Chapter 35

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A/n: My partner @19dkline  found the dresses in the picture 

Y/n's POV

Shoto was standing down by the announcer, who was freaking out about his time of fourteen seconds. "Is he another student from UA?" Melissa asked.

"Yeah." Momo said.

"Wow, you're all going to be great heroes someday." Melissa said. Kacchan blasted his way over us and confronted Shoto about his time on the course. Kacchan ended up yelling at the announcer before Ida ran down, yelling something about how they were making UA look bad. Papa and Kirishima hopped down to help resolve what was going on while everyone else stayed up near Melissa. "Oh, that's right, I wanted to take Y/n to get a dress for the party tonight. Did you girls want to come with us?" Melissa asked. 

"Of course we'll go." Everyone said. Melissa smiled at us before leading us away from the course and towards the city area that they made on the island. We walked around the city area, finding dozens of clothing stores selling different styles at each one. Melissa and the others started looking around before finding dresses to show me. Everyone showed me the dresses that they found. "So Y/n, which one do you want to wear?" Mama asked (Dresses up top). 

"I like (Which ever dress you choose) the best." I said. Everyone looked at it before smiling. "Alright, let's go buy it." Melissa said. 

"But I don't have money to get something this nice." Mama said. 

"That's fine, someone I know gave me some money to use here on the island." I said.

"Who was it?" Mama asked.

"I made a promise not to tell anyone mama." I said. 

"Okay, it's good to keep your promises. But I'm not sure about someone just giving you money for random things." Mama said.

"Don't worry mama it's someone papa and I trust." I said.

"Well if Deku knows them I guess it's okay." Mama said. I smiled and nodded before we walked up to the cashier to pay for the dress. After that we headed back to meet up with papa again. When we found them Melissa started asking questions about everyone's quirks everyone answered her questions quickly before mama offered to let Melissa feel what her quirk did. Melissa started floating aroud having some fun before mama released her quirk and she landed on the ground. "Y/n I have a bit of a random question for you." Melissa asked.

"What's up?" I asked.

"What's it like to ride on your back when you're in your giant fox form?" Melissa asked.

"I've never let people ride on my back." I answered.

"Really?" Melissa asked. I nodded. "Do you mind if I try it out?" Melissa asked.

"Sure." I said. I changed into my giant fox form and laid down to let her climb onto my back. "Anyone else?" I asked. Everyone nodded and climbed onto my back. "Let's head to the tower we first went to. I think I can get a couple of tickets for Kaminari and Mineta." Melissa said. I nodded and started walking towards the tower. "Woah this is so cool!" Mama shouted.

"Honestly I'm amazed that Y/n can do this." Ida said.

"It's not like I couldn't, I just never thought about it. It does make me wonder how fast I can go at this size." I said.

"I don't think so you try it here." Papa said.

"Okay, but when we get home I want to try it." I said.

"We'll see about getting the field to see how fast you can run." Papa said. I nodded and continued making my way to the tower. A few people recognized me from the sports festival and were surprised to see me. Once we made it to the tower I laid back down and let everyone hop off before I changed back into my regular form. "Give me a few minutes." Melissa said. We nodded and waited outside. "I must say for being so big, it was surprising that your fur was so soft." Momo said.

"Every so often papa reminds me that I should be in my fox form for a bath and wash my fur. The principal told me his secret to fur care and maintenance." I said.

"No wonder your fur always looks so nice." Mama said. I nodded and smiled, everyone continued to talk about how it was nice that I gave them a ride. Melissa came out with extra tickets for the party tonight. "Alright let's go give these to them." Melissa said, holding up the tickets. We all nodded and headed towards the cafe that they were working at. When we got there we saw Kaminari and Mineta collapsed  in front of the doors. "Hey guys!" I shouted, waving to them. They looked up at us as Ida congratulated them on a hard day of work. "Melissa has something for you two." Momo said. Melissa handed them the tickets for the party. "These are for the party tonight." Jiro said.

"Really you got this for us?" Kaminari asked.

"Yeah, I had a few extra." Melissa said. Mineta and Kaminari cheered about Melissa giving them tickets. Ida told us about the party and that we shouldn't be late before we headed in different directions. "We'll take Y/n to get ready with us Deku, so we'll see you later." Mama said. Papa just nodded before we headed off to Momo's hotel room. As we were heading into the hotel I heard Melissa asking papa if she could show him something. "So Y/n... How did you enjoying the preview of the expo?" Mama asked.

"It was fun! Melissa, papa and I all had fun looking around. Melissa even told us how her dad came up with a bunch of things that are used in new support items." I said.

"Really? Who's her dad?" Mama asked.

"David Shield." I answered.

"What!" Momo shouted.

"Yeah, she also let us meet him before we went to the preview." I said.

"Really? That's amazing." Jiro said.

"Yeah, papa knew a lot about him." I said.

"We need to have more girl time with you Y/n. You're becoming more and more like your dad." Momo said.

"Is something wrong with being like papa?" I asked.

"No, but being too much like him might start being a problem if you can't be yourself." Mama said.

"I wanna be a hero like papa though." I said.

"That doesn't mean you have to act like him." Jiro said. I nodded before we entered Momo's room. The other girls were all there waiting for us to come back. Mama helped me get into my dress before everyone else got ready.

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