Chapter 53

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Y/n's POV

Once the police were done asking me questions papa led me home where grandma was waiting for us. "Oh honey. I just can't believe what a hard time All Might has had recently. It must've been difficult for you both, but at least you're both home safe and sound." Grandma said, as me and papa walked into the apartment. I walked past grandma and headed into me and papa's shared room. I shut the door and laid down on my bed before I heard papa enter the room. "Sweetie? Do you want to talk about it?" Papa asked. I didn't move or answer his question even when he sat down on my bed. He touched my back as I jumped and moved away from him. "Sorry." Papa said. He pulled my blanket over me before turning off the light and laying down in his own bed. I heard him on his phone for a second before he fell asleep.

I just laid there trying not to think about what happened. I eventually fell asleep before dreaming about All For One killing my parents again. For some reason after All For One killed my real parent he made me watch as he killed papa and mama in front of me. I woke up screaming and freaking out about the dream. Grandma came rushing in and looked at me resting her hands on my shoulders making me freak out more. I changed into my giant fox form and growled at her. "Y/n it's okay, it's just grandma." Grandma said. I was breathing heavily looking at her with my fangs bared at her. I changed back to my human form before moving into the corner of the room. I started apologizing to her not wanting her to be mad at me. "It's okay, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Izuku left for a minute and if you're feeling hungry I've made dinner." Grandma said. I just went quiet and curled up into a ball. Grandma left the room while I started crying in the corner.

Eventually papa came back and walked into the room. "Hey, I heard what happened with grandma. You doing okay?" Papa asked. I just looked at him as he sat on the floor in front of me. "She mentioned you woke up screaming. Did you have a bad dream?" Papa asked. I didn't answer and just looked away from him. He just sat there for a minte before getting up. "I'll get you some dinner and bring it in here." Papa said, getting up. He left the room before I looked at the door. I tucked my tails between my legs as I just thought about what was going on. I heard a gentle knock on the door before papa came in with some food for me. "Here, grandma made this for you." Papa said, setting the food in front of me. I took it and started eating some before stopping about half way through my food. "You full already?" Papa asked. I nodded and pushed the food away from me. After that I crawled into my bed again and pulled my blanket over myself. "I'm always here when you wanna talk." Papa said. 

I didn't answer again before he left the room. I could him and grandma talking about me and how I was acting before falling asleep for the night. When I woke up the next morning something smelled horrible and my pajamas felt damp before I moved my blanket and saw I had wet the bed. I quickly grabbed some clothes before rushing to the bathroom and changing into the clothes. As I walked back to the room I saw papa standing in the doorway looking at me clearly concerned. "I saw your bed. Do you need to talk?" Papa asked. I shook my head as I headed back into the room. I tried to take my sheets off my bed, but was having troubles. I heard papa come back into the room before stopping me from taking my sheets off. He brought me into a hug gently petting my head as I tried to push away from him. "I'm so sorry. I should've been there to protect you." Papa said. It got harder and harder for me to push against him as tears started flowing down my cheeks. I ended up sobbing in his arms as he continued to comfort me. After a few minutes I finally calmed down enough that he stood me in front of him.

"Don't worry about your bed. I'll take care of it, for now just lay in mine." Papa said. 

"I don't wanna wet your bed too, papa." I said.

"It's okay, just let me worry about that if it happens." Papa said. I nodded as he helped me into his bed pulling his blanket over me. "All I want you to do for now is just rest some more. We'll talk about it some other time, but only when you're ready to." Papa said. I nodded before he took my bedsheets off and headed into the living room.

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