Chapter 104

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Y/n's POV

The police continued to chase us through the city while papa was using Black Whip to get around. The alley we were traveling through came to an end with a guardrail and a cliff side. Papa went over the cliff side while the police cars piled up against the guardrail. Papa used Black Whip and landed us on a train. "Why would they be using lethal force on you?" Papa asked. The train we were on crossed onto the underside of a bridge before I heard something whistling through the air. I turned to see an arrow flying towards us before papa reacted and knocked the arrow away for a second with his Air Bullet. "Let's keep moving. We're still in danger." I said. Papa activated One for All and grabbed the kid while I ran after behind them after the arrow struck the roof of the train car. Another arrow came flying towards us as papa used Black Whip to get around again. I was shifting between my small fox and human forms, keeping up with papa before he swung out from under the bridge to get away from the people on the train. More arrows kept flying towards us while papa dodged them in the air with Black Whip. The kid papa was carrying eventually passed out before I jumped up, grabbing onto them before papa swung back down and grabbed onto me. "Hold on tight Trix! This isn't over yet!" Papa yelled. I gripped the boy and his case tighter as the police began chasing us again. Papa swung around for a few more moments before we dived into the water under the bridge. 

I started swimming to the surface of the water with the kid's case while papa swam up with the kid. I stayed back to make sure the kid didn't need any help after falling into the river while papa called the others. He started explaining the situation to Shoto over the phone. Once the kid was breathing okay and he could sit up, I walked over to papa and looked up at him. "What's going on?" I asked. I could see that papa was worried about something before he looked at me. He turned back to his phone before taking the battery out. "Turn off your phone and take the battery out for now." Papa said. I nodded and did as he told me before he explained what was going on. We made our way off to the side of the roads, keeping to forested areas. "Tell me I'm still unconscious. You two are stone cold killers and they think I'm your accomplice? I thought you were heroes. Explain yourselves." The kid demanded.

"I don't know how we ended up like this. I can't wrap my head around all of it." Papa said.

"Oh great, it's all over bye bye life and here I already thought I was living at rock bottom. What happens if I fall even lower? Is it even possible? This is all your fault you dragged me into this mess, so fix it. That's what heroes do, right?" The kid demanded.

"We will, but since the police fired at us without asking questions, there must be something else going on." I said.

"The person behind this probably doesn't care whether we're dead or alive. I would suspect they're not really after us." Papa said.

"Ah! They must want this." The kid said, lifting the case. We opened it and went through the case, seeing if anything would be worth killing for. "I don't get it. There's nothing in here that looks incriminating, is there?" Dad asked. The kid packed everything the case had in it back into it before closing it. "They're after this dumb case, right? That's perfect. That means we can hand it over and this will all be put to bed. Life will just go back to normal." The kid said. 

"Nothing is that easy. Besides if they're willing to kill for that case there has to be something to it. Something about it is important to someone." I said.

"I agreed. If that's in there is so important they probably would want to silence us even if we did turn it in." Papa said. I could see the kid panic about the situation going on with the case. "Hey don't say that. We're never going to get anywhere if you keep thinking negative thoughts, buddies. So new plan! Destroy the case! That way we can just say whoopsie it just burned up." The kid suggested. Papa and I looked at each other before sighing. "That's not going to help or fix our problems." I said. The kid suggested calling the police and demanding money for the case, but papa scolded him since that would really make us villains. "We need to calm down." Papa said. The kid sunk to his knees and looked at the ground a little defeated. "Are you sure we can't just ditch the case somewhere? They won't really kill us, right? You're over thinking things." The kid said. Papa just looked at the ground away from the kid before speaking up. "If this case is really linked to some sort of crime we can't give it to the bad guys. We might accidentally be helpeing out real villains." Papa said.

"Don't get me involved with your hero's sense of justice." The kid said.

"Too late we're already in this mess together and until the villains get their hands on that case we've got massive targets on our heads." I said.

"Trix is right. They wanted to kill us, if we don't know the reason why then it's dangerous to act rashly otherwise we'll end up full of arrows or worse." Papa explained.  The kid just looked at the two of us. "Okay, what do you two suggest we do instead?" The kid asked.

"We'll have to run for it." I said. The kid looked at me shocked before looking at papa who agreed with me. "No matter what the situation is we can't fight against the police. The people chasing us are Otheon officers. If we cross the border into the neighboring country then they shouldn't follow us. Let's hurry and get out of here before we get trapped." Papa explained. The three of us traveled to a mostly empty little shopping mall where a thrift store was located. The kid we were with went and bought the things we needed, but when I got the outfit on I realized that my ears and tails were kind of a give away even with my new disguise. I just looked in the mirror at me in my new dress before feeling a little pain as a new tail emerged from behind me. As I looked at the new tail I have it disappeared before I looked at myself seeing that my fox ears were gone as well. "Y/n, you ready to go?" Papa asked. I turned and opened the door seeing papa standing in front of the door looking at me. "Y/n?" Papa asked. I nodded before he looked over me. "Where'd your ears and tails go?" Papa asked.

"I don't know. While I was in there a new tail grew in before all my tails and fox ears disappeared." I explained. He just nodded and looked at me. While He was looking at me I imagined my ears and tails coming back before feeling something waving behind me again and something sitting on top of my head. "Woah.... It looks like your quirk changed again. You can hide your ears and tails now." Papa said. I looked back in the mirror seeing that my ears and tails were back. "That's so cool." I cheered before imagining my ears and tails disappearing. My tails and ears vanished again which was amazing.

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