Chapter 67

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Y/n's POV

As we entered the Shie Hassaikai's headquarters, a bunch of the members came out. They were trying to stop us from continuing on into the mansion. "We have a warrant to search your premises on suspicion on manufacturing and distributing illegal drugs." The detective shouted. The members started complaining about the fact that we were there and asking what we wanted. Some of the members started fighting back, trying to block our path to the house. The other lower pros that came with us on the job stayed back and started fighting off the members. "Hate to just barge in like this, but we're kinda in a hurry." Fat Gum said, as we entered the house. I looked around as we kept running deeper into the house. "I haven't seen any signs of suspicious behavior yet." Fat Gum said.

"Yeah, bro. Same here. But hey, we're in it now, so we have no choice but to see this through." Rock Lock said. Tamaki brought up that there might've been a way that our raid was leaked and the Shie Hassaikai found out. "No, if there had been a leak. They'd be fighting more cohesively. Groups like this are used to working together." The detective said. 

"There's nothing that matters more to these guys than the bond they have with their boss and their brothers. Being part of the underworld only makes loyalty that much more sacred to them." Mr Aizawa said. He also brought up how the top brass were probably underground, getting ready to flee. "How's that supposed to be loyalty? They're forcing their henchmen to fight for them while they get away. That isn't manly at all." Kirishima complained. We continued running until Sir Nighteye came to a stop in front of a potted flower. "This is it." He said. He moved the plant and opened the hidden door for us. Three Shie Hassaikai members came out from behind the hidden door, and one had a knife in his hand. Sir Nighteye's sidekicks stepped in and easily took them down. They told us to continue on while they held off the three that came out behind the door. As we ran down the stairs and into a hallway, we took a turn, but were met with a wall blocking our path. "So much for your quirk, Nighteye." Rock Lock complained. 

"I'll go check it out." Mirio said, taking his visor off. Kirishima was worried about him being naked if he used his quirk. Tamaki interrupted and explained how Mirio's costume was designed with a special fiber made from Mirio's hair. Which would allow his costume to pass through objects when he activated his quirk. Mirio stuck his head through the wall before looking back at us. "The hallway's just been blocked with this wall. Breaking through it won't be easy though." Mirio said. Kirishima and papa stepped up and easily broke through the wall.

"Hey that didn't suck." Rock Lock said. 

"We need to keep moving." Mirio said. We continued on our path to find Kai Chisaki and Eri, but as we were running through the halls the halls started moving. "What's happening?" I asked, barely keeping my balance.

"This is someone else, maybe Irinaka. Chisaki's quirk can't do this." The Detective said. He went on to explain what his quirk did and Rock Lock butted in saying that it wasn't possible. "Remember who we're dealing with, I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that he took a preformence enhancer." Fat Gum said. Fat Gum asked if mr Aizawa could do anything about Irinaka's quirk, but he couldn't since he couldn't see the body. Tamaki started going on about how we were going to die while Chisaki got away with Eri. "That's not going to happen. Not if I can help it." I said. 

"She's right, we can do this. You can do this, Suneater. Besides this is just a stop-gap, they can warp the path forward. As long as we know the direction of our goal I can still reach it." Mirio said. Mirio took off running ahead of us while papa and Kirishima wanted him to come back and stay with the group. "Speed is what matters. Those guys know it too and that's why they're stalling for time. I'm going ahead." Mirio said. Mirio passed through the walls blocking our path before a giant hole opened up under us. We were dropped into another room, I looked around seeing where we were, but the dust was blocking a clear view. "Where are we?" Papa asked. 

"Somewhere even farther from the target. They're really screwing with us." Rock Lock said. 

"Well what do we have here? Looks like some state authorized thugs crashed our party. Isn't that strange." Someone said. I looked over and saw three men each wearing a mask, but one reminded me of what a scarecrow would look like. Fat Gum was ready to fight, but Tamaki stepped up and wanted the pros to save their strength for the target. "Go on I can handle these guys myself." Tamaki said. The men started to attack, but mr Aizawa cancelled out their quirks before they tried to attack with guns. Tamaki continued to urge us to go on before I sniffed the air. I managed to find a small hint of Eri's scent in the air. "Let's go. I believe in you Suneater." I said, heading towards the door. 

"I agree. Let's keep moving." Fat Gum said. Mr Aizawa told Tamaki that he needed to take care of the villains before they could fight back. We took off running while Kirishima and Rock Lock questioned Fat Gum about leaving Tamaki behind to fight the three. Fat Gum explained that Tamaki's only issue is not having self-confidence. As we were running I heard different sounds of impacts coming from where we were running from. The noise eventually dissipated from the room as we continued running towards our target. Eri's scent was faint, but there seemed to be something else missing in with her scent. I continued sniffing the air as we ran before realizing what the smell was. "She's crying and scared. I'll beat Chisaki for this." I thought as I continued running.

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