Chapter 41

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Y/n's POV

After we got back from I-island mama and the other girls had requested to use the pool at the school, so we went and I finally learned how to swim from mama and papa. Papa and the other guys also showed up doing some stamina training. A few days later the first day of summer camp. "Now that you've finished your first semester at UA High it's time for summer vacation to officially begin. However don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes-in-the-making. At this camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become 'Plus Ultra!'" Mr. Aizawa said. 

"Yes, Sir!" Everyone shouted. Mama ran over to us talking about how excited she was for this camp.  "Yeah! It's definitely close, huh?" Papa said. His face was a bright pink as he looked away from mama. "Hey, what's the matter?" Mama asked.

"I'm just a little hot." Papa said. Mama looked at him clearly confused before gasping quietly and rushed backwards to get away from papa. "Uh. Let's hear it for camp!" Mama said. As her and a few other people were cheering about going to camp. "Papa what's camping like?" I asked. He thought about it for a moment before kneeling down. "Traditional camping is kind of like what you were doing when I first found you. However, this camp is something that the school set up for training. I'm sure they have real rooms for everyone to stay in." Papa explained.

"I hope so." I said, not wanting to go back to that life style.

"I heard some of Class A is taking extra courses. Does that mean they actually failed the final exams?" Someone said. I turned to see see a blonde guy talking to us. "Who's that papa?" I asked. 

"That's Neito Monoma from Class 1-B, similar to use he's in the hero course." Papa said. He continued talking for a minute, before a girl with orange hair hit him on the neck knocking him out. "Don't mind him." She said, dragging him onto the bus. The girl with orange hair climbed onto the bus and shouted for everyone else to get on as well. I heard Mineta say something until I heard Ida shout that our bus was here. He had us line up before letting us onto the bus. I sat down in my seat next to papa. I saw Mr. Aizawa turn back and look at us before trying to say something. Everyone else was talking, so no one could hear Mr. Aizawa. I got up and walked up to him. "Did you say something mr. Aizawa?" I asked. 

"It's about what's happening just before we get to camp." Mr. Aizawa said.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"You could think of it like a test. I'm planning to drop everyone off a little ways away from the camp grounds. It'll be a test to see who can make it to the camp ground in a certain amount of time." Mr. Aizawa said. 

"Quirks are allowed?" I asked. He nodded before I turned to head back to my seat. "Y/n, don't let anyone else know, not even Midoriya." Mr. Aizawa said. I nodded and made my way back to my seat. "Are you okay, sweetie?" Papa asked. 

"Yeah, I just had a question for Mr. Aizawa." I said. He nodded. After an hour we finally made it to our stop and we got off the bus. Papa stretched as I looked out over the wooded area. "Whoa! It's so pretty!" I said, rushing over to the railing. Mineta was running around talking about needing to use the bathroom before everyone was asking about Class B and where they were. "You didn't think we just stopped here for you to stretch your legs did you?" Mr. Aizawa asked. Mineta asked for the toilet again before the doors to a car that was stopped in the same spot as our bus opened it's doors. Two people stepped out before I recognized them. "It's Mandalay and and Pixie-bob!" I cheered, rushing over to them. 

"Oh my quite the little one you have here Eraser." Mandalay said, looking at me.

"Yeah, sorry. I should've warned you, but she got in on special recomendation from Ectoplasm, All Might and a few other teachers." Mr. Aizawa said. 

"Really? She must be quite powerful to be put into the hero course so early. I do have one question. Why does she have two F/c fox tails and ears?" Mandalay asked. 

"That's part of my quirk." I said, looking up at them.

"Wow, really? That's so cool." Mandalay said. I smiled before realizing that I should get their autographs. Papa started going into the team's details and when they were founded before Pixie-bob grabbed papa by his head and told him that she was 18 at heart. "Understood." Papa said. Mr. Aizawa told us to say hello which we did before I saw a boy standing by the car. I smiled and waved at him, but he looked away from me. Mandalay talked about how they owned the land that I saw earlier before she pointed out where the camp was. Everyone started getting worried about how far we stopped away from the camp grounds. Everyone was about to get ready to get back on the bus while I looked out across the land wanting to run through it. "The current time is 09:30 (9:30 am, in case you don't know the 24 hour clock), if you're fast enough you might be able to make it there by noon." Mandalay said. Everyone turned around and started running for the bus as Mandalay threatended not to give anyone food who didn't make it there by noon. 

"Can I jump down there and start?" I asked, looking at Mandalay.

"Eager to get to camp?" She asked. I shook my head. "I just want to run through the forest and I think it might be fun to race everyone." I said. Mandalay smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. I jumped over the railing and slid down the rockface until I reached the bottom. A giant wave of dirt came flowing down after me as everyone else was washed down here by the dirt. "Good news, you've got three hours to make it through the Beast's Forest. Mineta rushed into the forest before a giant creature made of dirt and wood stopped him in his tracks. "Woah, Pixie-bob is using her quirk to make monsters for us to fight." I said.

"Great..." Mama said. I smiled and rushed forward changing into my giant fox form. I swatted the creature with my tails breaking it apart before running forward. "Wait Y/n!" Papa shouted. I didn't listen to him and continued running through the forest. In more dense areas of the forest I changed into my smaller fox form and continued running around avoiding the creatures that Pixie-bob made. I stopped a few times to rest before making it to the camp grounds. Mandalay, mr. Aizawa and the boy from earlier were standing outside a building. "Welcome to the camp grounds Y/n." Mandalay said. 

"Thanks." I said.

"You got here pretty fast." Mr. Aizawa said. 

"Yeah, I might've left everyone behind when I was running through the forest." I said, rubbing the back of my head. Mr. Aizawa let out a sigh before heading inside. "You can wait out here if you want for the others." He said. I nodded and turned around looking at the forest. "I'm impressed Y/n, you made it here in 5 hours." Mandalay said. 

"Thanks, but I shouldn't have left everyone behind." I said.

"That's okay, this camp is meant to be training for everyone." Manadalay said, patting my head. I nodded. "Hey, I have a question for you." The boy said, walking up to me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Can I touch your tails?" He asked. 

"Kota! You should just ask something like that." Mandalay said.

"It's fine, when I'm in my giant fox form people have had rides on my back and my fur is super soft." I said.

"I'll be the judge of that." Kota said. I sat down on the ground and let my tails rest against the ground. I heard Kota sit down behind me before he gently grabbed one of my tails and started petting it. "Wow your fur is super soft." Kota said.

"Thanks..." I said, letting his petting soothe me. Kota stopped petting my tail and I started waking up aagain. "Kota, do you mind if I do something weird?" I asked.

"Like what?" He asked. I changed into my small fox form before curling up in his lap.

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