Chapter 42

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Y/n's POV

I fell asleep in Kota's lap for a few hours before I woke up to see everyone else arriving at the campgrounds. I hopped out of Kota's lap and changed back into my human form and stretched. Everyone was covered in scrapes and bruises from the fights as Pixie-bob welcomed them to camp. They all stood in front of her, complaining about being hungry and how they were in pain. Pixie-bob said that papa, Bakugo, Shoto and Ida were some of the best of the bunch and she wanted to groom them herself. "Wait, I forgot about one little kit." Pixie-bob said, looking at me. She rushed over to me and started petting me. "This little kit needs more grooming than anyone else." Pixie-bob said. I tried to get away from her, but she just hugged me tighter, not letting me go. "Papa, help me." I said, reaching for him. 

"Sorry, not exactly sure what I can do." Papa said.

"Mandalay. Has she always been like this?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"It's gotten worse lately. She's at the age to take a mate." Mandalay said.

"Eraser... Can I keep this kitten?" Pixie-bob asked.

"No." Mr. Aizawa said. I sighed and smiled, not worried about being taken from papa and mama. "I like the Wild Wild Pussy Cats, but I don't think I could ever live with them." I thought. After that, papa asked about Kota. Mandalay explained who he was before papa went up to say hi before being punched by Kota in the balls. "Kota!" I shouted. He looked over at me as I rushed over to papa. "I'm sorry Y/n." Kota said before walking away. 

"The last thing I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes. Except maybe Y/n." Kota said, whispering the last part. I smiled and nodded as he continued to walk away. "Enough playing around. Get your stuff off the bus and into your rooms. After that, we'll feed you in the cafeteria. Tomorrow, your training starts in earnest." Mr. Aizawa said. We all gathered out stuff out of the bus before heading inside and putting it away. After that we headed down to the cafeteria where the Pussy Cat's were making dinner for us. They prepared an entire feast for us and everyone was eating as fast as possible. The Pussy Cat's were running around the cafeteria setting out more food for us to eat. "Hey Kota! Will you bring me those vegetables?" Mandalay asked, running back to the kitchen. Kota seemed upset about something and went to take the box of vegetables to the kitchen. I hopped out of my spot and walked over. "Need some help?" I asked.

"Sure." Kota mumbled. I smiled and nodded lifting the other end of the box. We walked it to the kitchen and dropped it off. "Here you go." Kota said. Mandalay looked at him and the box before seeing me. "Kota why'd you ask if she'd help you?" Mandalay asked.

"He didn't I offered to help." I said. 

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry Kota and thank you for helping him Y/n." Mandalay said. I nodded before heading back out of the kitchen. After dinner we all got ready to have a bath in the area that the Pussy Cat's had prepared. The hot springs that they had set up were super nice and refreshing. I heard Ida yelling at Mineta from the other side of the wall before I heard something climbing up the wall. "Before you become a hero you should learn how to be a good human first." Kota said. I looked up at the wall and saw Kota standing up there. "Mineta can be the worst can't he?" Tsu said.

"Yeah. Thank you Kota!" I shouted. He turned around and looked down at us before gasping and leaning too far over the wall. "Oh no." I said. I got up and rushed to the wall before I heard papa say something. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself before heading to the exit. I saw papa holding a passed out Kota and followed him to the office. "The rush from the fall probably made him faint. Thank you both for coming with him." Mandalay said. 

"You're welcome." I said.

"Easer warned me one of the boys in your class was a little girl crazy. So I stationed Kota up there to protect you. I guess that's just one of the dangers teaching kids your age." Mandalay said. 

"I'm just glad he's alright." Papa said.

"You must've moved pretty fast to catch him though." Mandalay said.

"I wasn't the only one to move though." Papa said, looking at me.

"Yeah had he fallen towards our side I would've tried to catch him." I said.

"He doesn't like heroes very much, does he? It's weird because I'm surrounded by people who want to be heroes." Papa asked.

"How observant. Of course, he isn't alone. There are many who don't approve of us in society. If he had a normal childhood he might've admired heroes just like you." Mandalay said.

"What happened?" Papa asked. 

"It was Mandalay's cousins. Kota's parents, that is. There were heroes as well, but they were murdered." Pixie-bob said, coming into the room.

"It was a villain. Two years ago. Kota was still so small. They were killed while protecting citizens. One of the most resceptable ways to be killed in this line of work. But..." Mandalay said.

"How do you tell a kid that your parents died a respectable death?" I finished.

"Yeah, how do you explain something like that to a child his age? They were his entire world. Only to him his parents left him behind." Mandalay said. Mandalay continued explaining why he didn't like heroes and how he might not even like them and being here. Papa couldn't find anything else to say before heading back to the baths. "I get it." I said. Mandalay looked at me as I thought about my life. "My parents were killed by a villain too." I said.

"I thought that boy and one of the girls in class was your mother." Pixie-bob said.

"They are, but my real parents died to a villain and I lived by myself until papa found me." I explained.

"I see, I'm sorry to bring up such bad memories." Mandalay said.

"It's fine, besides I have my new mama and papa." I said. After I finished my bath I went to bed while some of the other girls stayed up and played games. The next morning we were woken up by mr. Aizawa at 05:30 (5:30 am) so we could start our training. Mr. Aizawa explained everything that they had been teaching us and how it wasn't any quirk training and that was the point of the training camp.

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