Chapter 87

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Y/n's POV

After the whole trouble with Eri's reversed quirk died down. There was a major fight between Endeavor and a nomu which everyone watched. Endeavor almost lost the fight to the Nomu, but he managed to beat it after sustaining major injuries. We were in class where everyone was talking about the fight and how awesome both Hawks and Endeavor were. Shoto came in as papa and Ida headed over to him to see about Endeavor and how he was doing. "Oh wow, so glad." Papa said.

"Guess you can be proud of your pops, huh?" Mineta said. Shoto was quiet for a second before looking up. "Yes, that's true." He said before heading to his desk. The front door opened and mr Aizawa stepped into the room as everyone got in their seat. "The bell already rang so..." He started before seeing everyone in their seat. He walked to the front of the classroom, looking at us. "Ok, it's time to stop playing around and be more serious. Things get harder from here. Even though you only have provisional licenses, they have given you the certification to act as a hero in an official capacity. Or at least most of you have. Two of you remain in supplemental courses. From this moment on, we'll be kicking your training up a notch, so be prepared. Now then, for today's homeroom lecture..." Mr Aizawa said. As he was about the announce the lecture, an alarm went off calling for an emergency drill. Principal Nezu announced that some mock villains infiltrated the grounds. He asked for our class to get changed and report as soon as possible. Our cases with our hero costumes came out of the wall as everyone stood up. "You heard the announcement, everyone! Let's do this!" Ida said. Everyone quickly got changed as I looked at Eri. "You know the plan, right?" I asked. She nodded.

"Remind me what your plan is to do when this happens?" I asked.

"Stick near the pro heroes, but stay out of the way. If possible, make it back to the dorms where you or mr Aizawa will come find me." She said. I nodded as she headed out of the locker room. Once we were ready, we rushed towards the training area where we were asked to gather. We gathered on a rooftop and saw smoke rising from one building in Ground Beta. "At the moment, our tactical information is limited, but we know that villains have infiltrated Ground Beta. Even if this is only a drill, we will carry out this mission like lives are on the line." Ida said.

"We need to understand the situation better. Reconnaissance squad, if you will." Momo ordered. Shoji, Jiro and Koda stepped up, each using their quirks to start gathering information about what the situation was. Koda called for some birds to check on buildings and see if there were civilians present. Jiro connected her earphone jack to the building we were standing on, listening to the subtle sounds around us. Shoji used his quirk to see as far as he could. The rest of us headed downstairs and got ready to help deal with the fire that Shoji mentioned. "I can help with that." Momo said. Denki and Mineta tried to sneak a peek, but were taken out by Mina and Hagakure. Momo made a cart for the people who would deal with the fire. "Oh no, someone got swept away by the river." Koda warned.

"It's our turn now, Grape Juice. We'll save them." Tsu said.

"Rescue squad and extinguishing squad moving out." Ida said. He took off, racing towards the fire and the bridge to help save the victim who started floating away. "We'll bring up the rear." Papa said. Everyone nodded in agreement as we all ran towards the fire. We rushed towards the building keeping an eye out for the villains. Another explosion went off as the fire started again.  "Another explosion?" Papa asked.

"The smoke looks denser then it was." Ojiro said.

"This isn't good. We can't let that fire spread." Momo said.

"So like just put out the fire?" Mina asked

"Yes." Momo answered.

"Then we've got a move for that. Uravity, Cellophane." Mina said, looking at them.

"Yeah?" Sero asked. Mama used her quirk on Mina to sending her flying into the air before Sero used his quirk to catch her and send her towards the flames faster. Mina used her quirk to spread acid through the rubble melting some of the stones before Aoyama used his naval laser to help crush the flames with the rubble. The flames were put out while I changed to my fox form to try and track down at scents that seemed odd. I recognized a scent in the air as it was getting closer. I looked up and saw Hado flying towards Sero's tape that Mina was still holding on to. "Papa throw me towards Mina." I said. Papa looked at me confused before nodding and picking me up. He launched me towards Mina as I saw Hado getting closer to her. I made myself big and tried whipping her with my tails, but she avoided it forcing her to reveal her position. "I found a villain!" I shouted. I grabbed the end of Sero's tape with my mouth bringing it back down to the ground as mama released her quirk. "She's not the only one." Amajiki said. We looked back and saw him standing behind us. We waited for him to do something, but he didn't and ended up saying that he was going home. He started walking away before Hado managed to get him to stay before looking down at me and Mina. "Great job on rescuing your ally without getting captured yourself. You're pretty strong." Hado said.

"Thanks. I do my best." I said. I could smell the others moving towards Hado's back to try and get a sneak attack in without her noticing, but she saw it and launched an attack at them. Her attack destroyed the ice that SHoto used to put out the flames before traveling towards them. The attack was stopped by an ice wall that Shoto made to protect them. "What do you want villains?" Papa asked. I just sighed and shook my head. "I know you want to bring villains in without a fight, but papa is an idiot sometimes." I said.

"Yeah, but he's your father." Mina said.

"I know." I answered, hanging my head slightly.

"To go home." Amajiki said.

"Well then, why are you still here?" Ojiro asked.

"Cause if I leave Hado will get mad at me. Also Miro. He asked me to do what I could to help you become proper heroes as soon as possible. He's counting on me to push you. So I'll stand and fight." Amajiki said.

"They're doing this to help us get stronger." Papa said.

"I'm grateful, but this isn't going to be easy." Sero said. I smelled Hagakure getting close to Hado before rushing over so I was under Hado as Hagakure jumped from a building using her ultimate move to blind Hado and Amajiki for a second. Sero and momo captured Hado while I caught Hagakure on my back. "Thanks Y/n, your fur is super soft today." Hagakure said.

"Thanks, I try my best to keep it that way." I said, as my tails wagged from the compliment. I looked over seeing Ojiro fighting with Amajiki before getting captured himself as papa went in to deliver the final blow, but he couldn't follow through with his attack. Amajiki kicked him away before going to attack papa, but a car came racing towards us. Kirishima was on the front before getting launched with an explosion. Kirishima hit Amajiki in the back as Kacchan was riding on the hood of a car that Denki was driving. Kacchan launched himself towards us avoiding an attack from Amajiki before dodging again and attacking from behind. "Prepared to be murdered!" Kacchan shouted. He intimidated Amajiki who couldn't bring himself to counter attack as Kacchan was flying towards him. Kacchan took Amajiki out was the drill came to a successful end. Kacchan demanded that Amajiki should fight him before causing a massive explosion. I changed abck to my human form only to have to contain my laughter as papa, Kirishima, Sero and Ojiro were covered in dust with what looked like afro hair styles caused by Kacchan's explosion.

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