Chapter 43

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Y/n's POV

I was working on controlling my fire and increasing the heat of them without using things like candy or other things I like. After doing that for a while, I switched to my small fox form and worked on my stealth. The hardest part about that training was trying to hide my two tails, since it didn't blend in with the other animals in the area. As I was finishing up my stealth training, the kids from class 1-B were walking out to the field. "This is perfect." I thought, while sneaking up behind the class. They were talking about similar things that mr. Aizawa told us about. The class stopped and looked at everyone on the field. "How long have they been out here?" Someone asked. 

"We've been out here for a couple hours." I said, popping up behind them in my giant fox form. The entire class turned and saw me before freaking out. I changed into my human form, laughing as I started rolling around on the ground. "Calm down, everyone. It's just class 1-A's kitsune hero Trix." Vlad king said. Someone picked me up off the ground and turned me around to face them. "Just what do you think you're doing?" Mr Aizawa asked.

"I was training my stealth, which I think is going great." I said. Mr Aizawa sighed as I finally got my laughter under control. "Alright time for combat training with me." Mr Aizawa said. I nodded. "Who am I going to be sparring with?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Me." Mr Aizawa said. I smiled and nodded. "No transformations, though." He said. 

"Aww. You're talking all the fun out of it." I said. He carried me to an open field and set me down. "Actually, there's one more thing I want to add to this training for you. Vlad!" Mr Aizawa said. Vlad King walked over and looked at me before crossing his arms. "You want me to fight both of you?" I asked. Mr Aizawa nodded before he and Vlad King rushed towards me. I got ready and started blocking attacks from both of them. "Come on, you need to be able to focus on multiple opponents at once." Mr Aizawa said. I nodded and thought of a new way to try and avoid attacks. I closed my eyes and focused on using my hearing and sense of smell. Mr. Aizawa and Vlad King tried to attack again, but this time, I easily dodged without looking at them.

I counter attacked and managed to get a couple hits in. I landed back on my feet before I heard someone charge at me. After avoiding another attack from either Vlad King or mr Aizawa, I counter attacked again. My combat training continued as I got better and better at detecting their attacks. That evening came around and my two tails were waving behind me since I was happy about my results. "What's got you in such a happy mood?" Mama asked.

"I had fun training with mr Aizawa and Vlad King." I said, lighting a fire. Our next task was making food for ourselves after the long day of training. Everyone had complained about having to make dinner. As everyone was eating dinner I looked around and saw everyone except Kota. I sniffed the air and managed to find a little bit of his scent. I grabbed a couple plates of curry and followed his scent. I made it up a hill which over looked the forest that we were training in. Kota was just looking out towards the camp. "Hey Kota." I said. He jumped a little and looked at me. "What are you doing up here?" I asked.

"I wanted to get away from the wannabe heroes." He said.

"Would you like some curry?" I asked, holding out a plate for him. He shook his head at first before I heard his stomach growl. "I'll take some." He said. I nodded and handed him a plate. "This is a great view." I said, sitting down on the ledge. He sat down next to me and we started eating the food. "So why do you want to be a hero?" Kota asked.

"I wanna help people like papa and mama, but I think it's fun to be a hero honestly." I said.

"But what happens if villains attack you?" Kota asked.

"Well until I get my provisional license I can't technically do anything with my quirk." I explained. I finished my curry before setting my plate down on the ground. "I just don't see the point to heroes and villains." Kota said.

"I get that, but I was saved by a hero after my parents were killed by a villain." I said.

"Really?" Kota asked.

"Yeah, I don't remember much about it. All I know is they were after something and they were really powerful." I said.

"Who saved you?" Kota asked.

"That's the thing, I don't know who saved me then. I do know who saved me later when I was living in garbge." I said.

"I'm guessing it was the green haired boy." Kota said. I nodded before letting out a yawn. "How can you be so tired?" Kota asked.

"I was doing training all day with my teachers and it was mostly combat training." I said. Kota just sat there and looked out at the training and camp grounds. "Y/n!" Papa called walking up to us. I waved to him before laying down on the ground. "We should head back and get some sleep." Papa said.

"Can't I just stay here?" I asked.

"No, you need some decent sleep in a bed." Papa said.

"Will you carry me back?" I asked. Papa sighed and walked over picking me up. I rested my head on his shoulder as he carried me back to the camp grounds. Kota was walking behind us talking about heroes and villains with papa. On the way back to the camp grounds I changed into my small fox form making it easier for papa to carry me. I woke up when papa passed me over to mama to take but I easily fell back to sleep while some of the other girls played some games. The next morning when we were training I was focusing on using my giant fox form for combat and use in rescue training. Mr Aizawa pushed me as much as possible to use my quirk.

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