Chapter 114 Deku's Return

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Y/n's POV

The next morning I woke up finally feeling somewhat rested after weeks of worrying about papa. I could hear mama's voice humming a lullaby before I sat up and saw a speaker that was turned on and mama's voice was coming from. I got up from the bed, rubbing my eyes as I walked over to turn the speaker off. As I reached for the speaker, mama's humming stopped for a second. "Good morning sweetie, I'm not sure if you'll be awake to hear this, but I wanted to let you know that we're bringing Deku back today. No matter what, so please, when you hear about us coming back, come to the entrance of the school. I know you might be mad at Deku, but I know you also want to see him so much." Mama's recording said. After mama's message finished, I started thinking about papa as I thought about him. I realized I wasn't mad at papa just really missed him. "Y/n? Is something wrong?" Eri asked, sitting up. 

"No, mama and the others left though. They're going to bring papa home." I said, smiling slightly. Eri looked at me before gasping and getting up, rushing over to me. "You're almost smiling!" Eri cheered. I laughed, as Eri seemed so excited for me to be smiling again. "I'm going to go get ready since mama wants me ready in case they bring papa home today." I said, heading to our shared closet. Eri just watched me as I dug through my clothes, looking for an outfit to wear. "What about this one?" Eri suggested. (A/n: Pick one of the four above or mix and match from the four above. Also, I don't own the image so full credit to those who designed it and if anyone knows them, tag them.) I looked at the outfit before nodding and taking it before heading down to the bathroom to take a quick bath. While I was sitting in the bath after cleaning myself, first I thought about the three weeks that papa hadn't been around. Part of the time I spent training, but most of it I spent in his room trying to make sure I was close to something of his. After spending a while in the bath, I got out and dressed in the outfit that Eri suggested to me. I sat in the dorm's main area thinking about papa coming back and how worried I was that he was really hurt. "Y/n?" Eri asked, snapping her fingers in front of me. I blinked and looked at her, realizing that I was spacing out. "What's up?" I asked. 

"You were just staring into space. What are we going to do about breakfast?" Eri asked. 

"I'm not sure. Mama didn't say anything about that." I answered before hearing a knock on the door. Eri and I walked over to the dorm building's door before cracking it. Mr Ectoplasm and Principal Nezu were standing outside before looking down at us. "Good morning miss Y/n, miss Eri. Miss Uraraka informed us you two were here while the rest of Class 1-A went out to retrieve mister Midoriya. The cafeteria is currently open for you both, while the rest of the class is out on their mission. On that note, would you two come with us to the campus for some food for you?" Principal Nezu said. Eri and I nodded before exiting our dorm building and following Mr Ectoplasm to the main campus building. When we got there the cafeteria was open and Mr Lunch Rush was cooking some food. Eri and I happily ate some food that Mr Lunch Rush had made for us before Principal Nezu told us about his plan to convince everyone to let papa back into UA. He wanted me to be there with him to hopefully help convince the citizens that were there to let papa back into UA. I thought about it at first before shaking my head. "I don't want to talk to everyone about papa coming back. They might be even more scared if they knew papa was my papa. Plus All for One did kidnap me once and has targeted me for my quirk." I explained. 

"I see, well either way I wish for you to be there for when Class 1-A brings mister Midoriya back." Principal Nezu said.

"That was the plan. Mama told me that she'd bring papa back and wanted me to be there when he came back." I said, agreeing to be there. 

"Thank you, please go with one of Ectoplasm's clones and head to the entrance of UA." Principal Nezu said, as Mr Ectoplasm made a clone of himself with his quirk. Eri and I headed to the entrance of the school with the clone before waiting there while Principal Nezu was talking with the citizens that the school had taken in. A few hours later a mob had begun forming at the entrance to UA before I saw mama walk through the entrance with papa behind her along with Ida, Kacchan, Sero, Mineta and most of the class. As the mob looked at papa they started shouting things about him going somewhere else and calling him a Nomu like the other Nomu's since he had multiple quirks. Best Jeanist stepped forward and tried to get everyone to calm down about what was going on before explaining what their plan was. He begged for everyone to let papa rest at UA since it was a stronghold. Someone stepped forward saying that the heroes failed and turned the country into a lawless nation. I looked at papa whoe seemed to freak out about what the man was saying and how it was kind of true. Papa was terrified of everyone and how they were reacting to the situation before mamaused her quirk on herself jumping over everyone and taking Present Mic's megaphone. She jumped up to the top of UA and stood there looking down at everyone. Mama started talking about papa's power and how he's been worried about everyone here at UA. She asked for everyone to look at papa and see how he put himself in harms way to protect those he could. Papa just stared at mama from the ground before I took a step forward. Kacchan stepped forward and talked about how the class would help clean up any mess that papa couldn't take care of. I felt tears falling down my cheeks before rushing forward towards papa. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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