Christmas at the Dorms

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Y/n's POV

Mama, Papa, Eri and I were out spending some time together and buying Christmas gifts for the gift exchange that we hold every Christmas in the dorm. I had found the gift for the exchange with mama while papa was looking after Eri since I was also shopping for her. "You still doing okay, sweetie?" Mama asked, looking at me. I shook my head before looking at her. "No, I can't think of anything that I should get for Eri." I said, disappointed in myself. Mama came over and hugged me from behind before kissing the top of my head. "Well, let's think about it together, then. What does she like?" Mama asked.

"She likes cats, learning in school, spending time with Mirio, papa, and me. She's still learning how to use her quirk, but she's gotten better at it." I said, listing off things I knew Eri liked.

"Here's an idea. How about we get her, her own hero costume? We can even make it by hand if we want. Or we could even get her something that will remind her of you when you're not around." Mama suggested. I thought about it for a moment before nodding. We went over to the fabric and sewing area of the store before looking through the patterns that they had. We settled on a couple of patterns before looking through the fabrics that we could buy. As we looked through all the fabrics that the store was selling, we found similar colors to what papa, Mirio and I had on our hero costumes, which would work together luckily. We paid for the fabric before heading towards a different part of the store where I saw a plush of a fox, which I thought would be another good idea for Eri. "Can I get that for Eri, too?" I asked. Mama looked at it before sighing. "Sweetie, I know you want to do what you can for Eri, but a hero costume will take a bit of work with just the two of us. Plus, I'm not sure we can afford it." Mama said.

"I can. Grandpa Might gave me some money to make sure I could buy Eri and some other people their gifts." I explained. Mama sighed before nodding and letting me get the fox plush before I stopped a couple more, which I also picked up so I could send two to Katsuma and his sister, one for Kota and one for Eri. "Alright, I'm done." I happily said. Mama nodded before we went to the checkout and paid for the gifts that I had found. We met up with papa and Eri once they finished shopping for gifts before we headed abck to the dorms. Once we were back Papa took Eri to get the gifts they bought wrapped while mama and I worked on making Eri's hero costume. We ended up asking Momo for some help since she knew more about making stuff than we did. It took us a few days for the three of us to finish the hero costume for Eri before we started wrapping the other gifts for the exchange and for Katsuma, Mahoro, and Kota. We sent those gifts off to the people that it would take a few days to ship to them before setting out the gifts I had for Eri under the tree that we had in the dorm's common space. Eri and I kept trying to get secrets out of each other for what gifts we got the other person.

A couple days before christmas Eri and I finally stopped snooping around since we'd find out in a couple days. Everyone started putting their gifts out under the tree for the gift exchange leaving the ones that were labeled for specific people in a separate area under the tree. Eri and I would snooping late at night to see if we could find anything that was labeled for us, but we ended up being caught every time we snuck down there before being led back to our room. On Christmas eve papa and mama made sure we stayed in bed by sleeping in our room with us so we couldn't leave without waking them up. Eri and I spent some time sharing a bed since she still gets scared about what happened with Overhaul. I told her all about the special moments we've had together and how I wouldn't forget them since I loved being around her and having fun with her. When it got close to midnight the two of us ended up falling asleep as we tried to listen for Santa Claus, but we never did that night before falling asleep. The next morning I woke up to mama gently shaking me to wake me up. "Good Morning sweetie. Merry Christmas." Mama said, smiling at me. I smiled back at her before looking over and finding Eri's face right in front of mine. She was hugging me tightly before I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. I shook my head a little before looking at Eri again and gently shaking her. "Eri... It's christmas." I said, trying to wake her up. Eri slowly woke up and opened her eyes before letting me out of her hug. "Good... morning." Eri said with a yawn between words. We sat up before being handed outfits for us to wear. We changed and put of santa hats on that Momo made for us before heading downstairs for breakfast.

Breakfast was made with everyone's help including Eri's and mine since it was a big event for everyone. Eri and I were tasked with setting the tables and preparing small things for everyone. Breakfast was quickly finished before we all sat down and ate together. We chatted and ate for a few hours before Mr Aizawa and Grandpa Might joined us. They brought gifts for everyone before setting them under the tree and joining us for breakfast. Once everyone had eaten and filled their stomach we cleaned up and set the gifts in the middle of the room for the gift exhange. When it was my turn to pick I got up and picked up and small box before unwrapping it and seeing a set of school supplies in it. I was happy since I was running low on space in the journal that Tokoyami got me was filling up fast. After the gift exchange finished I walked over to the tree and got the gifts I had for Eri. I walked over to her and gave her my gifts. She smiled before opening them finding her own hero costume and the fox plush that I found. "Y/n... These are so cool and amazing thank you." Eri said before hugging me. She admired the gifts before she got up and handed me the gifts she got me. I opened the box and found a pendant inside the box. I lifted the pendant out and opened it. I found a picture of me and Eri inside the pendant before smiling. "Thank you Eri. It's perfect." I said, putting it around my neck.

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