Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV

Papa was still trying to warm me up as he tried to lead us over to the front door. "Papa, we need to see mister Aizawa." I said. Papa looked at me before he started talking to himself. "You're freaking me out." Tsu said. Papa finally stopped talking about what was going on before looking towards the front door again. "We should get you out of here." Papa said, looking at me. I pouted and started sneaking my way over to where mister Aizawa was. "Y/n get back here." Papa said. I continued to sneak over to the fight. Papa, Tsu and Grape head followed me as I peeked over the edge of a hill to see mister Aizawa fighting. We watched for a little before the hand guy ran towards mister Aizawa. After a few seconds of them fighting, mister Aizawa jumped back fighting other people and not the hand man. "What's happening to mister Aizawa papa?" I asked. Something covered my eyes as I tried to watch the fight. "Come on, we need to get you out of here." Papa said. I tried to look through papa's hands but it was too hard to look through his fingers. 

"Papa, I want to see." I said. I heard some pounding on something before everything went quiet. "Papa, what's going on?" I asked. I heard someone talking about something called a nomu. Papa's hands were shaking as I heard something breaking from where mister Aizawa was fighting. I heard everyone gasped before I heard a weird noise coming from the area where the fighting was happening.

Deku's POV

I was still covering Y/n's eyes to make sure she couldn't see anything. "We need to get out of here." I whispered. Tsu nodded along with Mineta. "Okay sweetie, we're getting out of here." I said. I felt her nod against my hands as we started sneaking towards the shore near an exit. "Well, before we leave let's break the symbol of peace." The man with hands all over his body said. He turned to look at us. I freaked out lifted Y/n into my hands as fast as I could before seeing that he was already near us. He was reaching out for Tsu. I panicked and looked at the man covered in hands before he reached Tsu. I imagined the worst possible things happening to Tsu. I knew that the man's quirk must be something that destroys the objects he touches. Once his hand touched Tsu's face I watched and waited for her to start disappearing. As soon as he touched her nothing happened. "You really are so cool Easer Head." The person said. I looked behind him and saw mister Aizawa using his quirk on the guy with hands.  The giant bird like thing slammed mister Aizawa's head in the ground. "Mister Aizawa!" Y/n yelled. I felt her climb out of my arms before I turned to punch the hand guy. The more I focused on punching the guy the less I thought about resctriting my strength. "Let her go!" I shouted. 

I hit something with my punch sending a shock wave through the USJ. I heard glass shatter along with the waves from the water rescue area. I waited for a second before looking down at my arm to see it not broken for once. I was happy that I finally got a good punch in with one for all without breaking my arm. I looked up to see the giant bird standing in front of me. "What?" I asked. I quickly peeked voer to see Y/n in her giant fox form standing over Aizawa doing her best to protect him. I looked back at the the giant bird man trying to figure out why my arm didn't break. I looked at where I punched him only to see no wound or anything that would show I hit him. "What's going on?" I asked.

"You're quite powerful. Are you a disciple of All Might?" The man with hands asked. I looked at him concerned for a second before he spoke again. "Doesn't matter anyways I'm done with you." He said. The giant bird thing raised it's hand to hit me, I braced myself to get hit and possibly die. "I can't die, Y/n needs me." I thought. I pulled back again ready to punch the giant bird person. I punched with as much strength as I could muster. "You won't hurt my daughter!" I shouted. This time when the punched connected I felt the force of the blow in my arm, I looked down to see my arm still wasn't broken but there was damage to it. The giant bird guy flew back a few feet knocking the hand guy away from Tsu and Mineta. "I won't let you hurt anyone here!" I shouted. The giant bird person charged towards me while I felt something well up deep in my heart. "Plus! Ultra! Smash!" I shouted. I preceeded to punch the bird guy a few times knocking him back even further. I felt the ground shaking as I turned to see Y/n running towards the bird guy. She whipped him with her tail sending him back some more and to the ground, I knelt down to catch my breath as Tsu and Mineta came over to me. "Midoriya are you okay?" Tsu asked. I nodded as Y/n stood in front of us. The bird guy stood up and faced us along with the guy covered in hands.

"Well, well, well you got stronger suddenly. What was that?" The guy with hands asked. I heard a growl come from Y/n as she readied herself to continue the fight. The bird guy rushed over to us and went to grab Y/n, but before he reached her the front doors to the USJ were busted down. Everyone stopped and looked up at the person who busted the doors down. "All Might's here." I said. I finally relaxed as the bird and hand guy looked at him, Y/n went back over to Aizawa and gently picked him up. "Looks like our game is getting a continue." The hand man said.

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