Chapter 46

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Y/n's POV

Muscular pulled something out of his pocket and put it over his left eye, which had been hit by one of papa's attacks. "Why'd you come here? What's the league after?" Papa asked.

"Doesn't matter to me. I'm just glad they finally let me off the leash. Long as I can use my quirk as much as I want, I really don't care. Remember what I told you earlier? We've just been playing around. Having fun, until now. Now I'm serious. Recess is over. I'm coming at you two for real, cause, truth be told, you're pretty strong, and the fox is tough. I see that now." Muscular said. Papa quickly lifted Kota onto my back and pointed up as Muscular charged at us. I jumped, avoiding the attack before looking back and seeing papa jumping after me. Muscular's strength was on a whole new level and he crushed part of the cliff up with his attack. Muscular turned and looked at us before rushing towards us. Papa and I both managed to dodge his attack, but I wasn't too sure about how much more Kota could take of this. The shockwave from his second attack knocked Kota and me to the ground. 

"Aw damn, I got too excited." Muscular said. I landed on my feet while papa hit the ground with his broken arm. Papa sat up and looked at Muscular. I could tell he was trying to come up with a plan to deal with this guy. He was clearly tired and in a lot of pain. I looked at his hurt arm, smelling blood and seeing the new scars that he had inflicted on it. "Papa." I said.

"Don't worry, this is nothing." Papa said. I nodded before seeing him standup with the glint of newfound power in his eyes. "Stay back, you two. When I say to run, Y/n, I want you to take Kota out of here."

"No way." I said.

"You're going to attack him again? You can't do that. Let's just go, come on. Your punch didn't hurt him at all." Kota asked. 

"It's going to be fine." Papa said. He stood there blocking the path between us and Muscular, activiating One for All. Muscular finally managed to get himself free from the clifface he punched before rushing towards papa. I quickly changed back and touched papa's back. I focused my fire and made it pass through papa's arm as he punched Muscular. As they hit each other steam started pouring from Muscular's body where papa was hitting him. "Aww what's wrong? That was even weaker than before." Muscular said.

"Okay, it'll all be okay. We will not let him get past us. Kota run!" Papa shouted. I stood behind papa doing my best to support him from behind as I smelled something burning. Muscular increased his quirk again forcing papa to bend backwards while I tried to support him. I felt something wet land on my face as I saw blood pouring down papa's right arm. "Please just go Kota." I thought. Muscular was laughing about how we were still protecting Kota from him. "Shut up! God Damnit!" Papa shouted. Papa and I were being pushed into the ground as Muscular continued to get stronger. I felt something else land on my face seeing papa's tears as he was trying tohold Muscular off of us. "I'm gonna crush you!" Muscular shouted. Muscular pushed us into the ground crushing the area around our feet as papa was about to pass out. "Let them go!" Kota shouted. 

"Kota..." Papa said, weakly.

"Papa take my flames and use them." I said, passing my fire through his body again. He nodded before activating One for All again. "I won't let you hurt them!" Papa said. Papa stood up while I just fell to the ground and watched as I saw my F/c flames take on a green color. "How are you getting stronger?" Muscular asked. I heard small snapping noises before looking up and seeing the muscle fibers around papa's right fist turn black and snap apart. "I won't let you lay a hand on them!" Papa shouted, pushing Muscular back. I could feel papa's power growing as the muscle fibers around his arm burned to ash before papa punched Muscular in the face. The green flames around papa's arms carried over to Muscular as he was sent flying into the cliff.

I smiled as papa lifted his head high and screamed. "Y/n!" Papa said, looking at me. I pushed myself off the ground before nearly falling forward. Kota caught me and helped me steady myself. "Give us a second then we can head back." Papa said.

"You two are hurt, what else do you have to do?" Kota asked. Papa ended up talking about how powerful Muscular was and how he thought he'd deal more damage to him. "We need to go and tell the Pussy Cat's about what's going on." Papa said. I nodded as we looked out over the flames that were burning the forest. "Come on, Kota get on my back." Papa said.

"No way." I said, changing into my giant fox form. I laid down and let them climb on before standing up. "Kota make sure papa doesn't fall off." I said. 

"Got it." Kota said. I nodded before jumping off the cliff heading towards camp. I was running through the woods before I saw mr Aizawa. We stopped and papa started rambling on about how he needs to explain what we know about the villians and need to find Mandalay. Mr Aizawa was trying to stop papa from talking as I laid down and let Kota off. "We'll be back soon." I said, turning towards where the special training was. 

"Wait you two." Mr Aizawa said. I stopped and looked back at him. He scolded papa about causing his injuries and had us pass a message onto Mandalay. Once we heard the message I rushed towards where Mandalay and Tiger were fighting. Papa jumped off my back used his legs to break one of the villians weapons. "Mandalay, Kota's safe." I said, standing next to her. 

"You two found him?" She asked.

"We've got a message from mr Aizawa. We need you to use Telepath." Papa said. 

"tell everyone in Class A and Class B that Easerhead has granted them premission to use their quirks to fight the villians." I said. Mandalay nodded and used her quirk while I dealt with the lizard looking guy. Mandalay told us to get back to camp and started fighting the lizard villian again. "I'm sorry I can't. You need to send one more thing. The villians I know one reason they're here. They're after Kacchan, please you have to let the others know." Papa said, activating One for All again. I rushed over changing back into my fox form and picked him up throwing him onto my back. "Who's Kacchan?" Mandalay asked. A man with sunglasses on turned away from Tiger and went to punch papa. I easily whipped him away with my tail. "Stay out of my way." I said, rushing past him. After a few minutes of running the poison gas dissipated. I was trying my best to find Kacchan's scent to follow but something came out of the woods and attacked us. I dodged, but papa fell off of my back. I looked back to see Shoji holding papa on his back. I looked for the attacker and saw Tokoyami doing his best to try and restrain Dark Shadow from attacking others.

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