Chapter 1 Finding the Little Fox

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A/n: I'm making you about six in this story.

Izuku's POV

I was at the beach with Toshinori working on clearing it so my body would be ready to receive his quirk. "Keep going, young Midoriya, there's only a few months until the exam!" Toshinori yelled. I grabbed a piece of trash and moved it, only to find a small hole in the pile of trash. "This is odd, what's this little hole?" I asked myself. I looked around the hole, finding torn up clothes and a blanket. "Hey Toshinori, can you come look at this?" I asked. He came over and looked at the hole I uncovered. "It seems like someone is living here." He said. I heard some trash move, I looked to where I heard the trash move to see a girl with fox like ears. She turned to run before I could get over to her. "Wait! Please, I just want to talk with you!" I yell. I heard her stop before looking back at me. She was peaking around a pile of trash, I opened my hands and started slowly approaching her. She stayed where she was until I was close enough to reach her, she seemed scared that I was near her. 

"Was that your home that I found?" I asked. She nodded, I heard something come from the girl as she held her stomach. "Are you hungry?" I asked. She nodded and held her hands out. "Do you have any food?" She asked. I nodded and went to my backpack to find something for her to eat. I had an apple, which I thought would be good enough for her. "Here you go, I know it's not much." I said walking back to her. She took the apple and slowly ate it. Once she finished the apple, she came out from behind the trash. "I've got a couple questions for you." Toshinori said. She nodded and came over to the hole, grabbing the blanket. "How long have you been out here?" Toshinori asked. She shrugged, probably not knowing how long she's been here. "Okay, how old are you?" Toshinori asked. She held up six fingers, I noticed that she also had a tail to go along with her ears. "Okay, last one, where are your parents?" Toshinori asked.

"Villain." She said. I noticed tears falling down her face. "I see, I'm sorry to hear that." Toshinori said.

"I have an idea, how about you come live with me and my mom?" I asked. She looked at me, shocked by what I said. "Really?" She asked.

"Are you sure young Midoriya? Taking care of a child is really hard." Toshinori said.

"Yes, I'm sure my mom would be okay with it too. No one wants a child being all alone." I said.

"What's your name?" Toshinori asked. The girl shook her head and shivered. "No name, huh? Well, young Midoriya you're taking care of her how about you give her a name?" Toshinori said. I started thinking about names that I could name her. "What about Y/n?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "Y/n's a glorious name, now we just need to figure out what her quirk is." Toshinori said. I looked at her to think about what her quirk was, then I noticed that she was getting smaller. "Y/n? Why are you getting smaller?" I asked. She didn't answer, after a few more seconds Y/n no longer looked like human. I moved the blanket to find a small fox that had the same color/colour fur as Y/n's H/c hair. "Y/n is that you?" I asked. The fox nodded curled up into a ball before a small F/c fire appeared under it. "I guess that kind of answers the question, however I've never seen this type of quirk before." Toshinori said.

"Well, let's name the quirk then. How about we call it Kitsune? When she's in her human form, she has fox ears and a tail. Although the fire is different, how about as her quirk grows we adjust what it is." I said. 

"That's a good idea young Midoriya. While she lives with you write each thing you believe is a part of her quirk and we'll collect the info until we can register it with the government." Toshinori said. I nodded and picked up the fox that Y/n had become, I looked at her clothes before realizing that even what she was wearing also had holes in it. "Toshinori is there any way for us to call it quits for the day and go take Y/n out to get more food and better clothes?" I asked. 

"I think that's only fair, let's go we'll pick up another day." Toshinori said.

"Thank you, now Y/n can you turn back into your human form?" I asked. The small fox nodded, and it slowly became Y/n a minute. Her clothes were still on even after changing back from her fox form. "I'll need to remember that." I thought. We left the beach and headed towards a small mall to get Y/n some better clothes. We found a store that would accommodate for quirks that changed their appearance. We got Y/n a couple dresses, some shorts, shirts, skirts and underwear. After that we went around and bought a few extra things like a hairbrush, some shampoo and conditioner, and a couple of ribbons that we could use to tie her hair up or tie it as a bow around her ears. "Well, I think we got enough for now. It was lucky for us that those store associates were willing to help us." Toshinori said. I nodded as Y/n laid her head on my shoulder, I heard a quiet yawn came from her. "Someone's tired. How about we just head home?" I asked. She nodded, I turned to look at Toshinori. "Thank you for helping me get her some clothes and for bringing us here." I said. 

"Young Midoriya, it's a hero duty to protect everyone. You taking in this young girl shows that you value everyone no matter what. That makes you a hero." Toshinori said.

"Thank you. Now I think it's time for me and little Y/n to head home. I'll see you tomorrow." I said waving to him. He waved back as I headed off with Y/n in my arms and her bags tied around my backpack. When I got to my house Y/n was fast asleep in my arms and I was standing at the door thinking of a way to explain Y/n. I took a deep breath and opened the door. "Hi Izuku, wait who's the little girl?" My mom asked. 

"This is Y/n, I found her at the beach I'm working out at. Her family died because of a villain and I decided to bring her here for a new home." I explained. I took off my shoes and switched to my All Might slippers, I walked in and managed to set my backpack down without moving Y/n too much. "What's all this?" Mom asked. 

"A friend of mine was with me when I found her and he was willing to get her some new clothes and a few extras that she might need. Mom started going through all the clothes and eventually found the receipt for it all. "Izuku! This is too much! You shouldn't have your friend pay this much for her." Mom shouted. Y/n woke up startled from mom shouting so much. "Daddy what's going on?" Y/n asked rubbing her eyes. I looked at mom who was really starting to panic now. "Izuku! Is she your daughter?" Mom asked. 

"No mom, please calm down. Let me go set her on my bed and we can talk about this." I said. She nodded allowing me to take her to my room and lay her down in my bed. "I'm going to talk with my mom, you can sleep as much as you want right now." I said.

"Ok, night night daddy." Y/n said.

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