Chapter 3 Y/n's Entrance Exam

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Toshinori's POV

The other teachers at U.A. High were supercurious about what Y/n's quirk was. "What's with those fox ears?" Nezu asked. 

"As far as I know, her ears and tail are part of her quirk. Izuku has a full list of her abilities." I said. "I know she has some control of fire that she makes."

"Does she have multiple quirks?" Cementoss asked.

"No, her one quirk has seems to offer more than just one ability. I've seen her turn into a F/c fox and make a F/c fire under herself so she could warm up. Other than that, you'll need to ask Izuku." I said.

"That's really interesting." Ectoplasm said. He made a copy of himself and had it walk over to me, I left Y/n's arms tighten around me as she looked at the copy. "Scary." Y/n said. I patted her on the back, waiting for her to look up at me. "He's not that scary, he's super nice and helps the students learn their super moves." I explained. She nodded and looked back at him. "I'm sorry to ask this over you, but can you show me some of these abilities that you have?" Ectoplasm asked. Y/n nodded and hopped out of my lap, facing him. She turned into a fox before growing in size to be just smaller than the room. "Holy stinking super crap! I didn't know she could get this big." I said. She shrunk down to a more manageable size for the room. "Can you show me those flames I've heard about?" Ectoplasm asked. She nodded, turned back to her human form and then held her hand out letting a small F/c flame appear. "How about you two go to another room and try out these powers?" Nezu recommended. Ectoplasm nodded and held out his hand for Y/n to take. She slowly grabbed his hand as he made his way to the door with her.

Y/n's POV

Me and the scary man left the room and headed to another room. "Do you like being around your dad?" He asked.

"Yeah, he is my hero." I said. He looked down and me and nodded. "Well then let's see if you can be a hero as well." He said. I smiled and nodded he had me stop as he walked away from me. "Alright show me what you can do!" He yelled. I nodded and turned into a giant fox, I howl letting fire show up around my feet and on the ground around me. I ran at him and tried to bite him, he jumped away form me, I looked at him and shot my fire towards him. He moved out of the way and came at me, I used my head and headbutted him. He rolled on the ground before standing back up, I whipped around and hit him with my tail. He rolled on the ground again before I ran at him. "Okay, I give up." He said. I stopped and turned back to my normal self. "You've got one heck of a quirk, your a little young but I would say you have the heart of a hero. The only question is can we get you into a program." He said. He looked at me before standing me in front of him again. "What can you do in this form?" He asked. I made my fire and moved it around with my hands before letting it float and moving it with my head. "Interesting. How about we go back and see how your dad is doing?" He said. I nodded and took his hand, we walked back entering the room to see people running into a city.

"So they've begun huh?" The man said. 

"Yes, and so far some students are doing better then others, that's to be expected though." Nezu said. 

"Principal Nezu I believe we have another canidate for the program, however they''re quite young." The man said.

"Oh, who might they be?" Nezu said.

"Well that's the thing, it's this little girl here. I believe she has the heart of a hero and a way to touch the hearts of many because she's young." The man said.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do. Toshinori I'm also going to need your help with the girl, she's under the care of your successor so I'm going to hold you responsible for her as well." Nezu said.

"Of course." Toshinori said. Nezu got down from his chair and looked at me. "Let me be the first to welcome the youngest hero course student to our wonderful program." Nezu said. He held out his hand, I grabbed it as he shook my hand. After that we watched what was on the screens, but after fighting I was sleepy and laid back against All Might. "Young Y/n, rest for now I'll take you to young Midoriya once he's done with his exam." Toshinori said. I nodded and closed my eyes quickly falling asleep.

Toshinori's POV

"You've once again touched the life of a young hero Toshinori." Nezu said.

"I wasn't the one, it was young Midoriya who touched her life." I said. We watched as the Zero point robot was sent in. Young Midoriya sacrificed his arm and legs to save a girl from being crushed by it. Everyone in the room cheered quietly while giving sixty rescue points to Young Midoriya. After the exam I took Y/n to young Midoriya and waved goodbye as they headed home.

Izuku's POV

While at home I was staring at my dinner and thinking about how I wasn't going to get accepted. My mom snapped me out of my thoughts before I finished my dinner and went to the couch. Y/n watched TV while I was lifting some weights. "Izuku! They came!" My mom yelled as she came back into our apartment. She was holding a letter from U.A I took it and headed into my room with Y/n following me. I opened the letter and listened to All Might as he told me about how that girl offered her points to me, but then I found out about rescue points. I was accepted into U.A. "Now before I leave as you know I watched over Y/n while you were taking the exam and mock battle, while you were doing that she had her own exam of sorts. She fought with the hero Ectoplasm and he was impressed by her. She has also been accepted into the Hero Course as well, she'll have a few different things that your class won't have however she should be fine with you to support her." All Might said. I looked at Y/n shocked by All Might saying that. "Y/n I'm so proud of you!" I cheered picking her up and gently tossing her in the air. She giggled as my mom opened the door. "What's going on?" She asked. 

"We got accepted into the Hero Course!" I cheered again.

"You mean you got accepted right honey?" Mom asked.

"Not just me mom, Y/n was accepted too." I said. Mom looked at me in surprise. "I just found out too." I said. She came over and hugged us both. "I'm so proud of my heros." Mom said crying.

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