Chapter 45

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Y/n's POV

As the man stared down at us, I heard Mandalay's voice come through with her telepathy. She was asking for us to come back to camp. Kota was scared, and I felt him grab onto my shirt as the man took his mask off. The person was talking about how he had to wear the mask because he was new and how someone couldn't get the good stuff on time. Kota let go of my shirt and started running away from us. "No! Kota!" I shouted. The man crouched down a little before jumping towards Kota. The man stopped in front of him before I saw his muscles come out of his arm. "That's his quirk." I thought.

"Ready?" He asked. Kota wasn't moving as I rushed over to step in front of him, so he didn't get hit. "It's you." Kota said. I didn't know what he was talking about before the hood over the man's face revealed a missing left eye and a huge scar. "Papa. Mama." Kota said. I panicked and realized that the person we were facing was Muscular, the man who killed Kota's parents. Muscular was winding up for a punch before I pushed Kota out of the way. I braced myself for a punch before I felt something pull on my shirt. I was just barely pulled out of the way of the attack. "Hmm, you look familiar." Muscular said. I looked back to see Kota holding onto my shirt. "What do you think you're doing?" Kota asked. 

"Protecting you now. Get out of here. I'll keep him busy." I said, getting up.

"Oh, that's right. You were on the list." Muscular said. I looked at him, confused, before I heard someone running towards us. "You're coming with me kid." Muscular said, reaching for me. I smiled at him. "No, I'm not. Papa!" I shouted. Papa appeared in front of me, forcing Muscular to stop. "Sorry. It took me a few seconds longer than I expected." Papa said. 

"That's okay." I said. 

"Would you look at this? Here's another person who's on the list." Muscular said. I started thinking about what he was saying. "Papa, they're targeting someone." I said. 

"Would you look at that the kid has some brains! Can she figure out who the target though?" Muscular laughed.

"Y/n, take Kota and head back to camp." Papa said.

"No!" I shouted, stepping up next to him.

"If we do this we'll be in a lot of trouble." Papa said.

"That's fine with me." I said, readying myself for the fight. Muscular just smiled before walking towards us. "Y/n back me up and protect Kota if I can't." Papa said. I nodded. Muscular started talking about how papa and I were just like every wannabe hero. He also knew papa's name before he changed the location where his quirk was before rushing towards us. I closed my eyes and used my senses to determine where Muscular's attack coming from. As his attack was coming towards me I dodged before gripping his arm before managing to flip him. Muscular easily landed on his feet before flipping me. I opened my eyes and let go of his arm landing on my feet against the cliff face. "The brat has some muscle on her." Muscular said. Papa charged towards Muscular before being hit away and into the cliff face. 

Papa was holding his arm as he fell to the ground. "Hey, do you two know where I can find this Katsuki Bakugo?" Muscular asked. I looked at him realizing that it made sense about them going after Kacchan because of what happened at the Sports Festival. Muscular started fighting papa and was getting beaten pretty bad before I changed into my giant fox form and used my tails and body to absorb the blows. "Papa we need a plan." I said. He slowly got up as Muscular looked at me. "That's quite the size of a fox." He said. He grabbed my tails before swinging me above his head. I changed to my smaller size and was sent flying before before caught by something. "Y/n are you okay?" Kota asked. 

My head was spinning before I was set on the ground. "Yeah, I'm good." I said. I heard a blow hit something before I opened my eyes seeing papa  hitting Muscular in the stomach. His punch didn't seem to do anything to Muscular. Muscular easily pushed papa away from him as Muscular's muscles grew in size. Muscular started wailing on papa while I was still trying to get my feet back under me. Kota stepped forward and picked up a rock. "Kota, don't do it." I said. Kota threw the rock at Muscular distracting him from papa for a second before asking about his parents. Muscular started going on about the Water Horse heroes and how they were the cause of him having the artifical eye. Kota blamed him for his parents deaths before Muscular piped in about how little kids always blame someone else. "Don't get the wrong idea. It's not like I took them out because I was mad about the eye thing. I wanted to kill people it's as simple as that. They were trying to stop me. What happened was the result of all of us doing our best. The real travesty is promising to do something you aren't able to do." Muscular said. I growled before changing back to my giant form and charged at him.

I hit him in the chest not doing much damage. I saw papa's speed increase before he stuck his arm between some of Muscular's muscles. Papa wound his fist back before his shirt was torn up because of his power. Papa's hit caused a shock wave which forced Kota to go flying off the cliff. I rushed over and caught him with my tails. I lifted Kota back to safety before I heard some laughter coming from behind us. We looked to where the laughter was coming from and Muscular was just standing behind us completely fine. Papa yelled at him to stay back as he walked closer to us.

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