Chapter 95 First Snow

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Y/n's POV

Papa came over and knelt down next to me and looked at Eri. "It doesn't always cause trouble, though. You can't forget you saved my life with your rewind quirk. Powers aren't good or bad, I know think about our powers as knives in the kitchen. They may be dangerous, but if you use them right they make yummy food, huh? That's why when you use your power for good, it's wonderful." Papa said.

"See. I'm not the only one that believes in you." I said, smiling at Eri. Eri finally gave her a small smile while papa and I looked at her. "Ok then, I'll get better at my quirk." Eri said. Mirio, papa and I started to encourage Eri to do her best with learning her quirk. A few days passed with Eri and me working through some school work before we were at the dorms playing some games together before I looked out the window and saw snow falling. "It's snowing!" I cheered. Eri looked out the window as I got up and started digging through my closet for a jacket. Once I found my jacket, I put it on and rushed downstairs. "Y/n? Where are you going?" Eri asked.

"I wanna play in the snow! It'll be so much fun!" I cheered. When I got downstairs, I saw Kirishima and Mineta running outside. Mama and papa were in the living room. I clicked my tongue, figuring that they'd try to stop me. While they didn't see me, I changed to my smaller fox form before rushing towards the door. I made sure to hide when they looked back before continuing my sprint towards the door. As I was about to cross through the entrance to our dorm, someone caught me and lifted me up. "I see someone's excited to see the snow." Mama said. She just looked at me, smiling. "Yeah, can I go play outside in the cold?" I asked. My three tails were wagging back and forth before I heard the door shut. I looked at the doors, seeing papa standing there. "Y/n... You could get sick from being outside too long." Papa said, clearly concerned about my health.

"My fur keeps me warm, plus I have a jacket in case I want to change back to my human form." I pointed out. Papa looked up at mama who was still looking at me. "Is it a jacket or a winter coat?" Mama asked. I looked away, a little worried about answering. "A jacket..." I said, still looking away. Mama sighed and shook her head. "Sorry sweetie, but you could get sick and we don't want that." Mama said.

"Uraraka, here. Maybe this will convince you to let her play outside." Momo said, handing mama a winter coat for me and one for Eri with our names on them. "Thank you Momo!" I cheered, changing to my human form. Mama tried to adjust to my new weight before stumbling and setting me on the ground as I rushed over to Momo and thanked her again before putting the coat on. "I'm going to give Eri her coat." I said, before rushing upstairs. Eri was still playing her turn on the game we were playing before I dropped her coat on her. "Come on, Eri, let's go play." I said. Eri took the coat off her head before finishing her turn and pausing the game before putting her new coat on. Once it was on, the two of us headed downstairs and outside as I showed her how much fun it was to play in the cold weather. After an hour or two, we came back inside the dorm and I was shivering. "Y/n? Eri? What happened?" Mama asked.

"I'm sorry, miss Uraraka. Y/n tripped and landed in a small puddle of water." Eri explained. 

"I'm okay." I said through the shivers. Mama sighed as she looked at me before patting me on the head. "It's okay Eri. I sort of knew this would happen. Let's go get you two girls warmed up." Mama said. Both Eri and I nodded as mama giggled before leading us to the bath to get us warmed up. While Eri and I were warming up in the bath mama went up and got the two of us some warm and dry clothes for us to wear. Once we were out of the bath we headed out to enjoy some time with the other while enjoying some hot coco. "Hey Eri, since my hair is dry now, do you want to try brushing my hair and fur?" I asked.

"Really? Don't you normally do it yourself?" Eri asked.

"Yeah, but I think I can trust you enough to do it." I said. She smiled and nodded. I handed her the brush and sat down in front of her. I could hear how happy Eri was when she sat down and started brushing my hair. Every now and then she'd stop and tug a little hard on my hair before mama came over and offer to help show her how. "No I can do it, Y/n trusts me." Eri said, brushing a little hard on one of my tails. I tried not to flinch before the brush slowed down. "There you go just like that. Her tails are sensitive." Mama said. I could feel Eri's brushing pattern change as mama continued to give Eri tips as I started to feel better. I relaxed as Eri's brushing improved before leaning back and closing my eyes. 

Eri's POV

A little after Y/n leaned abck and closed her eyes I finished brushing her hair and tails and miss Uraraka lifted her onto the couch. "I'll get you two some more hot coco, Bakugo and Todoroki should be coming back at some point tonight. We should congratulate them when they get home." Uraraka said.

"Yeah, sounds like fun. But what about Y/n? She looks like she's sleeping now." I said.

"She'll wake up soon enough, plus it's getting close to dinner time. I think I know something yummy that'll wake her up." Uraraka said. I looked at miss Uraraka confused before she waved for me to follow her. I got up and followed miss Uraraka to the kitchen where she showed me the stuff to make Y/n's favorite meal. "Want to help me prepare this for you two?" Miss Uraraka asked. I nodded happily before she pulled out the stuff and we started working on it. When we were almost done cooking Y/n came walking into the kitchen and looked at us. "Something smells yummy." Y/n said. Miss Uraraka had me guide Y/n to the chairs before sitting down and miss Uraraka served us food.

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