Chapter 86 Reversed Quirk Trouble Part 2

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Y/n's POV

Everyone just stared at me as I was standing in the doors to our dorm. "Who's the hot babe?" Mineta asked. I watched as Mina punched him, making him shut up. "Mr Aizawa, is this really Y/n?" Mama asked. I smiled and walked over to mama finally able to look in her eyes without her picking me up. I leaned close to her ear. "You have a crush on papa ever since he saved you from that giant robot in your exam to get here." I whispered. After I whispered that, I stepped back and watched as she blushed a tomato red. "It's her!" Mama shouted as she made herself float. I smiled and looked at papa who was stunned. He walked over to me as I realized that I might've messed up taking down the villain at the mall. "I'm sorry papa. This happened because I took down a villain..." I started. He hugged me suddenly as I stood there, a little stunned. "Whatever happened, I'm sure we'll figure it out. I'm just happy you're okay." Papa said, as tears were running down his face.

Once papa let me out of his hug, Mina and the other girls rushed over to me and started talking with me about how cute I looked. "Oh, I know. Let's take her upstairs and talk with her about what it's like to be older." Mina suggested. I looked at her, stunned, before the other girls agreed. Mina and Hagakure grabbed my arms before dragging me upstairs. I looked back at papa who just smiled and waved as they dragged me away to the elevator. They took me to Mina's room and sat me down on the bed, staring down at me. I looked at everyone, a little worried, before Mina smiled at me. "So what's it like to be as old as we are suddenly?" Mina asked. I shrugged, not sure how to answer. "Mina, it's probably confusing for her to be suddenly older." Momo said. 

"I think Momo's right, ribbit." Tsu said.

"I've got a question. Does anyone in our class look good to you?" Hagakure asked.

"You guys, someone's taste in people takes years to make and discover." Jiro said. I nodded in agreement with her. Mina sighed and pouted a little. "You guys are no fun. Although I've got another idea. Tomorrow let's have Y/n get a little dressed up." Mina suggested. The girls thought about it before they agreed with her. After that, they started questioning me more about other things before someone knocked on the door. Mina walked over and opened it, seeing mr Aizawa standing there. "You've got training in the morning. Go to bed. Y/n before training, we'll head over to the school and get you a newer hero costume to use for training." Mr Aizawa demanded. The girls nodded before letting me go as I rushed towards my room down the hall. Once I was inside, I locked the door and finally felt safe, since the girls wouldn't follow me. "Are you okay?" Eri asked, looking down at me from the top bunk. I looked up at her and nodded. "I'm fine, just was worried that the girls would do more tonight." I said.

Eri nodded before looking away from me. "What to know something?" I asked. Eri looked at me again and nodded. "You only look away from me if you want something and don't want to say anything." I pointed out. Eri's eyes widen as she realized I was right. "What do you want?" I asked.

"Would it be okay for me to sleep next to you tonight?" Eri asked. I nodded before realizing that I didn't have any pajamas before I heard a knock on the door. "Y/n, I realized that you probably don't have any pajamas. I'd like to get some measurement from you before making you some if that's alright." Momo said. I opened the door and let her in before she quickly took some measurements and made me some pajamas. "Here you go. Have a good night." Momo said heading out. I changed into the pajamas before Eri and I went to sleep for the night. The next day I was woken up by mr Aizawa and asked to go with him to the campus. Mr Aizawa, mama and I headed to the campus to see about a new hero costume for me since my current one wouldn't fit. We talked with Power Loader and Mei to see about a new hero costume. Mei and Power Loader both had some ideas and quickly got to work. After an hour of waiting Mei came out of the design hall with a new hero costume. Once I had the costume I changed into it and it fit perfectly. We headed to training and I started training with papa and mama. Mama and I worked on perfecting her Gunhead martial arts while papa and I worked on his shoot style and air bullets. Papa had troubles hitting me since I kept dodging his attacks with my transformations before he tackled me to the floor. Once the class finished training we all headed back to the dorms to eat some lunch, but as I walked into the dorms I felt sick. I rushed to the bathroom and felt like I was going to throw up before I lost my footing, hitting the floor. 

It took a while for the sick feeling to pass as my new hero outfit felt like it was becoming loose on my body. I heard the bathroom door open as I tried to look up at it. "Y/n?!" Mama asked. She rushed over and knelt down next to me reaching out before stopping. As more time passed my new costume felt more loose then before. The sick feeling finally passed as I was able to look up at mama as she slowly moved my head to her lap. "You okay?" Mama asked. I nodded. "That's good, but it looks like you're back to yourself." Mama said. I looked at her weird before she lifted me up. Everything felt bigger again as I looked around, mama led me over to the mirror before lifting me up. I looked into the mirror and saw that I was finally back to myself and my younger body. "I bet it feels great to be back to normal, huh?" Mama asked.

"Yeah, but it was fun being big like mama." I said.

"Well you'll get there soon enough. Just be a kid for now so Deku and I can take care of you a little more." Mama said. I nodded. Mama texted someone before waiting in the bathroom with me as Mina came in holding a set of my clothes for me. "Aww, she's really back to normal. We totally forgot to get her all dressed up this morning." Mina complained.

"You'll get to have your fun another time." Mama said. I changed into my clothes and followed them out as I explained what happened to everyone including mr Aizawa.

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