Chapter 36

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Y/n's POV

After we finished getting ready for the party, mama and I made our way down to where Ida wanted us to meet. "Sorry we're late. It took us longer than expected to get ready." Mama said as the doors opened. Papa kind of just stared at mama smiling at her. "Papa, are you okay?" I asked. He shook his head before looking at me and crouching down. "Yeah, and you look lovely in that dress. This isn't the one we packed, though." Papa said.

"Melissa took me and everyone shopping and we found this dress while we were out." I explained.

"I see, well I'm sure everyone will enjoy seeing you in that lovely dress." Papa said. I smiled before the door opened again and Momo and Jiro walked in. "Sorry for being so late. Jiro's being a little shy." Momo said. Jiro was hiding behind Momo before stepping out and looking down at her dress. "This is fancier than anything I've worn before." Jiro said. Denki and Mineta were enjoying seeing the girls in dresses. Denki even said that it was nice to see Jiro in a dress rather than a shirt. Mineta mentioned that the jacket she was wearing didn't ruin the dress at all either before Jiro used her earphone jacks to stab both of them. "Shut up, you two." Jiro said. 

"Why did you do that? That was a compliment." Denki said.

"No, it wasn't." Jiro said. 

"I think you look pretty, Jiro." I said.

"Thank you Y/n." Jiro said. I smiled and nodded before looking at mama who was talking with papa about her formal clothes. "You look great. It's perfect." Papa said. 

"Aw, you don't need to flatter me so much." Mama said, waving her arm at papa.

"Please contain yourself." Ida said. We heard a beep from the security doors before we turned and saw Melissa in dress. "Good, I managed to catch you guys. I thought I'd miss you." Melissa said. Denki and Mineta started freaking out about how Melissa looked before Jiro mentioned that the tickets that they got were a mistake. "How about we start heading to that party?" Melissa suggested. Everyone nodded as she started leading the way to the party. As we made our I heard some metal grinding before looking up at the windows. I stopped and watched as some metal doors shut over the windows covering them. "Papa." I said. An announcement came on saying that there was an explosive device somewhere on I-island.

"What's going on?" Papa asked. We started looking around for a way out while Shoto tried to call some people. "Did you get through to anyone?" Papa asked, looking at Shoto. 

"I'm not getting any signal, my signal is being completely blocked." Shoto said.

"Are you serious?" Mineta asked.

"It looks like the elevators aren't working either." Jiro said. 

"That's odd, the system isn't supposed to go on high alert for an explosive." Melissa said. Papa nodded and walked over to Ida. "Ida let's go to that party." Papa said.

"Why?" Ida asked.

"All Might should be there right now." Papa said. Everyone was shocked to hear that All Might was here on I-island. "Oh thanks goodness, we don't have anything to worry about then." Mineta said.

"Melissa do you know of any way to get down there without the elevator?" Papa asked.

"Sure, we can use the emergency stairs. They should at least let us get close to the room." Melissa said. 

"Okay, we'll follow your lead then." Papa said. Melissa took the lead as we headed downstairs to the room where the party was. When we got close to the room we found a balcony that was over it. "Y/n I need you to go down there quietly and try to see what's going on." Papa said. I nodded and turned into my small fox form. "Here, use my zero gravity to help get down there." Mama said, pressing her hand against my back. I started floating before pushing off of mama's hand and down to the glass roof. I started looking around doing my best not to be spotted by anyone. Once I finished looking around spotting all the villains and seeing the heroes tied up I pushed off the glass and floated back up to everyone. 

"What did you see down there?" Papa asked.

"From the looks of it a group of villains got onto the island and they've used the security system to tie up all the pro heroes. They've also used the security system to keep civilians contained, but I'm sure it's so they can use them as hostages." I explained.

"That sounds about right, Jiro is your headphone jack in place?" Papa asked.

"Yeah, we're all good." Jiro said. Papa pulled out his phone and started making the flash light blink to get All Might's attention. Once All Might saw us papa signaled for him to talk since Jiro could hear him. "This is bad Midoriya." Jiro said. We moved away from the balcony to talk quietly and discuss what All Might had said. Jiro explained what All Might had said to us before we all looked at each other. "We should listen to him, All Might's our teacher. I think we should follow his instructions and escape this place. Otherwise we'd be going against his will." Ida said.

"I have to agree with Ida. We're still only students, we can't fight these villains." Momo said. 

"Why don't we get out of here and tell the heroes on the outside." Denki suggested.

"It's not going to be very easy for us to escape. The security here is on the same level as Tartarus prison where they keep the world's most dangerous criminals." Melissa explained. 

"Then I guess we get to just sit and wait until everything's over." Denki said.

"Are you really okay with that, Kaminari?" Jiro asked.

"What choice do we have?" Denki asked.

"Don't you think we should try and stop them at least?" Jiro asked.

"Hey those villains have All Might trapped. There's no way we can take them on if the pros are trapped." Mineta said.

"I still don't think you're cut out to be a hero Mineta." I said.

"Aren't we trying to be pros ourselves?" Shoto asked.

"Well yes, but we're only students. We're not allowed to take on villains." Momo answered.

"Does that mean it's right for us to do nothing at all?" Shoto asked.

"Well no, but it's a complicated situation." Momo said.

"I want to help." Papa said.

"Really, Deku?" Mama asked.

"I'll help to." I said. Papa looked at me and smiled. "You want to fight those villains! Did you learn anything from the USJ Midoriya!" Mineta shouted.

"This is totally different. We don't have to fight them. We just need to think of a way to free All Might and the other pros without facing them." Papa said. 

"That's easy to say, but it won't be that simple." Denki said.

"I know, but I still want to try." Papa said.

"Me too!" I said.

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