Chapter 109

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Y/n's POV

I continued helping evacuate people from the city, keeping an eye out for any sign of continued attacks. I could hear explosions as the battle in the city continued. "Y/n, do you know why Deku left us and headed towards the city?" Mama asked. I didn't look at her and nodded slightly. "Then can you tell me what's going on? Deku must have a good reason for leaving us behind and heading into the battle." Mama asked. I shook my head. "I'm sorry, mama, but I can't tell you. It's a promise I made to papa." I explained. I could feel mama just staring at me while I went back to helping everyone evacuate. Eventually, the explosions and shockwaves calmed down for a second, but I could feel the fear that people had as we rushed them out. Mama eventually walked away, going to help with the evacuation that was still going. The longer the silence continued to worse I felt about what was going on with the battle. "I know papa told me to stay here and help, but I'm worried." I thought, turning to face the destroyed part of the city. Flames were flying through the air while the fight continued. 

"Midoriya and Bakugo aren't responding. Now I can't reach Todoroki. He said he'd bring the house arrest boys back. What in the world is going on out there?" Ida complained. 

"That's not good. I wonder if someone's quirk is causing communications blackout on the battle field." Tsu said.

"You guys, I think we should go after them just in case." Mama suggested.

"Woah, are you seeing the news?" Someone said. I turned and looked at the man who spoke up about the news before seeing Ida walk over to them. "This country's falling apart. Jeez." Another guy complained.

"May I listen?" Ida asked, looking at the men. They agreed to let him listen before he turned the volume up on his phone. There was an announcement coming over the news talking about people in certain areas needing to evacuate. The person on the news started listing cities that the giant villain would be moving through. "That's... so many civilians." Ida said.

"Almost every hero in japan is on this mission. There's nobody left to stop him." Mama said. I heard something loud happen near the battle field before turning and seeing a blue light in the air. I eventually saw Kacchan's explosions flying into the air before seeing a massive amount of flames coming from what seemed like Endeavor's quirk. A moment later the flames vanished and more explosions happened stopping in the the air after a second. The news continued reporting on the giant villain and how they were causing destruction through the cities they travelled through. One of the pro heroes took charge of what was going on before telling us to leave the current area so we could evacuate others that were in the path of the giant villain. We all took off following the pro heroes orders. Nejire and Ida went off to contact Endeavor and the other who were fighting. I was running right behind mama as we followed the other heroes towards the danger zone. As we were running there was a giant flash of light from the battle field before everything went silent. Tsu, mama and I were rushing around trying to find anyone who needed help to evacuate from the villain's path. Mama was floating through the air while Tsu clung to the buildings to get a high vantage point. "Uravity! Trix! Two civilians!" Tsu called. 

"Coming! Froppy!" Mama shouted. I looked up seeing a piece of building being flung to where Tsu was. I rushed over changing to my giant fox form and with the help of a pro hero we stopped the rubble from hitting anyone under us. "You saved us. Thank you." Tsu said, holding onto the civilians she found. After clearing the rubble off my back I walked over and had Tsu lower the civilians onto my back before letting them off and onto the ground. Tsu made sure that the two civilians that she saved weren't injured before an older woman came running up to us. "Please I need a hero. My poor husband is bedridden, I can't get him out of here myself. He's heavy and I've got a bad back. Our place is around the corner, follow me!" The older lady said. She took off running towards a housing area. "Trix, let's go help her. We can use your giant fox form to help carrying her husband to safety. Make sure the civilians are safe and we'll go help her." Mama said. 

"You two be careful, I don't want either of you to get hurt." Tsu said. 

"We'll be okay." Mama said. The two of us followed after the older lady hoping that the older amn would be okay. The older lady took off running ahead of us which shocked both of us. "That's one fast old lady." Mama said. The old lady talked about how her husband was probably so scared and how her love was fueling her legs. "He'll be fine. We'll protect him, we promise." Mama said. As we looked at the old lady she suddenly changed before seeing Toga standing in front of us. "No. Himiko?" Mama asked. 

"It's been forever, Ochaco, Y/n." Toga said, walking into a house.

"Get back here." Mama said. We walked over to the house heading inside stopping near the entrance. The house was dark and it was hard to see anything in front of us. We entered the house slowly, mama took the lead while I was watching behind us. "How sad. I wanted to talk to you two and Tsu together. How is my precious little froggy friend? And of course I wanna see Izuku really bad, he's so cool when he gets all bloody and beat up. I'd love him like that, wouldn't you?" Toga asked. It was hard to place where she was since her voice echoed through the whole home. "Don't worry. I love my super cute floaty friend and the little fox too. In fact, I think I wanna be like you. So be honest Ochaco..." Toga started. The ceiling above us broke and Toga came falling towards us wielding a knife. She pinned mama down while I moved towards her before she kicked me away. "Stay back little fox. I just wanna talk. Heroes. What do you want to do to me? Do you want to kill me like Jean was killed? Will you murder me too? Start talking. Exactly what are your intentions?" Toga asked.

"You pulled this whole stunt just to ask us that?" Mama asked.

"Well it's important." Toga said.

"You think so? Why don't you tell that to the old lady whose blood you took. You kill her just to ask a stupid question?" Mama asked.

"Did you say stupid?" Toga asked.

"Okay fine, what I wanna do is save as many people as I can and you're in my way, Himiko Toga! So I'm going to have to stop you right now." Mama said, flipping Toga off her and facing her. 

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