Chapter 23

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Y/n's POV

When me and mama arrived at the station, we saw Gunhead waiting for us to get off the train. Once he saw us, he waved and seemed thrilled that we were interning with him. He led us to his agency, where he had us get changed into our hero costumes. I quickly changed since I just needed to change my pants and shirt before making sure the skirt looked right before walking out to see Gunhead waiting for us. "You sure look adorable." Gunhead said. I smiled and nodded to thank him before mama came out in her hero costume. "You two ready to head out?" He asked.

"We're going out already?" Mama asked.

"To show you around the place, I thought it might be best if we went out on patrol." Gunhead said. We were walking around as he was showing us the areas that we'd have to patrol. Gunhead started talking about what heroes do. As we were walking around, I smelled all the different types of food. All of it smelled good, and I wanted to try it, but knew that I couldn't step away from my job. "The basic hero goal. Control crime. When a crime happens, the police will contact us. These come in all at once and are filtered by district. Once we've helped with the crime, we file reports on services we provided assisting with arrests, recusing people, etc. Then a special agency looks at our work and decides how much they should pay us." Gunhead explained. Mama seemed blown away by how friendly Gunhead actually was. "So Y/n it seems like you knew more about me than Uraraka. How do you know so much?" Gunhead asked. 

"My papa loves heroes, and he studies them like crazy. I've read most of his notebooks that cover all different heroes and their quirks." I explained.

"Oh really? So, do you know how mine works?" He asked. 

"Your quirk allows you to shoot claw like bullets out of the gun like organs that are in your arm. The bullets are claw like and made from keratin." I explained. 

"Wow, you really do know a lot about my quirk." He said.

"Y/n's adoptive father is Izuku Midoriya. He made it to the tournament, but was defeated by SHoto Todoroki." Mama said.

"The green-haired kid?" Gunhead asked.

"Yeah, that's papa." I said.

"That kid was tough, too bad we didn't get to see more of his skills." Gunhead said. 

"Yeah, Deku is always working on something to do with heroes. I'm not sure if his analysis ability was a good thing to pass down to his adoptive daughter." Mama said.

"Actually when I teach you both how to use Gunhead Martial arts it'll be extremely useful. I do have one other question for both of you. What's the relationship with you two?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm sort of Y/n's mother figure. You could say I'm her adoptive mother." Mama said. 

"That's great, I bet you want to get strong enough to protect your mom huh?" Gunhead asked looking at me. I smiled and nodded. "Y/n, I'm strong enough to protect myself." Mama said. 

"I know mama, but I still want to help you." I said.

"Nothing like a clear goal to aim for. Alright, let's continue our patrol." Gunhead said. We continued our patrol before finishing and heading back to the agency for the rest of the day. While we were resting at the agency Gunhead continued asking me about papa, papa's quirk, my quirk and what I wanted to do as a hero. After we finished talking Gunhead led us to a couple rooms that we could use. "Get a good nights sleep, we've got training tomorrow." Gunhead said. Once I put my bag away I walked over to mama's room and knocked on the door. Mama opened it and looked down at me. "What's up sweetie?" She asked crouching down. 

"Can I borrow your phone to talk to papa, mama?" I asked. 

"Of course." She answered. She grabbed her phone and started calling papa before papa answered it. "What's up Uraraka?" Papa asked. 

"Not much, Y/n wanted to talk with you." Mama said.

"Ok." Papa said before mama handed her phone to me. 

"Hi papa." I said.

"Hi sweetie, shouldn't you be going to bed soon"? Papa asked. 

"Yeah, but I wanted to talk with you papa." I said. I heard a quiet sigh before I looked down. "I'm sorry for bothering you papa." I said.

"It's alright, I just didn't expect you to call and talk with me since we're both interning. I'm sorry I made you sad." Papa said. I stiffled a sniff before looking at mama who just smiled. "Me and mama are going to train in Gunhead Martial Arts tomorrow, and we went on patrol today." I said.

"That's great sweetie, you'll have to show me when we're training back at U.A." Papa said sounding happier. 

"I will, and me and mama will get strong while you're learning your quirk." I said. 

"I bet you will, but to do that you need sleep. I'm sure you know that though." Papa said.

"I do. Night night papa." I said with a nod before handing mama's phone back to her. She took it before kissing my forehead as I walked back to my room.

Uraraka's POV

"Hey Deku." I said.

"Thank you for taking Y/n with you to Gunhead's agency." Deku said.

"It's no problem. Just so you know she was disappointed when you two first started talking." I said.

"I know. I've got a lot on my mind since I started training this morning." Deku said.

"There's one thing you should know Deku, just because I'm here, it doesn't mean that Y/n can rest easy." I said shutting my door.

"What do you mean?" Deku asked. 

"When she stays at my apartment sometimes she likes talk about you before going to bed." I explained.

"She doesn't sleep when she's with you sometimes?" He asked.

"That's not it, you saved her remember. I think she's worried what might happen if you hurt yourself too much. You're her dad and pretty much her only family talking to you calms her down when she's somewhere new." I explained.

"I see, well tell her I love her, I miss her, and I'll be okay." Deku said.

"I will, goodnight Deku." I said.

"Night." Deku said before we hung up. I changed into my pajamas before heading to Y/n's room. I walked in and saw Y/n laying down. "Y/n?" I asked walking into her room. She looked at me before looking away. "I made papa upset, didn't I?" She asked.

"No, Deku loves you so much. You can't do anything to make him upset with you." I said sitting on the edge of her bed. 

"But he didn't sound happy that I called him." She said.

"I think he's just had a tough day. I'll tell you something though. Deku says 'He misses you, loves you, and that he'll be okay." I said. She nodded. "Feeling better?" I asked. She nodded again. I went to get up but felt her grab my pajamas before I moved away. "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" She asked. I smiled and laid down next to her. "How about a lullaby to help you sleep?" I asked. She nodded against my chest. I started singing F/L/S (favorite lullaby song/ general song) trying to help her fall asleep. Once I finished the song I looked down to see a sleeping Y/n. I kissed her head before closing my eyes and falling asleep next to her.

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