Chapter 93

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Y/n's POV

I looked up at Shinso before he pulled on the binding cloth, pulling papa from his position next to mama and me. Papa fell from the thing we were standing on before landing on the ground on his stomach. "Papa!" I shouted. I jumped down to check on papa. "He was stronger than you? How's that make sense?" Mama asked.

"I'm not risking using my quirk if I can't control it. It's not ideal, but I can't put everyone in danger again." Papa said. I ran up to papa and helped him to his feet. "Let's fall back and make a new plan." Mama suggested.

"If we do that, we'll lose this fight." I said.

"Y/n's right. We'll lose, so let's keep going. This is our chance to win." Papa said. Papa looked up at Shinso as mama jumped down to get close to us. "But Deku, that means you'll be fighting without a quirk. Against someone with his power?" Mama questioned.

"Uraraka, I have a favor to ask." Papa said. Once papa asked his favor from mama, I smelled someone getting close. "Get down." I said, as a giant piece of metal flew towards us. Mama knocked it away from us protecting papa and me. Monoma came dashing towards us as he reached out for papa. I saw the similar lightning from One for All start moving around Monoma as he was coming towards us. "Wait Monoma! Don't do it!" Papa shouted. 

"Too late" Monoma said.

"Not so fast!" Mama shouted, taking Monoma down with her martial arts. Mama pinned Monoma to the ground before tossing me some binding rope that she had. "He doesn't have your quirk, Deku. It's a bluff, keep going." Mama said. I started tying up Monoma while mama kept him pinned to the ground. "Aw man, no fair, I drew a blank." Monoma complained. Papa looked at him a little stunned before jumping up towards Shinso. "Release." Mama said, releasing her quirk. Papa got up to Shinso and started fighting him. Once I finished tying up Monoma, as mama looked at me. "I'll take Monoma to the jail, go help the others if you can." Mama said. I nodded before hearing something above us. As I looked up, I saw metal pipes falling towards us. We dodged before splitting up as mama ran towards the jail while I went to help the others. I found Mina and Mineta pinning the other team in one spot before I went to my giant fox form before jumping in towards Class B's team. Shoda hit Mineta in the chest, knocking him out as Yanagi bombarded Mina with the metal pieces that she was controlling with her poltergeist quirk. I whipped around, using my tail to knock Shoda and Kodai back a way from Mineta and Mina. Kodai stuck to a wall thanks to Mineta's quirk, which was stuck to her back as well.

Shoda got back up and looked at me. "Where'd you come from? I thought you were dealing with Monoma and Shinso." Shoda said. 

"Who told you that?" I asked, changing back to myself. Shoda just stared at me before getting into a fighting stance. "It's wrong to fight a child like you, but I guess I have to." Shoda said. I giggled and smiled at him. "It probably won't be much of a fight." I said. I dashed towards him at my top speed which was getting close papa's normal speed. I tripped Shoda making him fall flat on his face before he groaned and got back up turning towards me. "What was that?" He asked, holding his head. 

"Sorry, I tripped you. Guess I should move a little slower. I've been going on runs with papa every now and then to keep training." I explained. Shoda charged at me with his fists raised ready to hit me. He swung at me, but I moved his fist out of the way before pinning him to the ground as I smelled mama's scent was close to us. I kept Shoda pinned to the ground before I saw mama knock out Yanagi while Mina lifted Mineta off the ground as we tied up and led everyone, but Kodai to the jail cell. Kodai remained stuck to the wall that I knocked her into. I waited anxiously for papa to come back to the jail with Shinso before I saw him walking Shinso over to us. "Papa! You did it!" I cheered. He smiled at me before patting me on the head after putting Shinso in the cell. "And with that the 5th round has come to an end." Midnight announced. She announced the results of the team battles with our class winning overall. Everyone started cheering before we let everyone out and started heading abck to talk with everyone and get out break down of our match. 

We stood in front of mr Aizawa and Vlad as we waited to hear from them.  "Uh... Let's just start with Midoriya. What was going on with you?" Mr Aizawa said. Papa was a little stunned and clearly not ready to answer the question. "Well..." Papa started. Tokoyami and Kuroiro made comments about the darkness and rage before everyone else chimmed in. " It may be a new move, but it was different from your normal super strength." Kirishima said. 

"Yeah, you're right. I'm trying to figure out what it was myself. I was over flowing with power and couldn't hold it back. It was like something I trusted up until now bared its fangs at me. I was terrified, I didn't know what was going on." Papa said. Papa thanked Shinso and mama for helping papa calm down before looking at me. "Thank you as well for not leaving me." Papa said, patting my head again. I smiled while my three tails started waving behind me. Mina started teasing mama about her jumping in to help papa before mentioning that mama hugged papa really tight. Mama blushed before she talked about the things she needed to improve on before mr Aizawa complimented her for growing up quite a bit. Mr Aizawa gave a little talk about how we needed to take care of ourselves before being able to take care of others. Shinso talked about aiming higher and getting something better than a passing grade before class was dismissed.

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