066 Shampoo

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    Fu Shuangshuang's tears of despair kept lingering in her mind.

    She must bring her back, for sure!

    It was noon now, this place was close to the city gate, neither far nor close, and there were still many dry tree trunks around, and the bark of these tree trunks was basically peeled off.

    Some trees were cut down and used as simple tents.

    Fu Manman took a glance, and there were many tents set up nearby, the ones she made out of the space.

    Looking at it, it is densely packed.

    "We didn't dare to set up tents at first, but we didn't expect that there were so many people who found miracles, and everyone set up tents, so we did." Chang Zhong laughed.

    He looked at his tent, there was so much food, and the children were playing happily in the tent. He felt that there was hope for his life.

    Even if they wait outside the city for ten days and half a month, they can wait.

    Fu Manman was very relieved to see such a magnificent scene, and her efforts were not in vain.

    Although many people had tents, there were still many who did not. She saw that there were many poor people around, and the whole family was wrapped in a quilt and curled up together, looking enviously at other people's tents.

    There are still many, many tents in the space, and she has only moved a small part, so she will move some out.

    Back in his tent, Fu Manman put the little Maodan down, then closed the curtain, took out the clothes from the maid, and a token.

    Fu Manman looked at the two things, thinking in her heart that these things might come in handy, so she had to hide them.

    Stuffing the clothes and the token into the package, she hugged the little Maodan and kissed it.

    This kiss smelled a stinky smell.

    "Little Maodan, you are stinking again!" Fu Manman nodded the little Maodan's face, and he giggled happily.

    She took out a wet tissue from her backpack, took out another diaper, and Fu Manman cleaned up the little Maodan's body quickly, but she found that the skin of the little Maodan's buttocks and thighs were torn, and it was red. It hurts to look at it.

    The baby's skin is delicate, and the little Maodan skin is flooded. The child has not bathed since birth, so his body must be very dirty. Fu Manman unbuttoned the little Maodan top, smelled it, and there was a sour smell .

    No, you have to boil water to bathe your child.

    Moreover, she herself had to clean up, and Fu An and Fu Qiang, the two dirty ghosts, had to clean up even more.

    Back in the space at night, she looked for the folding bucket.

    Fu Manman wrote down a lot of things that he needed in the small notebook in his heart.

    "Miss Manman, come out to eat." Outside the tent, Aunt Luhua shouted.

    Fu Manman hurriedly replied: "Okay, I'll come out."

    She went out to find someone today, so naturally she didn't have time to get food, and she made a lot of reeds.

    When Fu Manman came out, he saw that Fu An and Fu Qiang were already eating noodles with several children from the Chang family.

    In order not to attract attention, Luhua crushed the noodles and cooked the noodle soup.

    After finishing her meal quickly, Luhua took the bowls and chopsticks and carried a small bucket to fetch water from the river outside the city. Fu Manman also went with the bucket. Today is a fine day, so she wants to boil some water to wash her hair.

Farmer's Little Lucky Girl: Fleeing Famine with Space  Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt