Chapter 51

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Y/n's POV

When we appeared again, it was in front of the man that I feared. I coughed as the nasty fluid that teleported us here left a nasty taste in my mouth. "Damn it! The hell?" Kacchan said.

"My apologizes, Bakugo, miss Akira." He said. I looked up, seeing the man in the mask that he wore when he killed my family. The other villains appeared near us complaining about the same thing with the teleport. "Master." Shigaraki said.

"So you failed once more, Tomura, but it must not discourage you. You'll try again. That's why I brought your associates back with you. Even these children, one of which I'm happy you found for me. Because you judged he's an important piece on your game board. Start over as many times as it takes. I am here to provide you with help. All of this... is for you." The man said, walking to Shigaraki. My legs buckled as I fell to the ground. The man looked back at me before walking over. "My, you've grown so much since I saw you last." The man said. He reached out his hand before looking up at the sky. "Ah there you are." He said. All Might came rushing down and faced the villain head on. "I'll have you return my students. All For One." All Might said.

"Have you come to kill me a second time, All Might?" All For One asked. 

The shockwave from their contact knocked me back before I was caught by Kacchan. "You alright kid?" Kacchan asked. I couldn't bring myself to answer just staring at where he had been standing. "It took you long enough to find us. It's only five kilometers from the bar to here, and yet it was at least thirty seconds after I sent the Nomu after you arrived.  You've gotten weaker All Might." All For One said.

"You're one to talk. It's hard to ignore that lifesupport mask." All Might said. Once I saw that All For One was okay, I hid behind kacchan before a familiar scent found it's way to my nose. I looked behind us seeing a broken wall where I could smell papa's scent coming from. "Kacchan will you protect me?" I asked.

"Course, otherwise I'd never hear the end of it from Deku." Kacchan said. I nodded and changed into my small fox form. "Will this help?" I asked. He looked down and saw me before picking me up. "It sure will." Kacchan said, setting me in the front of his shirt. I nodded and did my best to stay up. "I won't repeat the mistake I made five years ago. I will take young bakugo back and I will make certain that you're locked up for the rest of your life along with your dispicable league of villains." All Might said.

"Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you. It'll be hard for us both." All For One said. All Might rushed him again but when they collided All Might was launched back crashing through a couple building as he flew away. All For One started listing off different quirks before saying that they made a good combo. The dust cleared Kacchan and I looked to see where All Might went. "All Might!" Kacchan called, concerned about him. 

"Don't worry, it'll take more then that to kill him. Get off the battle field Tomura, and take the children with you. Kurogiri warp them away." All For One said. His fingers changed before stabbing into Kurogiri. "Be careful one of the heroes messed with him and he's unconcious. I don't know what's going on but if you can teleport, you get us out of here." Magne said. 

"My warp power is still new Magne, there is much I need to learn about it. It's distance is limited and while he can teleport to specific cordinates I only transport people to and from my location or with focus to and from someone I'm familiar with that is all. It's easier to have Kurogiri do it. Forcible quirk activation." All For One said. His fingers changed back as he looked at Shigaraki. "Leave this place." All For One said.

"What about you?" Shigaraki asked. There was a shock wave from where the destruction that happened when All Might flew through the buildings as All Might came flying back towards us. All For One started floating as he continued talking. "You're not thinking Tomura. There reamins much room for you to grow." All For One said. 

"You're mine." All Might said, punching All For One. They clashed again as shockwaves burst past us. "Master." Shigaraki said. 

"Let's go Shigaraki, while our masked colleague keeping All Might busy. Claim your prize." Compress said. Kacchan looked over at the league of villains getting ready for a fight. "This is gonna be fun." Kacchan said. 

"Young Bakugo don't!" All Might shouted. I looked over as he had to dodge All For One's next attack. Bakugo was dodging all of the attacks that each person was doing. Making explosions to distract them and forcing them to back up. I heard someone running up behind us. "Behind us." I said. Bakugo easily responded and flipping over the villain. I hung on as tight as I could as Kacchan continued to use his explosions to flip over the villains. Once Kacchan landed on the ground the wall where papa's scent was coming from broke before a giant slab of ice made it's way into the sky. I smelled papa, Ida and Kirishima moving up the ice before seeing them fly across the sky. Kacchan and I looked up at them before hearing Kirishima calling out for us. Kacchan used his full power to launch both of us into the air. Kacchan grabbed Kirishima's hand as we continued flying through the air.

"You idoits!" Kacchan shouted.

"Bakugo on my mark you give us..." Ida started.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Kacchan shouted. We looked back seeing Compress flying towards us before Mt. Lady stopped him by growing big and getting hit by him. "Mt. Lady!" Papa said.

"The rescue's priority. Go home you dumb kids." Mt. Lady said, as she collasped on the ground.

"Woah Gran Torino." Papa said. We landed using Kacchan's explosions to slow our speed down. Once we landed I jumped out of Kacchan's shirt and hugged papa. "You're safe. I'm so happy." Papa said. I started crying as everyone started walking to the city.

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