Chapter 73

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Y/n's POV

After spending the day with Eri, I ended up staying the night with her, since she was pretty lonely and scared of being by herself. The next day we spent some time walking around the hospital since I could protect her and others from her quirk in case it went out of control again. Around noon we went back to her room and sat on her bed talking about the things we liked and hated before the door opened and I saw Mirio and papa standing in front of the door. "Papa!" I cheered, running over to him. I gave him the biggest hug I could manage without hurting myself. "Hi sweetie, I got a little worried when you didn't come home yesterday." Papa said, returning my hug.

"Sorry, but Eri and I have had a lot of fun together." I said.

"That's great, sorry Eri, if she's been too hyper for you. We're sorry about not coming to see you sooner." Papa said. 

"We brought you some yummy treats, though. Hope you're both hungry." Mirio said, holding up a basket of fruits. I looked at the basket that he was carrying and tried to see if there were any of my favorite fruits in there. He handed the basket to Eri before I climbed up on the bed and looked further into the basket. "Aww... There aren't any F/f (favorite fruit)." I complained.

"Sorry, we couldn't find any. I'll get you some when we go home." Papa said. I cheered before Eri handed me and apple. "Can we eat these?" She asked. I nodded and handed it to papa who started cutting it up for us. I happily ate the food while handing a couple slices to Eri for her to try. She enjoyed the apple while papa and Mirio talked to Eri. Eri talked about how she thought all the time about them and how she didn't know papa's name. "So what should I call you?" Eri asked. 

"My name is Izuku Midoriya, my hero name is Deku. You know what it'll probably be easier to remember Deku, so you can just call me that." Papa said. Eri was confused about the hero names before papa explained it as a nickname for us. "What's your hero name?" Eri asked looking at me. 

"Mine is Trix." I said. Eri just looked at me and nodded. "There was also the man in glasses, all of you got hurt because of me. It's all my fault. All the terrible stuff that happened. I'm so sorry." Eri said. Eri started crying and mentioned how Mirio lost his power because of her before Mirio put his hand on her head. "Eri, I gurantee that none of us think this was your fault at all. What to know what we are thinking though? Man I am stupid glad that Eri's okay. So you see there's no point to apologize, promise. Don't worry about it, besides everyone fought because they wanted to see you smile." Mirio said, before sitting back down. Eri tried to smile, but couldn't. "This is silly, but I think I've forgotten how smiling feels." Eri said. 

Eri was clearly upset about the fact that she forgot how to smile. "You know what Eri, we need to learn how to smile again!" I said.

"Mr Aizawa. Do you think Eri could leave the hospital? Just for one day I mean." Papa asked, walking to mr Aizawa.

"It's not totally out of the question. Actually we were thinking of might having her..." Mr Aizawa said. 

"Then I have an idea. To bring her spirits up." Papa said.

"What would that be?" Mr Aizawa asked.

"She should come with us, to the UA festival." Papa said. I got excited hearing about a festival and changed into my small fox form running around the bed. "What's a festival?" Eri asked. 

"This is the best idea ever." Mirio said.

"A festival is a thing people attend to have fun and see new things and stuff like that." I said, walking onto Eri's lap. 

"You're going ot have such a blast." Mirio said, before explaining what a school festival was. Mirio brought up candied apples which got Eri's attention making her curious. "Well Eri what do you think?" Papa asked.

"You know a minute ago when I didn't know your name I was sad and I didn't know what to do. Because I knew more then anything that I just wanted to be friends with the people who helped me." Eri said. 

"That's what we want too." Mirio said.

"You already are friends with me, remember?" I asked.

"That's true, but I want more friends." Eri said, picking me up.

"Let's put a case together to convince the principal that way she'll definitely be able to go." Mirio said. 

"Yeah." Papa said. 

"I'm on break from school right now so I can hang out with you before our festival date." Mirio said.

"What about me?" I asked.

"Y/n you've got plenty of homework backing up at school." Mr Aizawa said.

"Oh I know, you need Eri to be safe right?" I asked. Mr Aizawa nodded and looked at me curiously about what I was bringing up. "What if she stays with me at the dorms?" I asked.

"I'm not sure about the answer to that one." Mr Aizawa said.

"Think about it, other then you who protect her from letting her quirk effect others? Me, I can. I'm immune to the rewind effects of her quirk." I said.

"Now hold on a minute, we still need to get permission for her to leave." Mr Aizawa said.

"Y/n's not wrong mr Aizawa." Papa said.

"Yeah, plus I'll totally help out as well." Mirio said. Mr Aizawa just sighed and looked at us. "Alright I'll talk about it with the principal, but I'm not sure about how it'll work out with him." Mr Aizawa said. We continued talking about what the festival would be like and the possibility of Eri staying with me in the dorms. I talked with her about getting bunk beds since that'd be super fun with her being around. 

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