Chapter 29

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Y/n's POV

When I walked back into the room where we could watch the matches, I saw mama was on screen with Aoyama. Papa turned and smiled at me before I walked over to him. "You did amazing, sweetie." Papa said, patting my head. I smiled and leaned into his hand. "Do you think mama's going to win?" I asked. 

"I don't know, but from the looks of it right now. I wouldn't say she will." Papa said. I looked up at the screen, seeing mama and Aoyama being sucked in by Thirteen's quirk. The camera cut to show us a different angle of the fight before I saw Aoyama say something to mama before she let go and managed to take Thirteen down. "That was close." I said. 

"Yeah, but she still managed to do it." Papa said. I nodded. After they left the dome, they were in the next match started, which was Kaminari and Mina against principal Nezu. They were in a factory type area. "I'm going to go check on mama." I said. 

"Alright, be careful and don't make too much trouble for Recovery Girl." Papa said. I nodded and headed towards the resting area. When I got there, I saw mama sitting on a bed. "Mama." I said, getting her attention. She looked up and smiled at me as I walked up to her. "Are you okay, mama?" I asked. She nodded and patted my head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Honestly, I got lucky that Thirteen turned off her quirk." I said.

"What did Aoyama say to you before you let go of the railing?" I asked. Mama's face went red before she looked away from me. "It's nothing." She said. I thought about it for a moment before I looked at her again. "Was it about papa?" I asked. She turned back to look at me before nodding. "You like papa, right mama?" I asked. 

"Of course I do, but I can't bring myself to tell him." Mama said. 

"That's okay mama, I know papa cares about you too." I said. 

"That's good to hear, but maybe we should head back to the others." Mama said. I nodded as she stood up and we headed back to the room where we could watch the fights. As we walked in the match between Kaminari and Mina against Nezu was finishing up. "Did Mina's match finish?" Mama asked. 

"Yeah, and they ended up losing." Ida said.

"Aww that sucks, they're probably crushed." Mama said. I nodded as I looked at the screen seeing a disappointed Mina and Kaminari. "Congratulations that you passed." Ida said. 

"Thanks." Mama said. 

"I also heard that you passed as well Y/n." Ida said.

"Yeah, but it was quite the plan that Momo came up with so we could beat mr. Aizawa." I said.

"Hey Ochako, what were you and Aoyama talking about during your match?" Tsu asked. Mama's face went bright red again before she backed off. "Nothing." Mama said. As Mama was backing off a buzzer sounded as the next match started. It was Koda and Jiro against Present Mic. Present Mic was standing at the exit blocking Jiro's and Koda's path to an escape. The camera cut to Koda and Jiro running towards the exit, as they were running to the exit papa and the others were talking about the team's weaknesses. Present Mic started using his quirk forcing Jiro and Kado to stop in their tracks. Jiro was clearly in pain because Present Mic's quirk while Kado's voice was drowned out by the quirk. Jiro and Kado started talking about something before Jiro broke a rock and Koda started talking to the bugs that were under it. The camera cut back to Present Mic as a small hole by his foot appeared. He looked down at it before a bunch of bugs crawled out and started crawling up his leg. Present Mic ended up passing out because of the bugs crawling up his leg. 

Koda and Jiro passed the exam as Koda ran out the gate carrying Jiro. The next team was Shoji and Hagakure against Snipe. Shoji and Hagakure were pinned down by Snipe's shots. Snipe threw out a smoke grenade blocking the view that the camera's had. "I wish we could see what's going on." I said. 

"Yeah, but knowing their quirks, Hagakure is probably using her invisibility to sneak through the smoke to get close to Snipe and cuff him." Papa said. I nodded in agreement, as the smoke cleared we saw Snipe cuffed and saying something to Hagakure who was standing next to him. Papa and the others talked about how well their team did. The next buzzer went off as the cameras cut to a rocky area where Sero and Mineta would be fighting Ms. Midnight. "Papa, shouldn't you head to the exam area?" I asked. 

"Yeah, but I want to see everyone's fight." Papa said. 

"Why do you want to see everyone's fight?" Mama asked.

"It's because he wants to see how everyone uses their quirks to fight." I explained. 

"Deku, I'm starting to think you're rubbing off on Y/n a little too much." Ida said.

"What makes you think that?" Papa asked. Ida and everyone looked at me before I looked around at them. "Is something wrong?" I asked, looking at everyone. 

"Why do you like watching the matches, sweetie?" Mama asked.

"I like supporting my friends and seeing how people use their quirks." I said. I heard everyone sigh before I looked at papa confused. "I guess I have rubbed off on her." Papa said. Mama patted my head before I decided to sit down. Mineta and Sero weren't doing too great since Sero was already asleep due to Midnight's quirk and Mineta was running away from her. He eventually stopped running, Midnight caught up with him before he used his quirk to stop her whip against some rocks before running over and carrying Sero out of the gate. I turned to look at papa, but he already left for his match. "Aww... papa left." I said, sadly. 

"Yeah, he headed out for his match." Mama said.

"I wanted to wish him luck." I said, looking at the door. 

"You want to know what I think?" Mama asked.

"What?" I asked.

"He knows you believe in him and knows you wish him luck." Mama said.

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yeah." Mama said.

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