Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV

After we led the heroes inside, the guy with the cowboy hat shot some of the villains from the door. I was still worried about papa since he was still with All Might fighting some villains. "Don't worry, I brought the teachers as soon as I could." Nezu said. Mama hugged me and kept rubbing my back to keep me calm. "Papa's going to be okay." I said. I felt mama nod against me as she had tears coming down her eyes. The heroes started taking out the villains one by one, but the black and purple smoke guy and the guy with hands got away. Once all the villains were taken down, I saw the smoke around All Might go away. I ran down to see papa, but I saw the guy with spiky red hair running towards papa. A wall was built in front of him before I came running to the wall. "Let me see papa." I said as the red-haired guy ran to his friends.

"I'm sorry, but you need to meet up with all your other classmates." The giant gray guy said. 

"Cementoss, it's okay." All Might said. He stepped back and let me through when I got behind the wall I saw All Might sitting on the ground while papa was laying across from him. "Papa!" I yelled, running over to him. I kneeled down in front of him before I felt something falling down my face. "Don't worry sweetie, I'm okay and so is All Might." Papa said. He reached up to wipe my tears away from my face. "You should go be with Uraraka. They need to sneak All Might out of here." Papa said. I nodded and headed back towards mama, when I got there, everyone but mama was heading outside. Mama was waiting for me when I got there. "Y/n what's wrong?" She asked. I just ran up to her and hugged her. "It's okay, let's get out of here." Mama said, picking me up. She carried me outside where the police were some of the police wanted to talk to us, but a person in a big coat told them we didn't need to be questioned.

Uraraka's POV

As we were getting ready to head back to the school, a police officer came up to me. "Excuse me, but is that your child?" He asked.

"Sort of. Her adoptive father is in the same class as us. She just called me her mother after doing something and it's kind of just stuck with me." I explained. He nodded before leading us to the bus. We got on the bus and headed back to the school, on the way back I got a text from Deku. He asked me if I could watch Y/n for the night. "Y/n do you want to go to my home for the night?" I asked. I felt her nod against my shoulder as we got to the school. We grabbed her school things before heading to the nurse's office. "Want me to wait out here?" I asked. She nodded and headed into the office before shutting the door. I heard some talking before hearing Y/n crying, I reached for the door before it slid open with Y/n running into my legs hugging me. "I'm sorry I'm leaving her with you, but I'm in no condition to take care of her." Deku said. I looked in to see him laying on a bed covered in bandages. "It's okay, I'll take her home and let her rest." I said lifting her up into my arms. I carried her to the train station before setting her down on the bench. "What's wrong sweetie?" I asked.

"Everyone's hurt, and I couldn't help them." Y/n complained. I knelt down in front of her so I could see her face. "You were a big help. You helped mr. Aizawa get to safety, you helped your papa save Tsu and Mineta. I didn't even do that much." I explained. She just looked at me before tears fell down her face again. I wiped them away before kissing her forehead. "You're a hero, just like All Might. When we get home how about we tell grandma and grandpa about what you did." I said. Y/n smiled before shaking her head. "No grandma and grandpa will worry." She said with a giggle. I nodded as we got on the train to head home. Once we got there Y/n was ready to sleep after all the stress today. I had thought mom and dad would be home, but it seems like they had some work to be done out of town for the construction company. "Come on, let's get some food then you can go to bed." I said. Y/n nodded and waited at the table for me to finish making her something to eat. I didn't make anything special just a couple sandwiches one for her and one for myself. Y/n quickly ate it before putting her plate on the counter. She ehaded to the couch where she laid down for a bit before I walked over and moved her head to my lap. After about 30 minutes Y/n was asleep in my lap with her head in my lap. Since she was asleep I gently moved her to my bed and started on some homework. After I finished the homework I needed to do I headed to my room. I silently entered my room before changing into my pajamas and laying down next to Y/n. Once I laid down Y/n wrapped her arms around me in a hug. I smiled and kissed her forehead again. "Thank you for being a hero." I whispered. I saw a smile on her face before I closed my eyes to head to bed as well. The next morning I woke up and checked my email for any news about the school. I saw an email about the school being closed for the day. "I guess I can have a rest day with Y/n." I said to myself.

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