Chapter 72

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Y/n's POV

I woke up and slowly opened my eyes being blinded a little by the light above me. I turned my head to the side to look around. As I turned my head, I saw a nurse standing beside my bed, checking something off on a clipboard. "Look who's awake. I'll go let the doctor know you're awake, then we'll inform your parents so they can come." She said, smiling at me. I nodded and sat up, watching as she left. My body felt sore, but I managed to get out of bed before trying to look out the window. I could barely look out the window seeing the hospital grounds. The door to the room opened behind me before I turned and looked seeing the doctor. "Hello miss Midoriya or do you prefer to go by... Y/n Uraraka?" The doctor asked.

"I'll go by either." I said, before coughing a little. The doctor smiled and nodded before gesturing to a cup on the table next to my bed. I walked over and took a drink of water. "Will you take a seat on the bed? I'd like to check and see if any injuries remained after your fight with the Shie Hassaikai." The doctor said. I nodded and sat down on the bed. The doctor started checking over my body, making sure I didn't have any long-term injuries. "Well, from what I can tell you, don't seem to have any more injuries, which is amazing given what happened about a week ago." The doctor said.

"It's been that long?" I asked.

"Yes, you were unconscious for about a week now. Both of your parents have been here to visit you, but our biggest concern is what happened to your body after being exposed to that girl, Eri's quirk." The doctor said.

"Is Eri okay?" I asked.

"Yes, she is. However, we've had to monitor her condition with caution, since we're not entirely sure how her quirk works." The doctor said. 

"Can I see her?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, but with her quirk we can't allow anyone near her." The doctor said.

"I'll allow her to." Someone said. I looked up seeing mr Aizawa at the door. "Mr Aizawa!" I cheered. 

"Keep it down kid. We're still in a hospital." Mr Aizawa said. I covered my mouth and nodded before the doctor sighed. "Since you're here Easerhead, I guess it should be fine for her to see her." The doctor said, getting up and leaving the room. Mr Aizawa walked a little closer to me before the doctor stopped him. "You'll also need to tell her about what happened." He whispered to mr Aizawa.

"What happened?" I asked, looking at them. Mr Aizawa sighed as the doctor left the room leaving us alone. "Let me say this first, what happened during the raid isn't your fault in any way." Mr Aizawa said. I looked at him confused before thinking about what happened to Sir Nighteye. "Is Nighteye okay? He was hurt really bad and I had to use the last of my first aid supplies on Mirio to help him, so I couldn't help Nighteye." I said.

"I'm sorry, but when he was transported to the hospital there wasn't anything they could do for him." Mr Aizawa said. As he said that I remembered feeling sad about something and giving someone my flame cloak before thinking about Nighteye's last word's. "'Work hard and be sure to smile.' Those were his final words." I said, as tears started falling down my face.

"How'd you..." Mr Aizawa said. 

"Her flames show her emotions, when Nighteye was dying Mirio came into the room with her Kitsune's cloak and those passed her emotions through to her." Papa said. I looked up and saw papa and mama standing in the doorway. "Hi sweetie, we came to visit before we got the call you woke up." Mama said. I smiled before she came over and hugged me. "I'm sorry." Mama said. I hugged back, crying into her shoulder while I processed Nighteye's death. After a few minutes I let go and looked at mr Aizawa. "Can we go see Eri?" I asked.

"Sure, but Uraraka and Midoriya can't come it's too dangerous right now." Mr Aizawa said.

"That's fine, we'll go get her things and head back to the school." Papa said. Mr Aizawa nodded as papa handed me a bag. I looked inside and saw an outfit for me to wear. "We'll see you once you get back to the dorms." Mama said, kissing my forehead. I nodded and waved as they left heading back to the dorms. I quickly went to the bathroom and changed before mr Aizawa took me to Eri's room. We got to the room and Eri was sitting up and drinking something from a cup. "Eri! You're okay!" I cheered running into the room. She looked up at me before looking away. "What's wrong?" I asked, walking up to her bed. 

"I hurt everyone." Eri said.

"That's okay, we can recover from our injuries." I said, hopping onto her bed. She looked at me as I smiled at her. I looked at her arms seeing the cuts on them. "Let me guess, Overhual cut your arms." I said, gently touching her arms. Eri flinched as I touched her arm. "Sorry, you probably don't like being touched." I said. She nodded. "Mr Aizawa did my papa pack a brush for me?" I asked. Mr Aizawa looked in the bag of mine that he was still holding before tossing me a brush. I caught it and smiled at Eri. "Can I brush your hair? Mama taught me how to do it without hurting myself." I said. Eri just looked at me before I got up and sat behind her. I slowly started brushing her hair making sure to go slowly while taking the many knots out of her hair. "Y/n I know you want to stay, but we should get back." Mr Aizawa said. I sighed as I finished brushing her hair and got up. "Please don't go." Eri said, grabbing my hand. 

"Can I stay? Papa told you what happened to me with Eri's power right?" I asked. Mr Aizawa grumbled before nodding and leaving the room. I turned back and smiled at Eri again. "Guess I can stay. And don't forget your quirk doesn't work on me." I said. She just looked at me and nodded as some of her hair fell in front of her face. I giggled and moved her hair behind her ears so her hair would stay out of her face. 

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