Chapter 74

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Y/n's POV

After talking with papa, Eri and Mirio some more, papa, Mirio and I headed back to the dorms with mr Aizawa. Once we were back at UA, mr Aizawa let papa and Mirio head to the dorms while he had me follow him so I could get the work I needed to make up. We got to the teacher's office, and he showed me a stack of papers that I needed to do. "This is everything that you've missed, but if you'd like, you can either work on them at your own pace or you can attend some extra classes with the other five." Mr Aizawa explained. I stared at the stack of paper before looking at him. "I'll work on it at my own pace and I'll see about getting papa to help me." I said. Mr Aizawa nodded and handed me the stack of papers. Once I got the papers, I walked back to the dorms and headed inside. "Welcome home!" Everyone shouted as I walked in through the doors. A wave of shock passed over me as I looked around at everyone. "What's going on?" I asked, looking around. 

"It's your welcome home party." Mama said, walking over to me. Mama took my homework from me as everyone started talking to me making sure I was okay and didn't need anything. Sato brought out a cake for everyone to enjoy and on top it said 'welcome home Y/n' which made me happy. I was a little sad that Eri wasn't there to have fun with everyone, but after enjoying some time together everyone told me about what we were doing for the festival. Mina wanted me on the dance team, but papa thought it would be a good idea if I was on the special effects team as well.

"Can I be on both?" I asked.

"I don't see why not." Mina said. 

"Yay!" I cheered. After the party, I went to my room and started working on the homework that I had missed. After a few hours, someone knocked on my door. "Y/n? You still awake?" Papa asked through my door. I got up from my desk and opened my door, seeing papa holding a couple cups of coffee. "Now don't tell Uraraka about this coffee, but let's get you caught up." Papa said, handing me a cup of coffee. I nodded and took a sip before we started working on my homework finally around midnight I had finished enough of it that I could easily get caught up again in an afternoon. "Alright, I think we've done enough for tonight." Papa said, looking at me. I nodded before he picked me up and carried me out of my room. "Where... going, papa?" I asked.

"We're going to my room. Figured you want to be close to me after coming back home." Papa said. I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder before we walked into his room. Papa laid me down on his bed next to him before I fell asleep cuddling up to him. The next morning papa woke me up and had me get ready for the day. Once school started I was having troubles staying awake before I woke up to someone gently shaking me. "Sweetie, you need to wake up." Papa said. I looked up at him and rubbed my eyes seeing an angry mr Aizawa behind him. "I'm up!" I shouted, sitting up. Mr Aizawa sighed and looked at me. "Y/n if you want to sleep go to the dorms." Mr Aizawa said. 

"Sorry, I stayed up too late working on homework with papa." I said, letting out a yawn. 

"I'll make sure she stays awake from here on out." Papa said, looking at mr Aizawa. Mr Aizawa nodded before heading off to do something else. "Well sweetie, I'm going to go talk with All Might. Would you like to come?" Papa asked.

"Sure, but can I sleep in my smaller fox form?" I asked. 

"Of course." Papa said. I smiled and went to transform before mr Aizawa came back into the room. "Oh Y/n you'll want to be ready. We have a guest coming to the school today." Mr Aizawa said. I looked at him before realizing who he was talking about. "She's coming today?" I asked. He nodded before leaving again after that papa and I walked to the lounge that All Might was waiting for us in. I changed to my smaller fox form and laid next to papa listening to them talk about what our class was doing for the festival. They continued talking for a while, while I rested on the couch. Eventually papa started talking about what happened during the fight with Chisaki and how papa didn't have any long range attacks. After talking for a minute about it All Might asked papa to get his gym clothes on before the three of us headed outside. 

Once we were outside All Might showed papa how he could use air pressure to attack from long range. Papa managed to wreck the forest, but All Might explained the stages of training that papa has gone through before revealing the next lesson. Eventually papa tried using his new attacking style with his fingers. He managed to knock over a tree with the wind pressure from his finger. After that we headed back inside before I was called down to the school's entrance. I headed towards the entrance seeing Mirio, Aizawa and Eri standing in front of the gate. Eri was in a new red dress with a little back on. "Hi Eri!" I shouted walking up to them.

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