Chapter 98

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Y/n's POV

"So, the thing is Shoto is the only one who Endeavor wanted to train on his own, but don't worry, us side kicks will take good care of you other three." Burnin said, talking about papa. kacchan and me. 

"I'm here because I was told I could watch the best hero work up close!" Kacchan shouted. 

"You'll still be able to watch him. Please calm down Kacchan." Papa said. 

"Kacchan, we'll still be working with him, but we might just have to train with the sidekicks." I said.

"I didn't come here to do that! I came to work and watch the number one hero work!" Kacchan continued to shout. I sighed before shrugging since I couldn't do anything about what Kacchan was complaining about. "This isn't how I expected things to play out. I'll try talking to him." Shoto said.

"You don't have to do that. It might actually be fun working with the sidekicks." I said. The doors to Endeavor's office slid open as he stepped out with a clearly determined face. He walked over to us and stood in front of us. "Shoto. Deku. Bakugo. Y/n. I'll look after you four myself. Now go get ready." Endeavor said. The four of us nodded and headed to the locker rooms. It was quiet in the women's locker room before I heard someone enter and try to sneak up behind me. I looked back and saw Burnin standing there. "Just came in to let you know that everyone's waitin' on ya." Burnin said.

"Alright, I'm almost ready." I said, putting on the cloak that Momo gave me. I felt a hand land on my head before brushing against my ears. "You're cute." Burnin said. I giggled and nodded, putting my costume case in the locker I was given. I headed out of the locker room before catching up to papa and the others as we walked to the gym in Endeavor's office. We found Endeavor waiting for us in the gym while some of the sidekicks hung around. "Alright, you four are under my tutelage. Deku, Bakugo, Y/n, before we begin, tell me about yourselves. What are you currently capable of? What weaknesses do you need to improve on?" Endeavor asked. Papa stepped forward first and looked at Endeavor. "I want to perform at my best, but to do that, I'll need to gain better control over my power." Papa said.

"Interesting. Your quirk is so strong that it hurts you. Is that right?" Endeavor asked. Papa nodded and explained that he's learned to control it better and didn't injure himself quite as much. "However... Recently there's been a... this other thing. So it's like my power, but it's manifesting in a way I've never seen before." Papa said. Endeavor asked for papa to show him what he's talking about. Papa showed Endeavor the small amount of Black Whip that he could handle while explaining that he could only do that much without losing control. "What do you mean by performing to your best? Explain your power." Endeavor asked. 

"It seems flexible, like a whip, and could be very versatile. I want to turn this thing I can't control into a useful weapon. I want to see if I could control it at will like I did with air force." Papa started. I sighed as he started explaining in detail what he could do with wind pressure. Kacchan, Shoto and I stood back and watched as papa explained in way more detail then he needed to about his quirk. Kacchan was getting upset at papa because of what he was doing. "He talks so much I totally lost the thread." Burnin said, behind us. I turned around and handed her my notebook which explained papa's problem without all the data. "Here, this might help." I said. She nodded and quickly read through the notebook before nodding. "That's quite the self-analysis." Shoto said. 

"Shut up." Kacchan growled. 

"I see, At heart you're saying you want to constantly you want to adjust power levels when you're fighting?" Endeavor questioned, making sure he had it right. Endeavor's sidekicks were a little lost but proud to see that Endeavor understood every word. "Yes sir." Papa said. 

"You've had trouble with your quirk. Trust me when I tell you you're not alone." Endeavor said. Papa looked back completely confused. "You, you're turn." Endeavor said, turning to Kacchan.

"I'm only here to figure out what I can't do. That's the only question." Kacchan said. Burnin laughed about Kacchan's ego before he yelled at her. "I've been able to do everything I ever wanted with my explosion power. I may only have one quirk, but I can still become the best there is." Kacchan said. He went on talking about the things he's learned in the past year which ended up being mostly from the fight I heard about from papa and the team battles we had. "I showed up to find out what will make me even better and surpass you." Kacchan said, fearlessly. 

"Good, now you." Endeavor said, looking down at me.

 "I want to improve on thinking on my feet." I said.

"Alright, that's an easy one to help you with." Endeavor said. He turned to leave the gym clearly wanting us to follow. "What about me?" Shoto asked.

"You're just here to learn Flash Fire, aren't you?" Endeavor asked.

"I poured all the training you beat into me as a kid towards strengthing my right side. I focused on perfecting my ice. Now that I look back on it, I see my hated was holding me back in some ways. After entering UA, and spending time with these guys competing and fighting, my eyes were opened. Endeavor I now realize what you wanted me to." Shoto said. Shoto balled his hands into fists before turning towards Enceavor. "I want you to know this, the pro I've always admired is the person I watched on TV while sitting beside mom. I came here wanting to learn so I may be worthy of being called a hero. This is my choice, not yours. The only reason I came to this place is to use you. I came because it's benefical for me number one, don't pretend to be a caring parent in front of my friends." Shoto said. He was clearly determined to not see Endeavor as his dad. "Right, very well. From now on you'll be learning in the field with me." Endeavor said.

We followed Endeavor out of the agency building as he started explaining some things. He was talking about how he focused on fighting, rescuing, and evacuation even though most agencies only focus on one. "Parallel processing and swifet response. Make that the norm. Remember what your goal is. At UA it's hard work, but here it's experience. Make as much as the latter you can here. The things you each need to work on can be done here in this way. This winter show me that you can capture a villain faster then me just once." Endeavor said. We continued walking for a second before I heard a beep near Endeavor before we took off running. The otehr three responded a bit slower, but caught up fast. Endeavor quickly turned as I slid before running again trying to stay caught up with him. Endeavor easily caught the person before we stopped and he said we were slow. We continued running and following Endeavor, but he easily stopped another accident from happening. We eventually took a break and found a rooftop where we could eat. Endeavor and papa talked about a few things while I wondered what type of homework he'd give me. After they talked for a minute he looked at me. "I've got a few ideas for your homework, but you'll need to focus on training with the sidekicks to have them help improve your quick responses to situations." Endeavor said.

"More training?" I asked, a little disappointed.

"You'll always be training and learning. And they'll only train you when we're not in the field." Endeavor said.

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