Chapter 102 WHA Raids on Humarise

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Y/n's POV

A few weeks into our second semester, there was a report that came in about a city that was destroyed after a bomb released a quirk activating gas into the air. Thousands of people were killed by their own quirk while the ones who were quirkless escaped the gas's effects, but the destruction caused by the people with quirks killed thousands of quirkless citizens. We were called into our work studies with Endeavor after all hero agencies put us on high alert, including papa, kacchan, Shoto, and me. "We're headed to Otheon. Prepare accordingly. We've been given the task or raiding the headquarters at night. Design your hero costumes to allow for quick and effective movement while also maintaining some level of stealth." Endeavor explained, tossing each of us a notepad to design stealth costumes for this raid. Papa and the others, based their stealth costumes based on the costumes they already had, while I took a different approach and designed a new costume for stealth missions. I made my new costume look like a ninja outfit from some shows and movies that I had watched with papa and mama's permission.

The new costumes were made and ready to be used after a few hours as the Endeavor agency set off for Otheon. "So what's with the ninja look?" Kacchan asked, looking at my new stealth costume. I looked at my outfit, thinking that it was a good idea. "Papa, is something wrong with it?" I asked.

"No, but you could've just changed the costume you already had. I'm sure the support and development companies would've been able to do it." Papa said. Before looking at him, I shrugged my shoulders. "I thought we could do this, so I wanted something new." I said. Papa sighed before the TV in the plane turned on. The person on the other end of the TV started talking about the disaster that happened and what our mission was that night. The man explained that we were raiding every one of Humarise's bases to find, contain and destroy the Trigger Bombs. "Intelligence suggests that there's one device at each location. Arrest any Humarise members present and neutrilize the payload. Be advised you should expect heavy resistance. They may detonate the bombs once they realize we're moving. As such we're not  asking local law enforcement to assist. This is the most urgent mission many of you have faced. All Might." The WHA leader said. 

"Heroes the success or failure of this plan rests on your shoulders. Let's give smiles back to citizens who are frightened by terrorism." All Might said. Everyone stood up and got ready to start our raid on the main headquarters of Humarise.The back of the plane opened for us as Papa, Kacchan and Shoto pulled the hoods from their new costumes down to cover their heads. "This is it heroes. Start your missions." The leader said. Endeavor jumped out first before everyone else followed behind him. "Team A no matter what happens collect the triger bomb before it can be set off." Endeavor said. I was falling towards the ground staying close to papa so I could land with him at the base. "While they're searching for the bomb we're to take the facility and capture the leader Flect. Don't let your guards down, team B." Shoto said. Kacchan used his explosiuons to propel himself towards the ground faster while I grabbed onto papa as he used air force to stop us from hitting the ground. Once we landed papa and I went off with a few other heroes and sidekicks while Shoto and Kacchan took on the members that were located in the base. We kept running towards the room where it was reported that Flect was located. The person that Endeavor put in charge of locating the bomb reported that they couldn't find the bomb anywhere in the facility.

"Where's Flect?" Endeavor asked. Papa and I were running behind the pro heroes as we closed in on the office that Flect was reported to be in. We burst into the room and looked at the desk that had a chair behind it. We looked around before I changed to my small fox form and sniffed around. There was one scent, but it was faint and was fading. I changed back before looked at the heroes. "There's a scent here, but it's old and fading." I reported. 

"Their leader's gone. Search the premesis." One of the heroes said. The reports came in that there were no bombs located in any of the bases that we raided and we were placed on standby so more heroes could be brought in to help us. We were out shopping and gathering supplies for our little base since we were on standby. "Woah the streets aare really busy." Papa said. 

"Yeah well I guess it is the biggest city in Otheon." Shoto pointed out. Kacchan was walking in front of us before he shouted at papa and Shoto complaining about being on standby and being an errand boy. "We're the lowest rank here since we're work study students." I said.

"The only reason we got called in the first place is because we're doing our workstudies at Endeavor's agency. We're freebies that got thrown in." Shoto said. 

"Still we have a huge responsibility here. We have to protect the world from Humarise." Papa said.

"And we'll find them. We'll make sure of it." Shoto added.

"The stupid organization is full of obessed idiots. Why do they believe in the Quirk Doomsday Theory? They're taking a totally hypothetical and using it to justify their crimes." Kacchan asked. As Kacchan finished his sentence there was a small explosion that went off in front of us before we lept into action rushing towards the site. We saw two guys running away from the store and started chasing them. Kacchan broke off from us chasing after a different villain while we chased the one that had the case in his hands. We chased after him running through the crowded streets as he used his quirk knocking people into the air. Papa used Blackwhip to catch the people who were flung into the air while Shoto and I continued chasing him. We chased the guy down and alley before Shoto used his flames to distract him from the ice he was using to make a wall. We came to a stop once the guy hit the wall before llooking around for the case. "Todoroki! Y/n!" Papa calle, running up behind us. 

"Midoriya. The case is gone." Shoto said. I changed to my small fox form before sniffing around for a second. "I got it." I said, heading back towards papa. Papa looked down the alley as I turned the corner seeing a kid running with the case. 

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