Chapter 18

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Y/n's POV

I was waiting to head out to the field since I was next up to fight. "Hey Y/n." Papa called. I looked back to see papa and All Might standing together. "Did you need something, papa?" I asked, walking over to him. He shook his head and knelt down. "Do your best out there." He said. I smiled and nodded before looking at All Might. "You've got this kid." All Might said. I nodded and started making my way out to the field. They introduced Ibara Shiozaki before I stepped out of the tunnel. "Her opponent is the youngest member of the hero course. The adorable fox girl, Y/n Midoriya!" Present Mic announced. I walked onto the ring and looked at Ibara. "Excuse me, but I don't know why you introduced me as an assassin. That doesn't align with what a hero stands for." Ibara said. I nodded in agreement with her. "I joined U. A. not out of selfish reasons, but to give salvation to all who need it." Ibara said. Present Mic apologized for what he said before she walked back into the field. "I'm not sure about fighting a young child like Y/n, though." Ibara said. 

"Don't worry about me, mama and papa have helped me learn how to fight." I said. Ibara sighed and looked at me. "Alright, I will fight you to the best of my ability." She said. I smiled and nodded. "You may begin!" Present mic said. I waited and watched for an attack to come. Ibara turned around and let her hair shoot into the ground. I felt the ground rumble before seeing it crack open and vines pour out of it. I ducked under the vines and used my fire to burn some vines away before they got to me. I rushed towards her dodging the vines that tried to attack me. once I got close enough I transformed into my giant fox form and hit her with my tail. She flew back a bit before catching herself with her vines. "Oh my I didn't know that class 1-a had such a beautiful fox with them." Ibara said looking at me. She sent another wave of vines at me before I shrunk down to my smaller fox form dodging the vines. I used her vines as cover for myself to get close to her. She was standing near the edge of the ring which was good for me as I ran towards her at my top speed hitting her in the stomach knocking her out of the ring. "You even have a small fox form?" Ibara asked looking at me. I transformed back and nodded. "I sure do." I said walking over and helping her onto her feet. 

"Thank you for the fight." I said. 

"Yes, it was a wonderful match even if I lost to you. I've come out of this experience with more knowledge then I had before." Ibara said. I smiled and nodded before holding my hand out to her. She took it and gently shook my hand. "What great sportmenship showed by U.A's youngest student!" Present mic said as I walked off the arena. I saw papa and All Might standing in the tunnel waiting for me. "You did great out there Y/n." All Might said giving me a thumbs up.

"All Might's right, you did awesome. Now let's go sit with Uraraka and Ida." Papa said. I nodded. He grabbed my hand walking me back up to the seats where mama and Ida were waiting for us. When we got back to the seats papa started taking notes on Ibara muttering to himself while he did. I saw how everyone was looking at him a little concerned. "Papa you're talking out loud again." I said tugging on his sleeve. He stopped and looked at me then at our classmates. "Oh sorry." He apologized. 

"It's okay, although you shouldn't be planning too many matches ahead." Mama said. He nodded and looked at her. "Just so you know mama, papa has notes on your quirk too." I said moving onto her lap. 

"Really?" She asked looking at papa. He showed her the notes that he had taken on her quirk and it's uses. "That's incredible, have you done that even for Y/n?" Mama asked. Papa nodded and flipped to the notes that had my quirk. "Wow this is so detailed, you even have things that increase and decrease the temperature of her flames." Mama said looking over the notes.

"I hated when papa wanted to test that." I said thinking about the random things he had me try. 

"Deku what did you do to her?" Mama asked.

"Nothing I just had her try different things like her emotions, anger makes the flames hotter and brighter, while things like sadness make them cold and dim. The same thing applies to food, the food she hates makes her flames cold and dim too." Papa explained.

"That one was fun, papa just gave me lots of treats to test it." I said thinking about all the food I got to eat. I heard mama sigh before she wrapped her arms around me. "Well I'm happy you're okay, now let's watch Ida fight." Mama said. I nodded and looked down to see Ida walking onto the arena. We watched as Mei started talking about the things she made one of which Ida was wearing. Ms Midnight told Ida about the rules before everyone sort of agreed that it was okay for him to use it. Once the fight started it turned into Mei just showing off the stuff she made while making it seem like the fight was all an ad for her equipment. As Ida's match came to an end mama lifted me off her lap and set me down on the seat next to papa. Papa was still mumbling to himself while I watched mama walk away. I got up and followed mama while I heard the next match starting. It was between Mina and Aoyama from what I heard in the match Mina was dodging Aoyama's attacks while she got close enough to uppercut him. The sixth match was Tokoyami and Momo which ended fast with Momo losing to Tokoyami. Once that was over I walked into the player waiting room. "Mama?" I asked. She looked at me trying to hide something. "Are you okay mama?" I asked. She sighed and looked at the table. "I'm just nervous." She said. 

"That's understandable you're up against Bakugo." Ida said walking into the room. I nodded. There was a knock on the door before it open showing papa. "Hey." He said walking into the room. 

"Well I don't think that Bakugo would use his full pwoer explosions on a girl would he?" Ida asked.

"He will." Papa said. I saw mama start getting nervous again. "I know you can do it mama." I said. She smiled and patted me on the head. "I think I can help, I made a plan that might help you win with your quirk." Papa said. Mama shook her head. "No I want to do this myself." She said. She got up and headed to the door. "We're all rivals in this competition, that includes you and Y/n." Mama said. Papa nodded. "I'll see you both in the finals." Mama said giving us a thumbs up. She started walking down the tunnel to the arena. "You've got this mama!" I cheered as she walked away. Papa and Ida headed back to the stands. "Y/n are you coming?" Papa asked. I shook my head.

"I'm going to wait for mama." I said. 

"Ok." He said. They walked away while I stood and watched from the tunnel as mama's match was about to start.

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