Chapter 85 (Filler) Reserved Quirk Trouble Part 1

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(A/n: meant to add this pic for visual reference for aged up reader.)

Y/n's POV

Eri and I were out on a small field trip for Eri to get used to the area around UA. All Might was the one driving us around and showing Eri all the sights and we stopped a few places to buy her some gifts. Eri was excited to be out with just the two of us. They put me in charge of keeping her and everyone else safe, like normal. We were out at a mall walking around enjoying the stores and some snacks that All Might bought for us to enjoy. As we were walking through the mall, I heard something either running or, at the very least, hurrying through the area behind us. I looked back and saw a person wearing a hoodie and pants running towards us. I quickly got into a position to take him down without much effort with my Gunhead Martial Arts. As he got close enough to me, he pushed Eri to the side before I took him down, pinning to the ground. "Let go of me!" He demanded. The police came running up to us a few seconds later. "Sorry can't let you go, but these nice police officers can take you." I said.

He started ranting about something as the police officers took him away while I walked over to Eri to check on her. "You okay?" I asked, reaching my hand out. She nodded before taking my hand. As I helped her to her feet, I noticed that the horn on her forehead and grown a bunch and looked like she was about to lose control of her power. I grabbed her and brought her into a hug as I felt her energy begin pouring from her. I brought her into a hug trying to contain the energy in me. As I hugged her my body started feeling weird before I noticed the area around us get smaller before I heard something tearing. Eventually Eri's quirk stopped as she ran out of energy before I let her out of my hug. I heard someone panicking before looking around seeing All Might as he rushed over to me putting his suit coat over me. "What's going on All Might?" I asked, hearing something was off with my voice.

"Let's get you two out of here." All Might said, helping me to my feet. As I stood up I realized that I didn't have to look up at All Might as much. All Might rushed me and Eri towards a clothing store before leaving our side and going to talk with someone. I looked around before seeing a mirror near us and walking over to it. I was stunned when I saw a teenage version of myself. "Woah, what happened to me?" I asked, touching the mirror to make sure it was real.

"Y/n is that really you?" Eri asked. I looked back at her and noticed how much shorter she was compared to me now. "Y/n let's get you some proper clothes." All Might said, coming over with a lady. The lady pulled me behind her with Eri following behind us. The lady helped get me some clothes that fit me perfectly thanks to her quirk. Eri was even asked for some input on my clothes. She found a red shirt and a black skirt which I was given before the lady helped me put on some new underwear which I had no idea about. After she helped me put on a weird thing called a bra I put on the rest of the clothes that she got for me before walking out and looked at All Might who was clearly nervous about something. "Something wrong All Might?" I asked, almost falling as I stumbled out of the fitting room.

"It's nothing... Let's pay for these clothes before heading back to UA to figure out what happened to you." All Might said. I smiled and nodded before I felt something grab my hand. I looked down and saw Eri looking up at me while holding my hand. "You look really pretty." Eri whispered. I smiled and picked Eri up resting her on my back to give her a piggyback ride. "What are you doing Y/n?" Eri asked.

"Giving you a piggyback ride like my mama does for me." I said. I followed All Might out to the car that he borrowed from UA. We climbed inside and started the drive back to UA, but as we did Eri let out a yawn. She leaned back in the seat of the car and closed her eyes, I smiled before gently moving her head down to my lap. She eventually fell asleep on my lap while I gently ran my hand through her hair. I saw a small smile cross her face before I leaned back and just enjoyed the ride. When we finally got back to UA, All Might had us go to Recovery Girl first to see about what happened to me. "All Might... You're joking right? There's no way this is our little Kitsune." Recovery Girl said, as she looked at me.

"I promise you that this is Y/n and she was somwhow aged up. It happened after she protected Eri from releasing her quirk." All Might explained. Recovery Girl sighed before ushering All Might to leave the room. Once he left the room she did a full check up on me and made sure that I wasn't hurt in any other way. She also quizzed me on things that I already knew since she didn't believe that I was really myself. After an hour of her questions and her examination of me she sighed and let All Might back in. "You're correct, this is our kitsune in Class 1-A. I don't know how to explain it, but she's now the age of our current students." Recovery Girl said. He nodded and explained the whole situation to her about what happened with me taking down a person who was running through the mall and protecting Eri from hurting anyone else. "I see, well until we run some more tests, I'm not sure what to do. Y/n's still in perfect health even at this new age she has. I'd like to take some blood and exmaine it more thoroughly to see if there's any way of reversing what has happened." Recover Girl said. All Might nodded as Recovery Girl drew some of my blood. After that we were excused and we headed to Class 1-A's dorms. Eri was waiting outside for us with Mr Aizawa who seemed a little upset. "Where have you been?" He asked looking at All Might.

"I took Y/n here to Recovery Girl to see about reversing what happened to her." All Might said. Mr Aizawa looked at me confused before I waved at him with a smile. He sighed before shaking his head. "I'll explained later, but I think it's best we inform the students." All Might said. Mr Aizawa just nodded before heading into the dorms. I stood outside with Eri and All Might while Mr Aizawa gathered everyone else. I could hear him explaining what happened through the doors before he asked for me to come in. I walked into the dorms and looked at everyone.

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