Chapter 105

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Y/n's POV

Once we were ready to go and in our new disguises so we would avoid suspicion with the cops and civilians. The kid asked about the arrow person who was still chasing us, but papa and I promised to protect him from the villains. The three of us were hiding around a corner while the kid was looking at the bus stop that we were going to get on. "That bus'll get us to the border and it's free if we hop on top." The kid said.

"Absolutely not. We have to pay if we ride the bus." Papa demanded.

"We're wanted bad guys, remember? It'll be over if someone recognizes any of us." The kid said.

"I agree, plus if we can get on top and stay quiet, we'll be fine and no one will know." I said, agreeing with the kid. The kid and I ran after the bus before jumping on top of it while papa had to catch up since the bus was pulling away when he left the corner. Once papa was on top he looked at the kid and me as I turned to face away from him. "See? A freebie isn't too bad. The delinquent life grows on you. You'll see, hero." The kid said. I saw papa leaning over the roof of the bus before I heard the three metal clicks and the machine on the bus beeping. "Guess I still have my good hearing, even if my tails and ears are hidden." I thought to myself. Papa told the kid that he paid for three seats. "And yet we're staying on the roof. Your dad is kind of crazy, you know that?" The kid said. I nodded while looking out over the view we had on top of the bus. "I wanna ride like this more often, papa." I said. 

"No way! It's too dangerous to do something like this all the time." Papa said. I sighed a little defeated. While we were riding on the bus papa pulled his phone out before sending something to someone. I looked over at the kid we were protecting and saw him looking at a pendant that he had. When we arrived at the next town we hopped off the bus and looked around for police making sure that we weren't going to be caught easily. "Mind if I go make a quick call?" The kid asked. 

"Sure, they didn't have anything about you on the news, just make it a quick call." Papa said. I stayed back and watched from a distance as the kid made a phone call. "Damn it!" The kid shouted. He slammed the phone back onto the payphone as papa came walking over. "Hey, is everything okay?" Papa asked.

"Oh yeah. Life couldn't be any better." The kid said. We continued our journey to Klayd, but stopped as the sun set and it was getting dark. The three of us found an abandoned barn which was run down and clearly rotting. "Let's stay there for now. It'll also give us the best vantage if anyone tries to sneak up on us since Y/n has gotten used to the scents around Otheon." Papa said. I nodded in agreement while the kid did say anything about the plan. Once we got inside the barn and were out of sight papa began looking through a map trying to find a way across the borders. "That's not great. There don't seem to be any ways to cross the border from here.We'll need to borrow a vehicle or something tomorrow. Otherwise we'll be walking the entire way." Papa said.

"Walking? Are you crazy? Have you already forgotten how heavy this thing is?" The kid asked. 

"If you get tired I'll just carry you on my back. That's what strength is for right? Helping people out whenever they're in trouble." Papa asked, raising his fist. I just rolled over trying to ignore them knowing that mama would be mad if I didn't get enough sleep. I quickly fell asleep before walking up to hearing that bird the kid had chirping. I opened my eyes slowly before seeing the kid take off with the case. I got up and looked around before processing what was going on. "Gotta go after him." I said, getting up. As I went to leave I looked back at papa thinking about waking him up before the bird pushed against my back. It was chirping at me a lot before I took that as a sign that I should go. I nodded and followed the scent of the kid. After running through the forest for a bit I heard a helicopter and looked up seeing it starting to land in a clearing in front of me. I rushed towards the helicopter seeing the kid and a man who had just gotten out of the helicopter. "So yeah, this means I'm free to bounce right?" The kid asked. I quickly changed to my small fox form and snuck up behind the kid. "Where are the other two?" the man asked. The kid flinched as the man started walking towards him. "You both known, don't you?" the man asked. I peeked over to see the man activating a quirk which was changing his body. "You must've figured out by now the reason we were looking for this briefcase." The man asked changing into what reminded me of an oni.

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