Chapter 38

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Y/n's POV

We waited for Mineta to make it to the ladder so we could head up to the next floor. It took a few minutes, but eventually Mineta made it to the ladder and let it down. We started climbing up the ladder to the service room. As we entered the room from the ladder, Mineta was asking for the girls to show him some love drooling a little. "You were incredible, Mineta, as I would expect from a student hero." Melissa complimented. He almost started crying because of her compliment. "That's it, let's get fired up, everyone!" Mineta shouted. Everyone cheered before we started moving. We started making our way through the floors with everyone who could use long range attacks taking out the cameras. We continued running as I heard explosions coming from the floors under us. As we were running, the barriers that were down were opening up again.

"Looks like we're getting lucky. The path's been clear since the 100th floor." Denki said. 

"Yeah, do you think we lost them?" Mama asked.

"That's not it. Something's not right about this." I said.

"I agree with Y/n, no way would they just let us get away and leave barriers open." Jiro said. 

"It's possible that they're leading us somewhere." Momo said.

"Likely." Ida said.

"Even if that's the case, we're almost to the top floor. We're so to this being over." Papa said. We kept running, but I and eye out for anything that might be weird. When we got to the 130th floor, it was packed full of the sentry bots that the island had for protection. "They're not just trying to block us in anymore. They might be trying to capture us now." Ida said. 

 "If that's the case, they might know we're hero course students." Papa said.

"If that's the case let's so them what we can do." Momo said, making a giant looking blanket.

"True, let's go with plan A for now. Ready, Kaminari?" Ida said. 

"Yup. I won't let you guys down. Let's do this Ida." Denki said. Ida grabbed Denki's wrists before using her quirk to launch him into the air and into the middle of all the drones. "1.3 Million Volts!" Denki shouted, hitting the floor with his quirk. It wasn't working, so he tried using 2 million volts and damaged the outside of the robots and the light on the top of them was off. Jiro had tried to warn Denki about doing 2 million volts, but he was already acting stupid. We appraoched the robots before they opened back up and captured Denki. "Kaminari!" Jiro shouted.

"They're just too strong." Mineta said.

"Alright, Plan B." Ida said. Momo made something for us to throw at the robots to jam their communications before Mineta would use his quirk to stop them from moving. "Our turn. Come on Midoriya." Ida said.

"Let's go." Papa said, while rolling up his right sleeve. Papa rushed forward and punched the group of robots sending most fo them flying. Ida rushed in and grabbed Denki before asking Jiro if the robots had backup coming. She warned us about backup coming from the left so we starting running to the right. "Deku, what's with that glove? It's amazing." Mama said. Papa turned back and looked at Melissa. "It worked perfectly, Melissa, thanks." Papa said.

"I'm glad you brought it." Melissa said. 

"I didn't know how to get it off my arm." Papa said. I heard Melissa giggle as we kept running we made it to the 138th floor before being stopped again by the robots. "Let's break through them." Papa said.

"Wait, if we damage the servers I don't know what would happen to the island's security system." Melissa said.

"We'll hold them here while protecting the servers." Momo said.

"Right, Y/n, Midoriya take Melissa and see if you can find another way." Ida said.

"Right." I said.

"Let's leave it to them." Papa said. We started running from the robots, but I heard Melissa inviting mama to come with us. After that they caught up to papa and I while I heard them fighting. Papa stopped for a second before looking back at the server room. "Deku, keep running. If we stop then what Ida and the other did would be for nothing." Mama said. Papa nodded and he hoped for everyone to be safe. We made it outside and were walking around a wind farm. Melissa explained that there was an emergy door above us and pointed it out. "That's pretty high up there can we even get up there?" Papa asked.

"That's why we have Ochaco, your quirk can make anything you touch weightless." Melissa said.

"Right, let's do this." Mama said.

"Wait, if she uses it for too long it'll make mama sick." I said.

"We don't have much of a choice here." Mama said. I shook my head and changed into my giant fox form. "Let's do it like this, papa, Melissa hang onto my fur as tight as you can." I said, laying down to let them on. They nodded and climbed on. "What are you thinking sweetie?" Mama asked. 

"At this size and with your quirk I should be able to run up the walls without any trouble." I said.

"That's dangerous." Mama said.

"I know, but I'll be okay." I said, giving her a determined look. She nodded as we headed over to one fo the walls, she touched my leg and I started floating. "Give me a small push mama." I said. She pushed against my paws before I used my claws to dig into the wall and started running up it. We were making quick progress before I heard a door open below us. I looked down for a quick second seeing the robots approaching her. "Papa! Grab Melissa and use me as a spring to get up to the door." I explained. Before he could move we heard an explosion below us. I looked down seeing Kacchan along with Kirishima and Shoto. They were talking with mama as I kept running. As I was running a massive gust of wind knocked me away from the tower and we headed off course. After a few seconds I felt a gust of hot wind push us towards a different tower.

"Y/n, protect Melissa. I'll break through the wall." Papa said. I nodded as he jumped towards the wall and punched a hole through it. Mama released her quirk once we were inside and I landed on the floor worn out from all the running today. "Thank you Y/n." Papa said, patting my head. I smiled and changed back to my human form. "You should stay here and rest." Melissa said. I shook my head and stood up. "Someone's here." I said. Papa whipped around and blocked an attack from a guy with a sword for the arm.

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