Chapter 103

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Y/n's POV

Papa and I chased the kid down the alley as he rounded a corner, disappearing from our sight. We walked out into a busy plaza where people were walking around, going about their average day. We looked around for any sign of the kid before hearing a car honking at something. I looked across the plaza and saw the kid running heading down another street. We rushed across the plaza before looking around the street that the kid ran down. I heard some metal creaking from above us and looked up. "There!" I said, pointing the kid out. Papa grabbed my hand before jumping up the fire escape, pulling me with him. As papa was jumping up the fire escape, a small pink bird came flying towards us. Papa threw me past the bird while it hit him in the face before I heard something that sounded like a fart. I looked back and saw papa freeze before he fell. "Stinks to be you!" The kid called. I started running up the fire escape, still chasing the kid. "Hold it right there!" I called. The kid looked back, spotting me as I was running behind him and getting closer. He started pushing himself to run faster before I watched him jump to another building's roof. I followed behind him, but lost a bit of speed from jumping so far. "Black Whip!" I heard papa call out. Black Whip got close to the kid, but wasn't fast enough to catch the kid. He was great at dodging papa's Black Whip while I caught up and tried taking him down with some martial arts, but he avoided getting caught by me. 

He jumped off the roof, landing on some small perches that were on another building before papa and I jumped after him. As we were chasing him, he knocked on a window before it suddenly opened. Papa stopped, so he didn't break the window while I shifted to my small fox form to continue the chase. Papa continued having troubles keeping up with me as I chased the kid down until we were back on the street. I followed him down a railing on some stairs as he slid down them himself. We were back on a busy street with a freeway above us before I heard a crash from above and looked up, seeing the barrier from the freeway falling towards us. I shifted to my human form before tackling the kid out of the way, making him drop the case he was carrying. Once the dust settled, I noticed the kid looking around for the case again, which I saw him grab before he took off again. I got up and quickly began the chase again as the kid headed into the subway. "Wait!" Papa yelled. The two of us entered the subway, still chasing the kid before he got on a train. "Y/n! Small Fox!" Papa shouted. I nodded and jumped up before shifting to my small fox form before papa grabbed me as he started chasing the train the kid was on.

Papa caught up to the train before jumping on it and holding onto the back before it came to a stop at the next station. I shifted back to my human form before the kid got off the train as papa and I walked over to him. "Why'd you chase me down?" The kid asked.

"Why were you running from us?" Papa asked.

"I have work to do, so I was in a hurry." The kid answered.

"What work do you do?" I asked.

"I move money, know what I mean? I may not look it, but I'm a skilled negotiator. So will you please let me get along with my business okay, kid? Thanks." The kid asked. He started to walk away from us as we watched him. "Show us what's in the case then you're free to go." I said. The kid stopped and looked back at us. "How much are you offering me?" The kid asked.

"Huh?" Papa asked. 

"You ask for something it's only natural that you should pay for it." The kid said.

"We just wanna make sure it's not stolen goods." Papa said.

"Say you're not a heroes from this country are you?" The kid asked. Papa freaked out a little as the kid looked at us with a smug smirk. "Is it really okay for you two to do hero work in a forgein land if you don't have permission?" The kid said.

"Well the thing is..." Papa said.

"You two don't have authority in this city, so maybe you should rethink your tone, my friends or maybe I should tell the police that I was chased down and harrassed by two power hungry heroes who have no legal right to detain me. How do you think that's going over buddies?" The kid asked.

"Actually we do currently have a legal right to be here and do hero work in the city. We were brought in by a joint agency for a mission and since we're still here that means that as active work study students with a hero agency we do have a right to detain you and confirm what you're carrying since you were in an area where a crime was taking place and you ran from us." I explained. Papa and the kid just look at me completely stunned by what I said. "What? It's true. We're here on offical hero business which means we can work as heroes in this country for the time being." I said. The kid turned to walk away since he still wasn't sure about what I said before papa grabbed his arm and stopped him. "What's your problem?" The kid asked.

"I told you we need to see what you're carrying in the case." Papa said. 

"If you wanna see then flash some cash." The kid said.

"Show me and maybe we will." Papa said. They started fighting over the case until it flew out of their hands and opened on the ground. I walked over and looked through it quickly not finding any of the stolen items that we were looking for in the first place. "Huh?" Papa and the kid asked.

"I'm confused." Papa said. The kid quickly packed up the case again before papa got on his hands and knees apologizing for all the trouble we caused. "Well I'm just glad you don't think I'm a criminal any more, so we're good here. I guess even heroes make mistakes and chase after innocent people on occasion." The kid said. I looked up and saw him shaking the case and looking at it. The kid started shaking before he turned to face us. "Anyway like I said I'm super busy." The kid said, clearly nervous about something. We watched as he walked away from us before we ran after the kid to make sure nothing was wrong. "Oh I'm peachy, thanks." The kid said, walking away again. As he walked away sirens from police cars came towards us as from the looks of it most cops in the city showed up stopping in front of the kid. The police pulled their guns out pointing them at the kid. "Something's not right." I thought before looking at papa. Papa was just as confused as I was about what the police were doing. "Hands up and kneel on the ground." One of the officers commanded.

The kid fell on the ground while looking at the huge number of police there. "Please just hold on it's not him." Papa said, as the two of us stood in front of the kid to protect him. The kid took off running again before I changed to my giant fox form igniting 'Embers Protection' as the police opened fire on the kid. Papa followed after me before grabbing the kid and landing on my back. "Let's get out of here Trix!" Papa called. I got us onto some rooftops so the police couldn't just shoot us before throwing both the kid and papa into the air before changing to my small fox form and landing in papa's hood while passing 'Embers Protection' to him as he swung through the city to escape the police.

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