Chapter 108

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Y/n's POV

"The infiltration should begin shortly." Ida said.

"Uh man, why the hell am I way back her playing support? I wanna be on the front line damn it." Kacchan complained.

"Remember Bakugo, we only have provisional licenses." Shoto said.

"You shut your face!" Kacchan shouted. I giggled seeing Ida, Shoto and Kacchan interacting from a distance. "Please, we need to remain calm." Ida said.

"This is a gigantic operation. Coordination is going to be key. The best thing we can do to help is complete our assigned duties successfully." Papa said. Mama, Tsu, Koda and I all nodded, ready to move whenever we were given the go ahead. "Right! The heroes are moving in now! That's our queue!" Burnin announced. We all starting rushing towards the city as Burnin began listing off what we needed to do. "Start evacuating the city block by block! Top speed!" Burnin shouted. I was following behind papa as we headed into the city. We stopped and looked as we heard some ambulances coming our way. "They must be part of the evacuation." Mama said.

"Probably carrying the most serious patients to a hospital nearby." Papa added. 

"Attention logistical support units. Team Endeavor is fighting inside the building." Burnin said, over the radio.

"So they ran into villains." Papa said.

"The city sent a text message to the locals ordering them to evacuate now. Start clearing your assigned area immediately." Burnin ordered.

"Right, okay, you guys hear that?" Papa asked, looking at Ida and Shoto.

"Yeah, let's go start our sweep." Shoto said.

"I can't believe I'm stuck back here helping a bunch of randos run away. Pit me against a villain." Kacchan complained.

"Our role is integral, Bakugo. Stay a course." Ida said, looking at Kacchan. Kacchan walked up to a house before ringing the doorbell. "Hey idiots, the city told you to run the hell away! Did you not check your phone or are you just stupid!" Kacchan shouted. 

"I can help Ida with the apartments around the corner that leaves the houses to the rest of you." Papa said. He started running towards the apartments as I started to follow, but he stopped and looked at me. "Y/n, I know you might not want to do this, but I need you to go with Uraraka. Your sense of smell will be vital for finding people in houses." Papa said, looking at me.

"Wouldn't it be better used in apartments? I'm sure...." I started. Papa looked at me and shook his head. "No, stay with Uraraka for now." Papa said. I could see that he wasn't going to let me go with him so I turned back and headed back to mama. "You better come back, papa!" I shouted.

"We got this guys!" Mama shouted. We started rushing around to each house that we could find anyone who weren't already evacuating. We easily gathered most of the civilians that were not evacuating yet before having them head to a place so they could be evacuated. As we were guiding them into buses and any means of getting out of the city. "Thanks for your help young man. here have a chocolate bun." An older woman said, looking at Kacchan. She offered him a still sealed chocolate bun which looked good.

"Are you crazy? I'm working here!" Kacchan shouted.

"She's being nice, you should take it." Mama said, looking at Kacchan. 

"If you're so desperate for dessert then you can eat it yourself!" Kacchan shouted. He turned back to the older woman and took the chocolate bun. "You can't even be nice to an old lady huh?" Tsu asked, looking at him. Reports were coming in about places being cleared of civialians as we continued to guide people to the evacuation center. I heard papa saying something about people feeling sick before stopping and being quiet. "Midoriya? What's wrong?" Shoto said. I turned back and saw papa looking worried. "Stop slacking off! You're making us look weak!" Kacchan shouted. Papa turned and looked somewhere else while still having that worried look on his face. "Mama, something's up with papa." I said, grabbing her hand. Mama stopped and looked back at papa. "Deku, what's up?" Mama asked.

"The hospital." Papa asked. We all turned towards the hospital looking at it from a distance. All the birds around the hospital where flying away from something. As we looked at the hospital it began to crumbled away like it was decaying. The mountain around the hospital and soon the city near it was decaying and crumbling away as well. I looked into the air seeing some of the pro heroes in the air flying away from what was going on. "What's going on?" I asked.

""This doesn't look good!" Mama shouted.

"Quick the civilians." Shoto said.

"Make them move faster!" Kacchan shouted. Burnin called in trying to reach Endeavor before I looked back at papa. "Everyone! Run!" Papa shouted. 

"Wait! Deku!" Mama called. Papa rushed over using One for All to try and stop what was going on with the city. His attack didn't stopp what was going on as it continued to rush towards us. "No effect! This isn't some normal shock wave!" Mama said.

"The whole town is falling apart." Tsu added. Shoto rushed over to papa and used his Heaven Pirecing Ice Wall to try and stop the attack as well. Even the ice from Shoto was beginning to crumbled before Burnin called for everyone to get back. We started rushing away from the attack grabbing everyone we could with out hands. I used my giant fox form to have everyone set people on top of me while mama made me float so I was faster. After getting to safety outside the city we started resting and making sure that the civilians were okay. "This is Endewavor does anyone copy?" Endeavor asked, over the radio.

"I'm here!" Burnin answered. 

"I'm fighting Shigiraki where the hospital once stood. if they is anyone who can move without touching the ground  form a perimeter!" Endeavor ordered. I heard an explosion and turned towards where the hospital once was. "What's a One for All? Endeavor are you there?" Burnin asked. I turned and looked at papa who was stunned to hear that over the radio. "I've got to get over there and help out. You kids should evacuate." Burnin said, before taking off with some of the heroes. 

"Burnin. Wait!" Papa called. 

"Listen to the police and keep your distance." Burnin ordered.

"Shigiraki is headed straight for the evacuees! The battle zone is expanding. Clear the are surrounding the city!" Endeavor ordered. We were rushing the civilians to evacuate and I saw papa looking around holding his hand up to the radio. Papa took off running towards the battle field as Bakugo broke away from the group. "Hey! Where are you two going?" Shoto asked. 

"Um... I left something. I'll be right back!" Papa called. I covered my mouth as I watched papa use Black Whip to get away from us. "Papa's getting away to save us." I thought.

"Y/n. What's going on?" Mama asked. I looked at her worried before our radios stopped working. Tears were beginning to form in my eyes before I wiped them away before moving to help the civilians evacuate. "We need to keep moving the civialians out of here." I said. I could feel mama just staring at me as I went back to helping the civilians. "Please come back papa." I begged in my head.

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