Chapter 82- run its course

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***Jay's POV***

My Lord. What a mess, I was so close to shoving her back. She's absolutely unbelievable. Taylor was literally just trying to make things better. Curious though as to why Taylor left so quickly, why did Matty get so angry at a shove? From a girl?
I actually think I may have learnt my lesson, here.
Every single step I have taken since I met Taylor has been one in the wrong direction, the moves I've made lately have been totally wrong and not in favour of my objective.

I thought it would make her want me, I thought it would all make her see me more, I thought it would make a somewhat positive impact. It hasn't. Not at all. It's just made everything go against me, it's made me look like an absolute waste of space.

So I've decided something, no more games. At all. I've said that before but I've learnt my lesson now. I know what I want, I know how to get it. There's a lot of competition but I will be worthy. And if I am not worthy at all then well that's something I will just deal with then once it all happens.

I have a drink and order some takeout, Chinese. I sit in my flat watching Netflix wondering what she might be up too. Eventually I begin daydreaming about her, her pink lips and the way she chews them when she's in front of me. Her eyes and how they search into my own, looking for more -something that's worthwhile. Her hair and how it frames her face, the way in which she brushes it off her shoulders. Exposing her neck which I've kissed a few times now.

I resist the urge to message her. Matty couldn't have been more clear about marking his territory. How am I possibly going to get through the next two whole days without seeing her. And as much as I sit here telling myself it's not fair, I don't deserve her. I just cause unnecessary problems.

I can't reach out to Ross, he thinks I'm a dick. Nor Matty, he's with her. Rach hates me. Ryan ? He'll be partying and I'm not feeling like doing any of that. Brad he'll probably be with Rach.

I check my phone it's 2am. Not sure how the time has gone by without me realising it. I head to bed, resigned to being alone for the first night in a long time.

***Taylors POV***

There's not really much worse than waking up to be sick in the middle of the night. I sigh. Brush my teeth again and head back to bed. I crawl in and Matty pulls me close to him.

"Where'd you go?" He asks sleepily. I stroke his hair with my fingers.

"Sickness again" I tell him.

He rubs my back in a circular motion.
"We could ask the nurse for something for it?" He says concerned.

"It will pass, it's probably best to let it run its course" I say to him and smile. I stroke his hair, and his back. He moans softly. I love him so completely his strong arms link around me. I soothe him back to sleep by stroking his back.

He sleeps in my arms and I snuggle into him. Not sure how we managed to get here so soon. Inevitably I knew we would be together for the long haul, I knew I wanted to have this life with him. But I convinced myself it was a dream.


The following morning we wake up together in the best way. Matty takes me out for pancakes for breakfast. We go to the place we went too before when we thought we were pregnant and in need of emergency contraception at the beginning of our relationship. We've come full circle as a couple. Except this time we're in a better place, emotionally.

"Can I please have a blueberry pancake and a honey and a butterscotch one" I say smiling.
"Oh and a zero coke" I add.

Matty smiles at me and asks for a butterscotch pancake and a coffee. The waiter smiles and goes to grab our drinks.

"You can have as much as you like" he adds smiling at me.

"I'm hungry all the time Matty but first I don't want to get too fat and second I don't want to throw up" I laugh

"Babe please you will not get fat you will just be pregnant" he says seriously.

I smile at him and reach my hand across the table in his.

"I just can't believe we're here" I say.
"We have a baby on the way" I whisper.

He strokes my arm smiling.
"Especially considering the last time we came here" he says remembering our first visit to the clinic and us coming here first to decide whether we should have contraception.

"I love you soo much, this just feels right" he says.

They have a Christmas tree lit up in the corner and I glance over at it.
"You think we can tell your mum over Christmas dinner, she won't ever let me not drink at Christmas. She will clock that im pregnant" I say

"That's a point, we should be..." he calculates in his head,
"12 weeks by then" he announces smiling.

He Google's 12 weeks and we glance over the results.
"Aw we should have a little ultrasound pic by then" I say sweetly.

"Yeah" he smiles and our food comes.
"Take it slow" he says seeing my apprehension at the prospect of eating.

I smile and tuck in, the pancakes are glorious and i find I'm still feeling okay having eaten them. I sigh with relief at the fact that this phase might well be over.

After we finish up I head to the restroom, and once I come back out Matty places my jacket over my shoulders and we leave. We head to the shopping district hand in hand. I grab a few essentials and we look at some maternity clothes which makes me cringe inwardly.

There's not a chance I'm wearing those, I'll just have to improvise. Next we go to look at prams and cots. The whole idea that we will have a baby to look after becomes real, we see other couples walking around with their newborns. It makes me want time to speed up. We look over the clothes and laugh at how the little vests are not much bigger than the size of Matty's hand.

When we are finished we head to the car intending on going home. We pick up some food from the shops on the way, Matty insists on cooking dinner. He quizzes me on what I'm in the mood for. We settle on fajitas and get all of the ingredients to make them when we get back.

On the route home it begins snowing again and he slows the car right down. I glance over at him and wonder how I managed to be with somebody so protective and caring. How is it possible that Matty and his brunette hair, mysterious green eyes wearing a black biker jacket can be so utterly devoted to me. To me and our little baby.

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