Chapter 58

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A/n: Art work was done by @mhacrazylover so shout out to them for designing and drawing the hero costume.

Y/n's POV

After papa's hug Denki and Mineta came up to us before yelling at papa about something. I walked over to mama who seemed concerned about something. "What's wrong mama?" I asked, grabbing onto her hand.

"Huh? Oh nothing..." Mama said. I didn't believe her and stood in front of her looking up at her. "Really?" I asked. Mama tried to not talk to me while I continued staring at her. "It's just something is odd when I saw that girl waving at Deku and knowing what happened out on the battle field." Mama said.

"Is it because you like papa a lot?" I asked. Mama's face went red as she looked at me. "No! Y/n you shouldn't be talking like that." Mama said. I giggled and hugged her. "It's okay I won't tell papa." I said. She nodded before smiling and kissing my forehead. "Thank you sweetie, I'm glad you'll keep my little secret." Mama said. I nodded before an alarm blared as the walls around us came down. Everyone went rushing out to find civilians who were injured during the staged villain attack. I followed everyone as Kacchan, Denki, and Kirishima went off with just the three of them. As we were running around the urban area I heard someone crying and quickly broke off from the group. "Sweetie? Where are you going?" Papa asked. I rushed towards were I heard the crying before finding a kid who was bleeding. "Oh no. This looks bad." Papa said. I ran over to the boy before pulling out the stuff I had for first aid. I bandaged his head before listening to his breathing and looking at his legs. "Can you walk?" I asked.

"Really! That's the first thing you said 'this is bad'?" The kid shouted looking at papa. Papa was shocked as I just looked at the kid. He went on to explain what we should be doing instead of what papa was doing. "Even the youngest hero in training here knew what to do first." The kid said. Papa took some time before hitting his face. "Don't worry you'll be okay." Papa said. The kid started acting again as papa carried him off to the first aid station that had been set up. "Alright let's keep moving. Y/n, Shoji, Jiro we'll need your skills to locate the injured." Ida said. As we were running off I saw mama standing back not seeing her moving before she turned and started catching up. "You okay mama?" I asked.

"Yeah, I finally made a decision to not in Deku's way of his dream." Mama said.

"Are you sure about that mama?" I asked. She nodded and patted my head. "Don't worry, my feelings aren't gone. I just pushed them down while we push towards are dreams." Mama said. We continued making our way around the urban area looking for people to rescue. We broke off into groups while I went off by myself. I found a few people and helped treat them making sure they could walk and helped them in anyway I could. I eventually came to an area that had rubble leaning against collapsed buildings. Someone was moving some rubble before hearing someone calling for help. I rushed to where I could hear the person's voice before seeing par tof the building beginning to collapse again. I changed into my giant fox form and stopped the rubble from falling onto the person. Some smaller bits of rubble started falling from what I was holding up which landed near the person. I used my two tails to block the person from being hit. "What's the fox from UA doing here?" The person who was moving rubble asked.

I moved my tails to reveal the person that was in trouble. "How'd you know they were there?" The person asked.

"Just get them out of there." I said, as the weight from the collapsing building forced me down. I watched as the otehr hero in training got the man to safety before I quickly changed to my small fox form and dug into the ground as fast as I could. The building came crashing down around me while I stayed in the hole I dug to avoid being hit. "We've got a hero in trouble!" Someone shouted. I started digging out from where I was buried before poking my head out from the rubble. "I'm fine!" I shouted. A few people came running over to where I was as some of them looked concerned. I looked around and saw the person I saved scolding the one who was moving the rubble before he looked over at me. The actor made his way over me and looked down at me. "You risked your life doing that stunt. If it were up to me I'd dock you points for a stunt like that. However, this test is to show what you know of being a hero and rescuing people. I'd say you passed that flying colors." The actor said.

"Thanks, I'm just happy you're safe. Are you injured in anyway?" I asked. The actor laughed before shaking his head. "I'm just fine, now get out there and continue rescuing people." He said. I nodded and went on my way to help rescue people. While I was running around looking for more people to rescue I heard an explosion before seeing multiple explosions going off. I looked around before seeing Gang Orca and his gang rushing in. Mera announced that the villains set off another attack and were rushing the scene sweeping for people to hurt more. I saw a group of Gang Orca's gang heading towards the first aid station before rushing over to it. I saw papa and a few other students getting ready to fight. I saw Shindo step up and use his quirk to mess the ground up making the gang stop their assault. Gang Orca rushed up in front of him before knocking him out with his sonicwave. I changed to my giant fox form before kicking Gang Orca in the face with my front paws. "Ah now here's a person who's piqued my interest." Gang Orca said.

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