minutes later.
"What's up then" she asks. And I'm shocked that she came here early, I'm even more shocked that I'm alone with her.

"Nothing Tay" I say.

"Sounds like it, tell me" and she faces her body towards me. I look away from her.

"I spent the whole weekend thinking about you. And forgive me but I don't wanna sit around and watch you with the love of your life, okay ? That's it" I say.

She nods.
"That has not bothered you before" she says quietly.
"You called me, Jay" she insists.

"Because I think about you all the time. And actually you really piss me off. Because I usually get with girls and then get over them and I haven't even done anything with you but I can't work out how to just stop you from being in my head" I say.

"I called you and then you answered like that, but somehow it's still all my fault. But don't worry about it, I won't call you anymore" I add.

I sigh. And look away from my laptop finally at her.

"I'm sorry, Jay." She says. I don't listen to her, I block out her words and I just stare at her. Her skin is gleaming and she looks amazing. My eyes settle on her lips. She's put lipstick on today. Her eyes watch me carefully.

"It's all good, sorry for my outburst" I say and I look away before I kiss her.

She leans back and sighs.

"Don't make that noise, it was quiet in here before you came in" I laugh.

She strokes my arm with her hand. I pretty much flinch. But she continues, my leather jacket is off and her skin on mine is too much for me.
"So you like asking for trouble?" I smile at her.

"What do you mean" she says facing me.

"I mean that you touching me is going to get you into trouble" I say.

"I'm already in enough" she laughs.

"Want a bit more?" I ask staring into her eyes.

She looks at me seriously and swallows.

"There's a naughty side to you, Taylor" I say.
"I happen to love it" I add.

Before I can stop myself I lean into her staring at her assessing what my next move should be. I settle for stroking her hair behind her ear. No more physical intimacy until she's mine.

She breathes out a sigh of relief.

"You have a fantastic voice, the way you sound drove me fucking insane by the way" I say looking away.

"Is that so" she laughs.

"I mean I'm not shocked really everything about you is pure perfection." I say.
She pauses. I count in my head.

"Jay, I'm not going to deny how I feel around you. You're very good looking and the way you think of me, I feel kind of honoured. I'm not as good looking as you make me out to be." She says.

Is she crazy? Delusional.
"I can show you just how perfect you are" I tell her. I scrape my hair back out of my face. She stares at my abs and I smile.

People start filtering into the room. I face my laptop again. She gets her stuff out and sits back ready for the lecture. Ross turns up and gives her his best smile. I sigh and resign myself to being third in place of her affections.

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